Meeting Minutes

McLean County Arts Center

Board Minutes

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather (by Zoom), Margaret Cordill, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Su Ge, Tamara Harvell, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Archana Shekara, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Taylor Williams

Absent: None

Staff: Doug Johnson

Meeting called to order at 4:58 pm.

President’s Report: Didi said that she and Doug had attended the final revitalization (streetscape) plan meeting for downtown Bloomington. Public comments had been positive, but several council members seemed to be “hedging their bets”, as Doug put it.

• Didi, Doug, David, and several others toured the Guitar Shop last Sunday and came away impressed with the building in general; that it was on a sound foundation and a well-built building.

• Didi asked that the April board meeting be moved to the 10th due to she and Doug being out of town on the regular meeting date. No objections.

Events Committee: Tamara announced the fundraising date and place: Thursday, August 22, Brown Ballroom at the Bone Student Center, Illinois State University. Time changed from 5:30 to 5 to give people time to view auction items and familiarize themselves with the new Online app. Donation deadline for auction items is April 29. The board was asked to help garner ads for the program booklet.

Treasurer’s Report: Susan wanted everyone to be aware of the $57,000 deficit to the budget, some due to building maintenance, two failed Development Director attempts and paying our consulting Development Director $4,000/month. Susan thought it would be rectified after the fundraiser and Sugar Creek Arts Festival.

Director’s Report: Doug said the Art Center was sending a letter to all members to contact their council person in support of the downtown streetscape plan. The plan is important for both downtown and the Arts Center.

• He has contacted the owners of the Guitar Shop with an offer of $195,000 for the building. He thinks they will respond positively. Thursday, March 21 addendum: Our offer has been accepted.

• The Amateur Show has been reviewed and changes will be made for next year, including accepting fewer works and having separate times for high school, college and adults award presentations.

• Doug gave a brief overview of the community survey sent to people on our mailing list. Drill-down to follow.

• We are putting out another call for a Development Director, with special emphasis locally and at Indiana University’s development degree program. At the same time, Doug would like to renew the contract with Katie Novak, who is acting as our consulting Development Director. She’ll be needed in our capitol fundraising efforts.

• Staff has been working on cleaning up the database.

• Doug announced a plan to have a bus trip to the Art Institute later in the year.

Meeting adjourned at 5:59 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

McLean County Arts Center

Board Minutes

February 21, 2024

Present: Bruce Cather (Zoom), Margaret Cordill, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Su Ge, Tamara Harvell, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Archana Shekara (Zoom), Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Taylor Williams

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Dave Templeton, Dana Altenburger, and Candice Byrd (who has stepped away from the board)

Meeting called to order: 5:00 p.m.


Chairperson Didi welcome and announcements.

Treasurer Susan report on Holiday Treasures exhibit being off.

Chairperson Didi discussed board member recruitment kickoff.

ED Doug led the Google Calendar/Laptop tutorial SHIT SHOW.

ED Doug Director’s Report:

Director’s Report

February 2024

Community Arts Access Panel 

We met and decided on Re-Granting Awards.  Notifications out the week of 2/14.  Panelists were: Tamara Harvell, John Poling, Kevin Keebler, Linda Willis Fisher, and Sheila Lamberson.  $12,500 was awarded.  We have received $10,000 from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and we have a minimum obligation to match 25%.  Applicant groups have a 50% match obligation. It is this role which makes us the “Arts Agency”, in that we are acting as Agents of the State.  

      • Awards: Illinois Art Station, $1,000; Heartland Jazz Orchestra, $1,400; BCPA, $1,000; West Side Revitalization Project, $300; Prairie Fire Theatre, $1,400; Holiday Spectacular, $1,400; Illinois Symphony Orchestra, $2,000; Threshold to Hope, $200; Heartland Theatre, $1,500; Town of Normal’ $2,000 Breaking Chains Advancing Influence, $300.
      • The IAC is looking to serve more counties and we have a valuable opportunity to expand our grantmaking footprint.  

Sugar Creek Arts Festival Call To Artists has gone out and the festival is posted.  Twenty-two applicants in the first two days. 33 applicants as of today.  Last year, our first on Zapp, we had 152 applicants.  Our next postcard mailing includes the call to artist. An announcement of the call was sent to all 2023 participants. Board members are invited to submit. Sugar Creek will be 10/5-6.  The committee is looking at shirt options. I have contacted the Security company *Securitas, Inc.  They have not sent a contract. I have also reached out to Prairie Land Golf & Utility Cars LLC. And we have now signed the contact for two carts with the same arrangement as last year.  Catering, Sponsorships and Volunteer training are next.  We have shirt designs, too.

The Route 66 exhibition Call To Artists has gone out via Cafe.  This is out first call for a a national exhibition.  It is utilizing Cafe, an external call to artist program.  Cafe is, incidentally, a child of the same company that runs ZAPP.  We have two artist applicants as of this writing. Our next postcard mailing includes the call to artist, too. Board members are invited to submit.  Entry Deadline: 6/1, exhibition dates: 7/5 - 8/24

The Amateur Exhibition Call to Artists has closed.  We received about 360 submissions, a twenty percent increase from last year. Phil Smith, who will be having a solo exhibition in the Armstrong gallery concurrently, serves as judge. The Awards event is 1pm on March 2nd, doors open at 11:30 

The Board Page of the website has been updated and all should have access.  The Board Google Calendar is hosted there, too. Board members logging on with their event have editing capabilities. All Board members have been added to the Wild Apricot group for board members, giving access to additional pages.

Other Events:

-The Next-To-Normal Story Slam on 2/2/24 had 43 attendees.  Thanks to Didi for attending. The next event will be on Friday, May 3 at 7:30 following the exhibition opening.  The theme is “It Happened One Night”. Past programs are available as podcasts on WGLT.

-The Illinois Humanities Council 

-The event with Toni Picasso on Mass Incarceration: Healing through Community and Art on 1/27 was a success. 50 Attendees were reported.  Thanks to Didi and Candice for attending.

- They are requesting that we become a regional Hub partner.  These added responsibilities are a good fit and puts us in the position of sharing information with community partners, media, and attending a handful of meetings.  I do not anticipate it to be any more an difference than our story slam time use.

Regarding Properties: The Guitar shop building owners are hoping to provide access next week.  David Park, our friend the building Inspector is available to look at the building with us at that time. Dave Reeves is asking $100,000 for his apartment house.

Other Items:

The membership page is operational, although additional fine tuning is occurring.

Creating a draft of the membership brochure.

New Tables, Flat Files, desks and chairs were donated by Mary Jo and Sandy Adams.  They closed their business, Star Net Printing, and Jeremy and I rented a U-Haul truck and made two trips to bring them in.  Thanks to jared for helping with the unloading and Connor (Intern) assisting with the installation of tables.

The Enameling Kin is installed and undergoing test firing today.

The Illinois Arts Council has approached me with a scholarship offer to attend the LEAD Conference from July 29-August 2, 2024 in Seattle, Washington

As an integral part of the Kennedy Center’s Access/VSA International Network, the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) program advances the full inclusion of people with disabilities in arts and culture. With a focus on expanding the breadth and scope of accessible programming, LEAD provides an opportunity for professionals in the field to develop best practices and resources; engage in conversations with colleagues and experts from around the world; and learn practical methods for designing inclusive arts experiences and environments.

The LEAD Conference not only introduces those new to the field to cultural accessibility solutions, but provides ongoing learning, support, camaraderie, and motivation—necessary fuel for anyone working to change the status quo. Join us for:

      • One-of-a-kind professional development in an intimate, rich atmosphere. No other conference focuses on accessibility in cultural venues like LEAD.
      • Access to ideas, experts and leading thinkers. Tap into the collective “brain trust” of arts managers from museums, theaters, parks, zoos, libraries, and other cultural venues from around the world.
      • Networking opportunities to meet and mingle with colleagues from around the world in an open and safe forum.
      • Practical information that can be implemented at your organization right away.
      • Something for every arts and cultural administrator. LEAD has sessions and workshops for the more experienced and those just starting their accessibility and inclusion journey.
      • Experiential opportunities to see accessibility in action in cultural settings through workshops and special events.
      • Year-round connections. Continue the conversations, ask questions and explore solutions after the conference through the Access/VSA International Network.

Arts Alliance Illinois’ Annual Benefit

Monday, May 13, 2024, 5pm at the Ramova Theatre in Chicago, IL.  Typically a board member has accompanied me to the event.

The Illinois Arts Council is making several organizational changes.

      • Nora Daley’s leadership
      • Grant availability and timeline
      • Community Arts Access Regions

Website Access

We will provide a demonstration during the meeting. 

Google Calendar Access:,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Member David requested presentation on the multiple arts agency, commission, and board engagement to better understand responsibilities and benefits – to be done in one of the next two meetings.
Update and discussions about the two adjacent building purchases.
Waiting for access to the “guitar building”.

ED Doug to be making $95,000 offer on the apartment building.

Meeting adjourned: 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

David Dow, Acting Secretary

McLean County Arts Center

Board Minutes

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather (Zoom), Margaret Cordill, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Tamara Harvell, Susan Holifield, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Taylor Williams

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Candice Byrd, Su Ge, Jared Lacy, Archana Shekara

Meeting called to order: 5:02 p.m.

• Didi Skidmore asked that everyone sign a non-disclosure agreement for later discussions at this meeting.

• Didi announced that Committee Reports would still be due before the Executive Committee meetings, but

sent out to board members the Friday before board meetings so members would have the weekend to review.

• We will have a retreat in March.

Treasurer’s Report:

Susan asked if everybody wanted the Profit/Loss Statement that she had sent to board member and if anybody

wanted something other than the P/L Statement they should let her know.

David Dow, as chair of the Building Committee, made a presentation of the McLean County Arts Center Vis-

ibility Project, consisting of two parts: building exterior murals and building projection mapping. Following

a discussion, it was moved and seconded to continue on with both projects, starting immediately with Annie

Sungkajun, Illinois State University professor of graphic technology, who will have her students work on initial

project designs. The mural project will be on-going, but with less immediacy.

Director’s Report:

• Doug reviewed, with photographs, Phase Two of the Downtown Revitalization Project, which includes the

Arts Center.

• Doug led a discussion of future development of the Arts Center. After discussion, it was moved and seconded

to work with the endowment to purchase adjacent properties, pending negotiations with property owners.

Meeting adjourned: 6:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

No December 2023 Meeting

November 2023

McLean County Arts Center Board Minutes Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather, Margaret Cordill, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Su Ge, Tamara Harvell, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Archana Shekara, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Taylor Williams

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Candice Byrd, Sheila Lamberson

Meeting called to order: 5:01 pm.

Information from the President:

• No executive or full-board meetings in December.

• Didi thanked all board members who attended the Holiday Treasures opening.

• Reminder about the holiday gathering at Skidmore’s, Saturday, December 9.

Director’s Report: See page 2

Committee Reports: See page 3

• Concerning the mural and mapping (projecting visuals onto a building) mentioned in the Building Committee report, Doug said he was in discussions with the City of Bloomington about the downtown redevelopment plan, which includes mapping on the Museum of History. “Beacon technology” was mentioned. Beacon technology essentially provides contextual information to its users, allowing businesses to actively engage with their customers. It works in accordance with indoor and outdoor navigation systems.

Old Business: • Didi wanted to make sure everybody filled out the Online “Conflict of Interest” form Doug sent.

• Didi asked for volunteers for an ad hoc “New Member Orientation” committee. Susan Holifield and Dave Templeton volunteered to join Didi on the committee. New Business: • Susan Holifield went over handouts about our finances, including breakdowns of Sugar Creek and Arts Alive income and expenses.

• Didi handed out a Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire. Everyone filled it out on-site. • Doug gave a talk about the differences between For-Profit and Nonprofit organizations. See pages 4 and 5. Meeting adjourned: 6:18 pm. Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

Director’s Report 2 Committee Report 3

The differences between for-profit vs. nonprofit Besides the use of profits, there are a number of functional and idealistic differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Review this list of the nine biggest distinctions between the two types of businesses to learn more:

1. Funding One of the biggest differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations is the manner in which they raise capital for their ventures. Traditionally, for-profit companies seek investors to help start their company and keep it growing. Usually, these investors receive a share of any profits made in return for their investment. Nonprofits, by contrast, seek donations rather than investments. Any individual, organization, or institution that gives money to a nonprofit will not receive a share of profits. It’s a pure donation rather than an investment.

2. Purpose Another key difference between a for-profit and a nonprofit organization is the institution’s purpose or mission. Generally, for-profit companies seek to provide a product or service to consumers and make a profit by doing so. A nonprofit organization’s purpose is to provide a service or benefit to the community with no intention of earning a profit. Instead, they’re fully focused on improving the social aspect of their community and not on making money.

3. Audience In most cases, for-profit companies have a very specific, defined audience they target with their product or service. Many for-profit businesses perform extensive research and analysis to find their ideal customer and then devote resources to ensuring that a segment of the population knows about the company’s product or service. Nonprofits usually have a much broader audience. Most must appeal to a market that includes potential donors, the community the nonprofit serves, consumers who will purchase the nonprofit’s service or product, and volunteers or other stakeholders who work with the organization.

4. Leadership The leadership committee that oversees the operations of the company differs substantially from a for-profit company to a nonprofit organization. In a for-profit business, often the top leaders have a firm and substantial financial stake in the company’s success. This group of leaders may be a single owner, a group of owners, or a compendium of stockholders. These leaders are concerned primarily with increasing the company’s profits. In a nonprofit organization, the leadership committee is often a board of directors who gain no financial benefit from their affiliation with the company. Instead, they guide the organization by considering how well the company meets the outlined mission and finding ways to improve community outreach, recognition and donations.

5. Culture The company culture in a for-profit company is often focused on how to best improve sales and profits. Most organizational discussions and the overall group mindset center on the best ways to meet financial goals. In a nonprofit organization, by contrast, the culture is often more community-minded. Instead of discussing ways to make more money, employees, volunteers, and leaders spend time brainstorming ways in which they can further benefit their community and increase the social effectiveness of their organization’s efforts.

6. Taxes Tax law differs substantially between for-profit companies and nonprofit institutions. In most cases, for-profit businesses must pay taxes on their business endeavors and profits as stipulated by the federal and state govern4 ments. Nonprofit organizations must receive a special tax designation from the government, usually by registering as a 501(c)3, but once they’ve done so, they receive tax benefits not available to for-profit companies. When considering the implications of taxation, it’s always best to consult a tax professional for the most up-to-date and applicable information for your situation.

7. Staff Generally, the staff for a for-profit company is made up of paid employees, and potentially a few unpaid interns. The employees who work for a for-profit business often do so in order to earn a living for themselves rather than singularly for a commitment to the company’s cause or mission. Nonprofits, however, often operate with a team of volunteers and a few paid employees. These volunteers give their time with no compensatory benefit because they believe in the work the organization does and want to provide a service to their community.

8. Ownership Another key difference between a for-profit and nonprofit organization is ownership. For-profit companies can have a number of different ownership models, but the physical and intellectual property the company uses is technically owned by whoever maintains control of the company. In a nonprofit organization, there are no true owners. It’s a publicly owned entity, and none of the physical or intellectual property the organization uses can be taken by a member of the organization as compensation for their work with the institution.

9. Accountability Since most nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt, they’re required to file information about their financial and business practices with local and federal organizations for accountability purposes. Usually, nonprofits do this annually with a document called IRS Form 990. For-profit institutions are not required to file accountability information since they pay taxes on their earnings and profits.

Board Minutes

October  2023

Board Minutes

September  2023

Board Minutes 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather, Margaret Cordill, David Dow, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Allyson Frink, Su Ge, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Taylor Williams 

Staff: Doug Johnson 

Absent: Candice Byrd, Tamara Harvell 

Meeting called to order: 5:00 pm. 

Director’s Report: 

• About Sugar Creek Arts Festival (SCAF): most bands have been selected, 94 artists have paid booth fees and 56 artists are on the wait-list, selecting booth assignments next. 

• The second Development Director candidate pulled her name from consideration. 

• Many trees on our property have been trimmed and the two evergreens have been removed from the McCullough sculpture site. 

• Jeremy and Doug bought new shelving for the ceramics area as a result of the growth of the program. Jeremy is doing an excellent job organizing the three classrooms. 

• The Lobby video monitor will now only be a device for showing upcoming events and announcements. 

• Back stairway is at a standstill. 

• Seeking bids for resurfacing the galleries drywall. The Executive Committee, after discussion, suggested we do one gallery each year for the next three years to avoid closing MCAC for a long time. The Board concurred. 

• Staff is tracking issues with ceramics supplies. 

The Task Force on staff needs will be writing the responsibilities of the Executive Director and will end their service in the next couple of weeks. 

Arts Alive: Susan says everything is ready to go. Committee will meet Thursday, August 17 to do set-up. 

Next on the agenda was a discussion of the organization’s by-laws. Dana and Taylor went over what is in the by-laws and what changes they suggest. Discussion followed, especially about the term of the Treasurer. Dana and Taylor will rework where necessary and bring the final product to the board at our next meeting for a vote. 

Didi shared charts she had made as a result of the questionnaire she had Board members fill out. She thought the board was fairly diverse in most areas, but thought we needed more ethnic diversity to represent all areas of the community. 

David proposed a new board member: Archana Shekara. Board members were very impressed with the data he’s provided to everyone by email. His proposal was moved, seconded and passed unanimously. 

There was a vote on raising the Executive Director’s discretionary spending limit to $2,500 from $500. Since you can’t do much with $500 anymore the suggestion was unanimously approved. 

Meeting adjourned: 5:59 pm. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Dave Templeton, Secretary

Board Minutes

July 2023

1.Welcome New Board Member - Didi


Director’s Report

Doug returned last night from a week in Georgia assisting his aging parents. 

The Sugar Creek Arts Festival has been juried, and the 74 artists have confirmed participation. 29 more have not yet paid and we have 54 artists on the Wait List. They have until August 1st to confirm.  We have collected $27,340 from artist in application and booth fees.  Harmon, Mirza, and other grants will add  about $5,000 more.  Roundabout booths sold out in 24 hours, and we will be finalizing the artist booth map in late August.  We will be having the same security services as last year and are adding two golf carts to assist setup, etc.

We will be filming several Ceramics Tutorial Videos, to be posted as QR code links to education ceramists in our Open Studio Program.  We are addressing a lack of skill building from a handful of students working independently which has resulted in some issues.


Amy & Doug will be driving the McCullough’s work back to their home when the exhibition closes, as they are unable to transport the work themselves. Rashod Taylor and Ann Dawkins are delivering new work and Rec cording videos next week

Random  updates (just notes, as committee report covers these in more depth) 

The trees at the alleyway have been removed.  The electrician is scheduling his work in the back stairway, when that is completed we will have the painter and carpet installer come in. No date from Parking Lot trees yet, although the parking blocks in the education lot are now pegged into place permanently. New staff signs have arrived and been placed in the building.

Director of Development 

Interviews: Our top candidate selected a similar role elsewhere.  Other candidates declined interviews due to being hired, or other issues.  Carmel and I interviewed our sixth ranked candidate from the second search, her previous interview was missed because she was I a bad car accident.  We liked her, but her background in primarily theater and human services.  

Round three: We have left the application portal open and will post new applicants to the Task Force (on the shared drive) for appraisal and  scheduling new interviews.

7/30 BBQ event proposal from Education Committee

3.Board Projects - Didi

4.Ambassadorship - moving to self reflection and concrete ideas for change after the "Summit". - Didi

The new building committee consisting of David Dow, Dana Altenburger, and Dave Templeton has not met yet. This report is a recap from Didi transitioning out of the Chair role and an update from Doug on open issues.

From Didi 7/5:

In our south lot, parking blocks were secured so snow plowing would be easier.

In the southeast stairwell, the window and dropped ceiling have been installed and the area will be ready to paint soon.

Doug indicated that the little under stairs closet with a window in that area could be cleaned out and perhaps used for clay storage...Doug and Jeremy would need to be in on that decision.

There is also a need to keep working on external signage and lighting on the tower sign.

From Doug 7/5:

The back stair renovation continues, we will be following up with the painters to schedule, as the contractor is finally wrapping up.

[Note from David – in a follow up to Doug asking about the timeline for completion he indicated that this is a small job, and that the contractor gave us a very good price, so we need to work with their available schedule. Doug hopes to have this complete by end of month.]

From the On Site- Off site:

The idea was raised to have a mural on the exterior of the building to increase visibility and raise awareness. The building committee will discuss this at our first meeting and come up with an outline for a plan, including next steps to present to the Exec Comm and board at the August meeting. 

[Note from Doug - The concrete wall on the south side is ideal the spot for a mural.  We need to be modeling the Philadelphia Mural Project guidelines for this and we have most of the needed supplies on hand.]

Board Minutes

June 2023

Board Minutes

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather, David Dow, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Allyson Frink, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Candice Berg, Dan Galvin, Su Ge

Meeting called to order: 5:00 pm

Director’s Report:

• The two trees in the alleyway will be removed by Oak Bros. Both are damaged and present a liability.

• One of three windows in the back stairway has been replaced. Still waiting for the contractor to complete the job.

• A promotional video was created for us by Bob Carroll’s media class at ISU. It features Erin, Claire, and Jeremy, with a cameo by Deana. It is posted to our website.

• MCAC has applied for the Illinois Creative Recovery Grant (B2B Arts). If we are eligible, based on unknown formulas, we would receive a minimum of $5,000. As we served as local promoter of the grant we will be getting $800.

• On Monday Doug and board president Didi Skidmore will be in Chicago for the Arts Alliance annual fundraiser.

• Wiring is now in place to add an existing TV in the lobby, by the staff photos, to serve as a calendar of events. It will be set as a powerpoint style slide show.

• Four new LED flat panel lights have been added to the Armstrong gallery, replacing the four inset cans. They need not be used at all times.

• New heavy duty shelving for books is in place in the basement hallway to move the books to a better location.

• MCAC will serve as Host for an Illinois Humanities event on November 11th regarding Incarceration, Rehabilitation, and Social Justice. Our friends from Labyrinth are involved, too.

• MCAC hosted a Next to Normal Story Slam event on May 5th. The next will be on August 18th.

• MCAC hosted the memorial service for James Keenan on May 6th.

• MCAC has just under 100 applications for the Sugar Creek Arts Festival using the new Zapplication program.

Submissions are due by the end of the month.

• Doug is serving on the Public Art Commission for the Town of Normal. He’s also serving on the art-in-architecture ISU Arts Building Project commission.

Didi introduced Taylor Williams to the board. She and Tamara Harvell, who was not present, are interested in being board members. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to make them such.

There was a question about the ISU media class video: how would the video be used? Doug said it would be used on Facebook, as well as on the MCAC Website.

Didi announced that Susan Holifield would be a liaison between the Arts Alive dinner committee and the board.

Ruth Ann, our treasurer, will resume providing the board with a monthly financial statement in the premeeting board materials.

Education Committee Report:

• Deana reported that Jeremy Langston, our new Education Director, has many ideas for the future of MCAC art education, including increasing class sizes, reorganizing the painting/drawing classroom and recruiting new teaching staff.

• There was talk about a new kiln for enamel jewelry and fused glass. We were reminded that we’d already signed off on buying a kiln for up to $3,000. Lisa Blackmon was mentioned as someone interested in teaching enameled jewelry.

• Winter/Spring net revenue is $17,689.71, after teacher pay, supplies and general expenses.

• The committee recommended to the board to raise the pay of Sarah Hurley, Ceramic Assistant, to $16 an hour (from $15/hr). Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously.

David Dow questioned the appropriateness of the board approving pay raises for individual teaching staff and wondered which staff position should be responsible for such decisions. (The new task force on bylaw revision will address this and other changes that will need to be made concerning staffing and budgets since our change in staffing structure.)

Doug told the board that he would be reissuing a call for the Development Director as the person selected declined the position.

Meeting adjourned at 5:53 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

Board Minutes 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 

Present: Dana Altenburger, David Dow, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin, , Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton 

Staff: Doug Johnson 

Absent: Candice Berg, Bruce Cather, Su Ge 

Meeting called to order: 4:59 pm 

• New president Didi Skidmore thanked Sheila Lamberson for all she did for the Arts Center and Art Center board this past year as president. Didi also entertained a motion to have Sheila stay on the board as an Ex-Officio member. Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously. 

• Didi suggested two dates for the next retreat, May 20 or June 3. (Email vote taken after meeting: June 3 picked.) 

• There was a short discussion about the future of the annual fundraiser. Some members thought it was too elitist. Others have no problem with the way it is, maybe with some small revisions. Nothing further at this time. 

Director’s Report: 

• Doug reminded the board about the financial report from the last meeting, with the suggestion of the advisors that the board consider taking less risk (more bonds , less stocks). a motion was made and seconded to follow the advisors advice. Motion carried unanimously. 

• Building recommendations: remove two evergreens in front of McCullough sculpture, have lower garden tier at corner of East and Mulberry made into rotating sculpture display, remove Herb Eaton sculpture, install handrails for steps from street to sidewalk in front ($700 estimate), install 4x4 treated posts to support signage mounted away from the building facing Locust Street ($700 estimate without sign), and drill holes through the parking blocks into the asphalt on the Mulberry Street parking lot. Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously. 

• New staffing: Jeremy Langston has accepted the role of Education Director and Amy Yeager has accepted the Curator position. A possible Director of Development is being interviewed. 

• Siding of the building has been completed by Carlson Exteriors at a total cost of $20,801.80. 

• New drop ceiling and lighting in classroom hallway and staging area is complete. 

• Still no action on the Brandt back stairway. 

• One State Arts Conference to be in Springfield, April 23-25. Doug playing a major role as team captain in meetings with state officials. 

• Rashod Taylor has asked about a pass-thru donation and an honorarium to support his exhibition. Board voted not to accept this idea. 

Craig Queen announced his resignation from the board due to his appointment to the Normal Zoning Board of Appeals, therefore lacking the time commitment to the Arts Center board. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:53 pm 

Respectfully submitted, 

Dave Templeton, Secretary

Board Minutes

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Present: Dana Altenburger, Candice Berg, Bruce Cather (Zoom), David Dow, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson (Zoom), Craig Queen (Zoom), Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin, Su Ge, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Meeting called to order: By President Lamberson at 5:00 pm

The Board was introduced on Zoom to members of MCK CPAs & Advisors, financial advisors for the endowment account and auditors of the Art Center’s finances. They told the Board that there was $1,806,681.77 in the endowment at the present time. There have been $23,000 in withdrawals and $36,000 in investments. The portfolio is down -2.6% over the last 12 months, but up 12% over the last three years. The advisors consider the endowment strong at this point. It’s somewhat aggressive, with14% bonds and 86% stocks. MCK suggests the Board consider becoming more conservative, with 30% bonds and 70% stocks. It was suggested by Doug that the Board should look over the draft of the auditor’s report before making any changes to the endowment portfolio.

Director’s Report:

• Applications for the new hires closes at midnight, March 19. We have three Curator applicants, 7 Development applicants and 1 Education applicants. Review of the applications and calls for interviews will follow the 19th.

• The board needs to be looking for new board members.

• The Capital Bill final report has been submitted.

• The Illinois “OneState” arts conf. will be held in Springfield, April 23-25. Doug is serving as a meeting captain.

• The building-wide WI-FI has greatly increased access and security.

• The Amateur Exhibition is open. There were over 100 pieces accepted for the show out of 200 submitted. The fee, upped to $5, resulted in $1,000 in revenue. The three shows opening brought in donations of $200 in the box.

• Zapplication, the Sugar Creek software, is working and has already produced almost 40 applications.

• Building updates: new siding will be installed next week. New lighting and ceiling tiles in the staging area also next week. Still no news on the window for the southeast entrance.

• Brice Ward has built new movable walls for the galleries and are being used for the Amateur show.

• The Donor and Building Campaign display boards are in place.

• The General Operating support grant has been submitted to the state.

  • We have three new interns: Molly Roth (ISU), Cynthia Castro (IWU) and Abby Nytko (IWU).

 Education Report:

• Krystal Lyon, current Education Director, is working on plans for the new Education Director.

• A recommendation was made to purchase a kiln for those interested in enameling and fusion glass. Approved.

Sheila suggested that the Board nominate and approve Didi Skidmore as the next president of the Board. The subsequent vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 6:01 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

January 2023 Minutes

MCAC Board Meeting 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

 Director’s Report:

-We should be looking at potential new board members.

-The Capital Bill funds have been deposited ($100,000).  A final report is due at the end of the month.

-The State’s “OneState” Arts Conference will be in Springfield April 23 to 25.  The Sunday meeting is for Local Arts Agencies, Monday is several presentations, Tuesday is advocacy in the Statehouse.

-Our long dysfunctional building-wide Wifi issues have been resolved.  We have installed a google mesh wifi system and this allows for the classroom doorbell to be functional and part of the Ring network. Chimes have been installed throughout the building so that is any doorbell is rung staff are alerted.  This will allow for the exterior door to no longer be propped prior to classes, increasing safety and securing.  Additionally a public wifi sub-network is installed for all visitors with signage.  Wifi network is “MCAC-members” password is “isupportthearts”

-The Call-to-Artist for the Amateur Exhibition will go out next week.

-Sugar Creek Software: We have moved away from EntryThingy for the Sugar Creek application. The cost between that service and Zapplication is negligible and artists have been frustrated with the EntryThingy system for years.

-Exhibition openings this Friday. We will introduce limited food.  As the Jagitsch and Decorie exhibitions are both Black and White themed, we will have black and white cookies.  The exhibition videos are now live. 

-New Movable Wall- Brice Ward was hired to create two new movable walls (on wheels).  They are ten feet tall, eight feet wide and four feet deep.  The wheels lock.  We will paint.  Cost is $1,100 per wall.  One has ben finished.  The second will be available for the Amateur exhibition.

-our Donor Board and Building Campaign Board are both in place.

-State Grants: The General Operating support grant is due in Mid-March.  The application will be available beginning next week.  The Community Arts Access Grant, which we administrate on behalf of the IACA and NEA is now available for applications. 

-A new computer for Point of Sales in being set-up.  The previous system was 10 years old and crashed repeatedly during Holiday Treasures transactions.

Spring Interns: 

-Molly Roth (senior studio major at ISU) Fridays and Saturdays, 8 hours per week, working on exhibitions.

-Cynthia Castro (first year Marketing major at IWU) will be working on Tuesdays, 3 hours a week, in advance of a larger commitment in the fall term.

-Abby Nytko (senior English/Eduction major at IWU) hour hours per week on grants and special projects, 4 hours per week.

Building Items Doug is working on:

-Work on the new staff shared office has begun: Painting, lighting, computers

-The new siding will be installed in the next six weeks

-We have asked for a bid on replacing the ceiling and lighting of foot of the stairs by the main entrance.

-We have asked for the bid to illuminate the exiting exterior sign.  

-No progress on back stairway.

-a basement only vacuum was purchased, along with extra filters for the classrooms.

MCAC Education Committee Last met November 29th, 2022 4:00-5:00 PM In person at the MCAC. 

• 2022 Year End Numbers

-109 total classes offered in 2022, which amounted to 667 student registrations.  14 of those were cancelled due to low.  Twenty-two local artists were hired as instructors in a diverse field of mediums and studies. We added screen printing, photography, jewelry making and collage work.  Our net revenue for Education for winter/spring (January-May) 2022 was $14,220.97, summer (June-August) 2022 was $6,495.84 and fall (September-December) 2022 was $11,181.40 for a total of $31,898.21.  Plumbing, ceiling & lighting were updated in the ceramics wheel room along with the purchase of a new wheel.  New lighting and ceiling was installed in the hallways downstairs.  Updated shelving, painting, organization and a new slab roller was added to the ceramic glaze room.  A new TV was installed in the painting room. 

• Winter Break Needs & Numbers for 2023

-Our winter break starts on December 22nd and runs through January 16th.  MCAC staff had the week of December 26th through January 2nd off for the holidays. January 3rd -the 16th will be spent cleaning, restocking and addressing other needs in the classroom. 

-winter/spring 2023 registration has begun with offerings of 46 classes, intensives and workshops.  Sixteen classes are at capacity.

• Ideas For 2023

Children’s Programming

* partnership with Arts Station on a quarterly activity, possibly synching with First Friday.

* offer a workshop based around the exhibits upstairs for children or teens. 

*work on our relationship with local schools and art instructors. 

*offer free workshop options at the MCAC in partnership with Normal Public Library, as we did in pre-Covid times. 

*organize the libray and offer it for public use, i.e. high schools and art teachers in the area. 

*possibly limit our class sizes, especially beginner classes where more instruction is needed.

*implementation of the Showcase wall downstairs in 2023 while considering security needs since there are no staff offices downstairs.

*pictures of classes and students and information on classes in the Tower Room in an effort to connect the upstairs with the downstairs.

*open the painting room for open studio time similar to what we offer in the ceramics area. Could we utilize advanced painting students as volunteers to monitor that time and space in trade for credits toward classes?

• Staff Change in 2023

-Krystal will be moving in 2023 to spend more time with her family. The Board has formed a task force to address current staffing needs and will hopefully find a replacement before May 1st.  It has been a great joy to have Krystal on staff these past 3 years as Education Coordinator.    We thank her for her dedicated work and wish her the best in this next chapter on her journey.  

Building Committee Report

Update of building/facility related activities:

1.The former curator's office is being refreshed to give workspace to 3 staff members. Paint has been acquired, 1 more desk to be added and 2 new computers installed.

2. The computer used for retail sales has been replaced and POS system installed.

3. WIFI has been expanded throughout the building using Google Mesh (please elaborate, Doug) The classroom doorbell has been connected to the system with chimes located in the wheel room, upstairs kitchen and lobby. This addition addresses security concerns for students and staff.

4. Carmel has contacted Tyree Campbell (contractor) in regard to the southeast stairwell windows. The will need to be reordered and installed ASAP.

5. Bryce Ward is constructing movable/modular walls to be used for exhibitions in the Brandt Gallery.

6. Marjorie Haige - ceramic assistant, is making large ceramic pinwheels for the outside urns for the spring display. She coordinated with Didi Skidmore on the selection of glaze colors - should be ready for a mid-March installation.

Membership Committee Report

* Membership as grown significantly year to year from 350 members to 391 a growth rate of 12%.

* 2023 Membership focus will continue to be on 1) Renewals & Retention - RENEWAL CAMPAIGN

2) Special member event - Two member only events to be held in 1Q for Sustainers and Director Levels.  A member event associated with the Amateur Event or exhibition review.

3) Again leveraging Sugar Creek for membership campaign.

4) Investigation of a member referral process that would invent new membership growth.

*Support from exhibitions and events for special member events.

*Membership renewal mailings and contacts of lapsed members - support from the board to both scrub the lapsed member list and contact lapsed members by board members.

*Investigation of the Wild Apricot system for data analysis of retention rates

MEMBERSHIP LEVEL UPDATE FOR DONATIONS OVER $1000 - If an existing member makes a general donation over $1,000 and is within 90 days of their renewal date, their membership will automatically be renewed at their previous level and will expire one year from their original renewal date (if they were previously at the Community Level or the Supporter Level, they'd be moved up to the Patron Level).

Example: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Shmoe donated $1,500 on 12/8/23. At the time of their donation, their member renewal date is 1/20/24. MCAC Staff will process their donation and automatically renew their membership at the Patron level, setting their renewal date as 1/20/25. They will then be sent a thank you letter for their donation and for their membership from the Executive Director, along with their membership card.

If the donor is not currently or has never been a member, they will be given a complimentary membership at the Patron Level, with their renewal date being one year from the date MCAC Staff processed their donation.

Example: John Doe sends in a general donation check dated 12/1/22. MCAC staff processed the check on 12/3/22 and establishes John Doe as a Patron Level member with a renewal date of 12/3/23. John Doe is then sent a thank you letter for their donation and for their membership from the Executive Director, along with their membership card.

No December 2022 Meeting

Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Director’s Report 


Carmel has given her last day as 12/14.  She has stated she will be available to help out after this date.  She has been offered options to work from home, but has not accepted this offer yet.  We remain in open dialog to keep her on staff.

Krystal will be returning to South Carolina in May.  Her parents and uncle have health issues and the distance has proven an impediment to providing them support.

Micaela has informed the team that she is being recruited by WGLT for a position with benefits.  She has not sought this out, but feels she must entertain the interview.  Her primary concern is insurance, as she has significant health care considerations and will be rolling off her parents insurance in the short term

Natalie, who most of you never met, was hired as a Curtail assistant two months ago.  She has abandoned the role given some personal metal health issues, which were previously undisclosed.

Sydney Steower, who has been extra help since Kimberly’s resignation, is away in Europe for a month, but will return in that capacity in the new year.

Otis Bras (IWU) will be an intern this spring.  Also, in the fall of 2023 and some in the spring of will be Cynthia Castro (IWU)


Back Stairway: The new doors for the Brandt back stairway is being replaced tomorrow.  No word yet on the long delayed window installation.  The paintings and carpeting for this space will be installed after the other tasks are completed.

Winter Plowing: Our previous contractor informed us this week that he is no longer offering the service. LKM, our landscaping service, is unable to take on additional contracts. Assistance in identifying a contractor is appreciated.

The lobby-basement Chair lift is installed and inspected.


The artwork from the Gregor and French exhibitions has been returned to out of town artists. Having these exhibitions back-to-back was regrettable, given the heavy work load they presented.  

Many thanks to everyone who assisted with preparing the holiday treasures exhibition.  Especially Dave Templeton, who proved to be a terrific asset during the artwork installation.

The town of Normal is interested in co-producing a Spring event, likely in 2024.  I don’t see a return to Spring Bloom, but instead a music/ demonstration focused event in cooperation with other presenting organizations.

The paperwork for the $100,000 grant has been submitted and the capital bill check should be arriving any day.

Education Committee Report:

To date there have been 647 active students enrolled in 49 classes, 12 intensives and 32 workshops.   Multiple students have participated in solo shows and submitted work to the Amateur Exhibition & Holiday Treasures show and sale.   The student show was very successful and discussion is ongoing as to the possibility of making this an annual event. 

Winter/Spring classes will resume on Jan. 17th and end May 21st.  This week the teaching staff was contacted requesting their availability to teach second semester classes and registration is set to begin on December 6th and 8th.  A planning meeting for all teaching staff is also being scheduled sometime within the next two weeks. 

We added classes & workshops to the current Fall Schedule including; Intermediate Chinese Brush Painting with Su Ge, Holiday Ceramic Class with Kirsten Heteji and Photography Field Trips with Dave Fulghum.

We sponsored an Education Booth at the Sugar Creek Arts Festival with live demos from our students and Instructors. We had over 200 individuals give us their contact information for a chance to win a free workshop. These new contacts have been added to Wild Apricot. 

Submitted by Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Building Report:

Didi is in traffic on her way home from Chicago and unable to attend.  These items were reported on the phone.

Thanks to Susan Holifield for the holiday decorations at the entrance.

No date yet for the siding installation.

Carmel may have a contractor of the snow clearing.  A bid is expected in the next day.

Present: Dana Altenburger, Sally Berry, Bruce Cather, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Dave Templeton Staff: Doug Johnson Absent: Ruth Ann Friedberg, Su Ge, Susan Holifield, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Didi Skidmore Meeting called to order: 5:02 pm

Director’s Report: • Doug informed the board about some staffing issues: – Carmel has given notice that her last day will be December 14. Doug is continuing dialog with Carmel, in hopes of keeping her on staff.

– Krystal will be leaving after the winter/spring semester to return to South Carolina. – Micaela has let the staff know she is being recruited by WGLT. She is considering the job because it includes benefits.

– Natalie, Curatorial Assistant, has quit due to mental health issues. – Sydney Steower is off to Europe for a month, but will return to the staff in 2023. – Otis Bras, from Wesleyan, will be an intern this spring and Cynthia Castro, also of IWU, will also be an intern, but in the fall of next year.

• A new door is being installed at the foot of the back stairway. No news on the window installation, so nothing else can be done until it’s in. • The lobby chair lift ha been installed and inspected. • We need a new contractor for snow plowing. • Doug lauded those who helped with the Holiday Treasures exhibition.

• The Town of Normal is interested in co-producing a spring event. Doug is not interested in bringing back Spring Bloom, but is interested in being involved with some type of event in cooperation with other entities.

• Paperwork for the $100,000 grant has been submitted and the capital bill check should come any day.

• Net income from Sugar Creek Arts Festival is $20,079.57.

Education Committee Report: Fall semester saw 647 students come through the door for 49 classes, 12 intensives and 32 workshops. Winter/spring classes will be from January 17 to May 21 (enrollment will start December 6). We sponsored an education booth at Sugar Creek and had over 200 people give us their contact information.

Building Committee Report: Thanks to Susan Holifield for the holiday decorations at the entrance. No date yet for the siding installation that was approved by the board. The rest of the meeting was a discussion about the staffing issues (see Doug’s report above). Doug wants to set up a Task Force to dig deep into staffing needs, including work classifications, salaries and workloads.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

October meeting was a Board Field trip

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Present: Bruce Cather, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin, Su Ge, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton. Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Dana Altenburger, Sally Berry, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Meeting called to order: 5:01 pm Sheila welcomed David Dow to the board. Introductions of board members made.

Director’s Report:

• The Capitol Bill grant application was submitted by Doug on September 15. We applied for a full payout of $100,000. There is no timeline for distribution.

• Doug thanked everyone who attended the exhibition receptions for the current shows (“Mentor [Dennis French] & Student”; “Alfonso Gosalbez Berenguer”;. “Paula McCarty: Women Who Painted”. A great amount of work, including several 12-hour days, went into the installation of the shows. Doug was helped in the install by Dennis French and several of French’s former students. • The call-to-artists has gone out for the Holiday Treasures show.

• Staff-wise, Natalie Troyer has been hired as a Curatorial Assistant to assist Doug, who is now serving as Acting Curator. She is an artist finishing her last semester at Illinois State before receiving her Bachelors degree. Doug also commented on the exhibition committee’s good work and that most of their work is now scheduling future shows. •

We’re waiting on the windows for the southeast stairway work and waiting on the bid for Lobby painting from Stoller Paint.

Building Committee: There was further discussion about the siding of the office area. A motion to approve the $18,000 bid for vinyl siding was approved unanimously.

Membership Committee: There was a membership discussion about lapsed and new members. Nothing decided.

Exhibition Committee: Committee met to review the status of approved and scheduled exhibitions. Also see fourth bulleted item under Director’s Report.

Doug spent the rest of the meeting showing the board the Administration section of the MCAC Website. Meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm. Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

Note: After the meeting Doug gave a tour of the building for those who were interested, including a chance to go up into the tower.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Present: Bruce Cather, David Dow, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin, Su Ge, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton.

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Dana Altenburger, Sally Berry, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Meeting called to order: 5:01 pm

Sheila welcomed David Dow to the board. Introductions of board members made.

Director’s Report:

• The Capitol Bill grant application was submitted by Doug on September 15. We applied for a full payout of $100,000. There is no timeline for distribution.

• Doug thanked everyone who attended the exhibition receptions for the current shows (“Mentor [Dennis French] & Student”; “Alfonso Gosalbez Berenguer”;. “Paula McCarty: Women Who Painted”. A great amount of work, including several 12-hour days, went into the installation of the shows. Doug was helped in the install by Dennis French and several of French’s former students. • The call-to-artists has gone out for the Holiday Treasures show.

• Staff-wise, Natalie Troyer has been hired as a Curatorial Assistant to assist Doug, who is now serving as Acting Curator. She is an artist finishing her last semester at Illinois State before receiving her Bachelors degree. Doug also commented on the exhibition committee’s good work and that most of their work is now scheduling future shows.

• We’re waiting on the windows for the southeast stairway work and waiting on the bid for Lobby painting from Stoller Paint. Building Committee: There was further discussion about the siding of the office area. A motion to approve the $18,000 bid for vinyl siding was approved unanimously.

Membership Committee:

There was a membership discussion about lapsed and new members. Nothing decided. Exhibition Committee: Committee met to review the status of approved and scheduled exhibitions. Also see fourth bulleted item under Director’s Report. Doug spent the rest of the meeting showing the board the Administration section of the MCAC Website.

Meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

Note: After the meeting Doug gave a tour of the building for those who were interested, including a chance to go up into the tower.

Board Minutes

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Present: Dana Altenburger, Sally Berry, Bruce Cather, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin (Zoom), Su

Ge, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen (Zoom),

Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Ruth Ann Friedberg

Meeting called to order: By President Sheila Lamberson at 5:00 pm

Director’s Report:

  • The new sink for the Ceramics room will be installed on Tuesday, July 26
  • Doug mentioned the success of the Harold Gregor and His Students show and thanked members

of the board who attended the opening reception. Many of Gregor’s students who are participat-

ing in the show were at the reception, including those from all across the country. Doug stated

that he thought this has been the most ambitious exhibition ever. Sixty artists and 79 artworks

are included in the show.

  • The staff is rounding up a Social Media team to create an action plan for all postings and would like a board member to serve on the committee. Sheila Lamberson volunteered.
  • LKM Landscaping is doing the Arts Center mowing and weeding. Doug likes what he’s seen so far.
  • The new lighting for the lobby and the Armstrong and Dolan Galleries has commenced and expected to be done by early next week. Lobby lighting: $2,700; Armstrong: $4,750; Dolan:


  • The northeast stairway project is on hold, awaiting the ordered window. The drywall work was done, but by Tyree Campbell’s crew instead of Chilly’s for the same price, $4,750. The estimate for stairway carpeting is $675 and painting estimate is $2,500. There was a motion made, seconded and carried unanimously to approve paying these costs.
  • We still don’t have a bid for vinyl siding for the office area. The person that came and looked at the building did not then submit a bid.
  • Lifts of Illinois bid $17,756 for a stair lift on the lobby stairs.
  • We have an estimate of $13,000 for the signage light box for the north exterior wall of the building.

Committee Reports were approved.

  • New Business: There was a lengthy discussion of “What is a Cultural District?” Bloomington and Normal do not have cultural districts. Doug is suggesting that Bloomington have a real cultural district, including the Arts Center and the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts.

There are benefits to the community and the cultural entities to having such a district. The discussion included talk about partnering with the BCPA on events or, at least, possibly having Arts Center openings at the same time BCPA is having events. The discussion about a cultural district will be on-going.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

No June 2022 Meeting

May 2022

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather, Allyson Frink, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Sally Berry, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Dan Galvin, Su Ge (tried to get on Zoom, not able to)

Meeting called to order: By President Sheila Lamberson at 5:02 pm

  • Introductions were made by all to welcome our new member, Susan Holifield. Director’s Report:
  • Doug has been informed by the state that they will release the $100,000 capitol bill dollars shortly.
  • Building work on the southeast stairway continues. We are also seeking bids to replace signage on the north side of the building. It may be as much as $18,000 for a lighted cabinet-style light with a plastic front and a marquee for text below. Also asking for bids on vinyl siding on the wood clad section of the building and carpet for the Brandt Stairway.
  • The COMMARTS application is due this week. Videos for upcoming exhibitions are being edited. On June 1st, Board President Sheila Lamberson will be attending the Arts Alliance Illinois Gala with Doug in Chicago.
  • Dialog is ongoing about the process for distribution of a new $50M Covid related cultural fund signed by the governor.
  • Sugar Creek application are due at the end of this month. Seventy-seven are now fully submitted. Historically we get a big number in the last days. Cards went out last week.
  • More on the building: There was a short discussion about the need for yard work (mowing, weeding, etc.),other than Doug having to do it all. Staff has gotten a bid from LKM Mowing & Landscaping for $1,700 for one year. On another matter, Doug said there would be another $1,000 added to the repairs of the southeast stairway area over what has already been approved. It was moved that we approve those expenditures and the motion carried unanimously.
  • Doug then itemized other building expenses: Dolan Gallery lighting, $2,800; Overton (work in ceramics room), $1,010; Armstrong Gallery lighting, $4,750; lobby lighting, $2,700; stairway trusses, $2,000; painting, $2,500; carpet, $2,500; drywall, $4,700 and stairway lighting, $1,150; for a grand total of $24,110. In addition, on the wish-list is $14,000 to repave the staff parking lot.

New Business: There was a lengthy discussion about a potential new board member, who seemed somewhat apprehensive about being a board member. It was moved that we ask her to serve on a committee as a first step toward possible board membership. The motion carried unanimously. Sheila announced that Dana Altenburger will serve the Executive Committee as the at-large member.

Other committee assignments are as follows:


Sheila Lamberson, President, Bruce Cather, Vice-president; Dana Altenburger, At-Large; Ruth Ann Friedberg, Treasurer


Carmel Rhoda, Chair; 


 Sheila Lamberson, Chair

Bruce Cather Sally Berry Deana Moore SchoolcraftJ Dave Templeton  Didi Skidmore  Allyson Frink Cindy Lawson-Kester Dana Altenburger, At-Large Ruth Ann Friedberg Dana Altenburger Craig Queen Dana Altenburger Su Ge Kimberly Kimberly Krystal Micaela


Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Co-Chair; Jared Lacy, Co-Chair 


Didi Skidmore, Chair


Bruce Cather, Chair; Ruth Ann Friedberg

Sheila Lamberson Sally Berry Dave Templeton Ruth Ann Friedberg Jared Lacy Allyson Frink Dan Galvin Cindy Lawson-Kester  Su Ge Carmel Rhoda Susan Holifield

After Sheila’s announcement about committee assignments, there was a discussion about a Board page in the fundraiser program booklet. It was suggested that we have a page with talking points about the qualities and skill sets needed for Board and committee membership. Sheila mentioned the spread sheet handout with ideas from our retreat on April 30, suggesting that we look it over, keeping in mind that we don’t want to forget the ideas or the whole exercise at the retreat would have been for nothing.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

Board Minutes

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Present: Dana Altenburger, Sally Berry, Bruce Cather, Allyson Frink, Dan Galvin (Zoom), Su

Ge, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen (Zoom),

Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Ruth Ann Friedberg

Meeting called to order: By President Sheila Lamberson at 5:00 pm

Director’s Report:

  • The new sink for the Ceramics room will be installed on Tuesday, July 26
  • Doug mentioned the success of the Harold Gregor and His Students show and thanked members

of the board who attended the opening reception. Many of Gregor’s students who are participat-

ing in the show were at the reception, including those from all across the country. Doug stated

that he thought this has been the most ambitious exhibition ever. Sixty artists and 79 artworks

are included in the show.

  • The staff is rounding up a Social Media team to create an action plan for all postings and would like a board member to serve on the committee. Sheila Lamberson volunteered.
  • LKM Landscaping is doing the Arts Center mowing and weeding. Doug likes what he’s seen so far.
  • The new lighting for the lobby and the Armstrong and Dolan Galleries has commenced and expected to be done by early next week. Lobby lighting: $2,700; Armstrong: $4,750; Dolan:


  • The northeast stairway project is on hold, awaiting the ordered window. The drywall work was done, but by Tyree Campbell’s crew instead of Chilly’s for the same price, $4,750. The estimate for stairway carpeting is $675 and painting estimate is $2,500. There was a motion made, seconded and carried unanimously to approve paying these costs.
  • We still don’t have a bid for vinyl siding for the office area. The person that came and looked at the building did not then submit a bid.
  • Lifts of Illinois bid $17,756 for a stair lift on the lobby stairs.
  • We have an estimate of $13,000 for the signage light box for the north exterior wall of the building.

Committee Reports were approved.

  • New Business: There was a lengthy discussion of “What is a Cultural District?” Bloomington and Normal do not have cultural districts. Doug is suggesting that Bloomington have a real cultural district, including the Arts Center and the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts.

There are benefits to the community and the cultural entities to having such a district. The discussion included talk about partnering with the BCPA on events or, at least, possibly having Arts Center openings at the same time BCPA is having events. The discussion about a cultural district will be on-going.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Templeton, Secretary

No June 2022 Meeting

May 2022

Present: Dana Altenburger, Bruce Cather, Allyson Frink, Susan Holifield, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Didi Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Staff: Doug Johnson

Absent: Sally Berry, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Dan Galvin, Su Ge (tried to get on Zoom, not able to)

Meeting called to order: By President Sheila Lamberson at 5:02 pm

  • Introductions were made by all to welcome our new member, Susan Holifield. Director’s Report:
  • Doug has been informed by the state that they will release the $100,000 capitol bill dollars shortly.
  • Building work on the southeast stairway continues. We are also seeking bids to replace signage on the north side of the building. It may be as much as $18,000 for a lighted cabinet-style light with a plastic front and a marquee for text below. Also asking for bids on vinyl siding on the wood clad section of the building and carpet for the Brandt Stairway.
  • The COMMARTS application is due this week. Videos for upcoming exhibitions are being edited. On June 1st, Board President Sheila Lamberson will be attending the Arts Alliance Illinois Gala with Doug in Chicago.
  • Dialog is ongoing about the process for distribution of a new $50M Covid related cultural fund signed by the governor.
  • Sugar Creek application are due at the end of this month. Seventy-seven are now fully submitted. Historically we get a big number in the last days. Cards went out last week.
  • More on the building: There was a short discussion about the need for yard work (mowing, weeding, etc.),other than Doug having to do it all. Staff has gotten a bid from LKM Mowing & Landscaping for $1,700 for one year. On another matter, Doug said there would be another $1,000 added to the repairs of the southeast stairway area over what has already been approved. It was moved that we approve those expenditures and the motion carried unanimously.
  • Doug then itemized other building expenses: Dolan Gallery lighting, $2,800; Overton (work in ceramics room), $1,010; Armstrong Gallery lighting, $4,750; lobby lighting, $2,700; stairway trusses, $2,000; painting, $2,500; carpet, $2,500; drywall, $4,700 and stairway lighting, $1,150; for a grand total of $24,110. In addition, on the wish-list is $14,000 to repave the staff parking lot.

New Business: There was a lengthy discussion about a potential new board member, who seemed somewhat apprehensive about being a board member. It was moved that we ask her to serve on a committee as a first step toward possible board membership. The motion carried unanimously. Sheila announced that Dana Altenburger will serve the Executive Committee as the at-large member.

Other committee assignments are as follows:


Sheila Lamberson, President, Bruce Cather, Vice-president; Dana Altenburger, At-Large; Ruth Ann Friedberg, Treasurer


Carmel Rhoda, Chair; 


 Sheila Lamberson, Chair

Bruce Cather Sally Berry Deana Moore SchoolcraftJ Dave Templeton  Didi Skidmore  Allyson Frink Cindy Lawson-Kester Dana Altenburger, At-Large Ruth Ann Friedberg Dana Altenburger Craig Queen Dana Altenburger Su Ge Kimberly Kimberly Krystal Micaela


Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Co-Chair; Jared Lacy, Co-Chair 


Didi Skidmore, Chair


Bruce Cather, Chair; Ruth Ann Friedberg

Sheila Lamberson Sally Berry Dave Templeton Ruth Ann Friedberg Jared Lacy Allyson Frink Dan Galvin Cindy Lawson-Kester  Su Ge Carmel Rhoda Susan Holifield

After Sheila’s announcement about committee assignments, there was a discussion about a Board page in the fundraiser program booklet. It was suggested that we have a page with talking points about the qualities and skill sets needed for Board and committee membership. Sheila mentioned the spread sheet handout with ideas from our retreat on April 30, suggesting that we look it over, keeping in mind that we don’t want to forget the ideas or the whole exercise at the retreat would have been for nothing.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Dave Templeton, Secretary

MCAC Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Members Absent: Ruth Ann Friedburg, Su Ge, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Dave Templeton

Director’s Report: Doug has been very busy working on 2 large exhibitions, Harold Gregor from 7-15 to 8-26, and Dennis French from 9-9 to 10-21. He will also be writing 2 grants. The roof has been patched and we will soon be receiving a bid for painting the back stairway. Our new hire, Micaela, is doing very well. Her job will revolve around communications and administration, and she will also be our events coordinator.

Sheila’s Report: Sheila gave an update on the retreat planned for April 30th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. There will be coffee and pastries at 8:30. The Board members present received a handout with a registration sheet and instructions for each member to write a 2 page “personal story”. These are to be emailed to Sheila or Didi by Monday April 25th.

Committee Reports: Reports were submitted by the Exhibitions and Membership committees and were attached to the agenda email. Sally reminded the Board that Silent Auction donations for the Annual Fundraiser are due May 1st and sponsorship program ads for the booklet are due June 1st. The Building had no report and the Education committee report was submitted separately by Jared Lacy.

Board nominee and vote: Sally proposed a new Board member, Susan Holifield, who has been a long-time member and financial supporter of the Arts Center. Susan is also an artist who has had a recent exhibition in the Dolan Gallery. Sally moved to accept Susan as a new member. The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Discussion: Sheila asked for Doug to think of ways we can help with the exhibitions. Doug will advise at a later date.Doug stressed the importance of networking at area galleries and even statewide, to discover talented artists in Illinois who may be interested in having an exhibition. Also discussed were ways we can help sponsor the program booklet by buying or selling ads for individuals or businesses.

Minutes submitted by Sally Berry on 4-24-2022. Any changes or additions should be submitted to me at

March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Sheila Lamberson, President; Bruce Cather, Vice President; Ruth Ann Freidberg, Treasurer;  Sally Berry Secretary; Sally Berry,  vacant, At-Large

Dan Galvin, Su Ge, Jared Lacey, Cindy Lawson Kesler, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolhouse, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton

Absent: Craig Queen

Old Business:  Board Nominations

New Business: 

Harold Gregor Print Donation from Richard Finch, Framing cost $900 approved

ADA Taskforce

Building work

Director’s Report


Completing reference checks for the Program Coordinator role. Expect to hire this week.  All three interviewed candidates were very good.  This position will be for the Sugar Creek Arts Festival, and in support of other positions.


-The Illinois Arts Council Agency Program Grant (typically around $15,000) has been submitted.

-Mirza Grant has been submitted, for Sugar Creek Musicians.

-The $15,000 Back to Business Grant is set to deposit any day.


-Electrical wiring the Brandt staircase begins on Monday.  Concerns about knob and tube, and damaged wires are foremost.   

-We will have lights installed on the stairway.  

-The walls will be reframed, and insulated for new drywall.  

-The stairs are in better shape than we expected, but the mid-point landing floor has rotted out and will be repaired.  

-The roof of this section (maybe 8x12) will need to be rebuilt and sheathed with the same membrane material as that on the Armstrong gallery.  We currently have a hole in the roof.

-I would like to replace three windows, two on the east wall, and at the transom above the exit door (it is currently plywood.  I will see what is in stock at Menards, and Tracy Shepard tells me that Ace-Hi glass can make custom, insulated, fixed windows.   

-Waiting new lighting for on Armstrong, Dolan, and Lobby area.  Expected after 4/26

-New ceiling tile for Armstrong, after lights are installed. 

-The new commercial sink for the ceramics room will be delivered in the next three weeks.  We have ordered clay traps for that sink and the existing ceramics room sink.

New Taskforce Needed: 

We have expanded reporting requirements for our ADA standing and I am seeking volunteers to help us meet these guidelines and identify addressable deficiencies. 

Sugar Creek Arts Festival:

-The application due date has been pushed to May 31.  This better reflects our Fall event date.

Committee Reports:


I met with Kimberly 2/25 to see how our committee can best support her in her new role. She is still getting organized, see what contacts and follow up is needed and getting the most immediate gallery opening scheduled. She is regularly communicating ideas to the committee and I’m excited about working with her in this role.

We have had excellent attendance and involvement from the board for our last 3 opening receptions. Thank you to all who have been able to make it. 

The Amateur exhibit was especially well attended by the community. 


Issues discussed

* Membership waned in February as we lost 19 members.  We are still tracking to the average of 350 members, but have been as high last 371. 

* Discussed the upcoming membership planning session in April.  

Resources needed

We will need all board members to participate in the planning meeting in April.  The date has not yet been set as 4/23 does not look like the best date for the most participants.


The dropped ceiling and LED lighting have been completed in the lower level hallway and ceramics classroom. (Go take a look, it's beautiful!)

The work in the southeast stairway has begun. During demolition, the water damage from the roof was revealed and we will be needing to replace most of the interior roof/ceiling, The membrane on the roof is also damaged and will need to be replaced before the interior repairs can be done. Tyree Campbell and Action Roofing will decide who is going to do the exterior roof membrane work. The floor on the landing will also need to be replaced due to the water damage. I am not sure if this was included in the original bid for the work in the stairway. Will we need a revised bid and do we need to allocate more funds to this project?

Windows under the stairs were revealed as the demolition proceeded. We should think about replacing the 2 windows with something more secure. Doug suggested that if the upper window was vent-able we could control the movement of fresh air into the Brandt Gallery.

Resources needed

Unsure if we need to get a revised bid for the external and internal roof work in the SE stairs.

Discuss exploring funding, materials, and installation of 2 windows in the SE stairs.

Action Items?

If yes, Actionable Item

Do we need a revised bid for the additional work in the SE stairway?

Have we approved monies for the plumbing work and the new sink and faucet in the ceramics area? 

We have a bid from A-1 Haney for 2880.00. The bid reads that this includes the drains and faucets but not the sink itself. Sink has been ordered.

Board Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2022

Members present: Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Doug Johnson, Sheila Lamberson, Deana Moore-Schoolcraft, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Dave Templeton, Jared Lacy, Allyson Frink and Diane Skidmore. Absent: Ruth Ann Friedberg and Su Ge.

Old Business: We will have Board nominations and elections at our next meeting on Wednesday February 16, 2022.

New Business: A planning retreat was discussed. We will discuss a date and agenda at the next meeting. We will need someone to run the meeting.

Director’s Report: Rhys Lovell has resigned his position as curator and Kimberly will be serving as curator with a 6 month review. We will add a part-time employee for festivals and projects.

- Also discussed was a possible Public Arts Project in a partnership with the Town of Normal. More information to follow. 

-Doug also asked that interested Board members form a committee to assess the applicants for the Community Arts Access Grant.

-Other items on Doug’s report: Sugar Creek application now available online as is the Amateur show application. Covid restrictions are still in place. The tent for Sugar Creek arrived but was missing parts. Work is progressing on the Gregor student show for July and August with 70+ artists participating. A print booklet will be designed for this show and the Dennis French & student show in September.

-We have received approximately $91,000 in donations. New improvements completed include new lights in the ceramics-hand building room, and a new table for rolling clay slabs. Projects waiting for bids are the Brandt stairway and a bid for a double sink with a clay trap in the ceramics room. Also discussed were new tables for classrooms. That idea was tabled(Ha!) temporarily.

Reports were submitted for the Building, Education, Events and Membership committees and included in the agenda. Some possible topics for future discussion are the need for a marketing development plan with community outreach and education and possible committee reorganization. 

Respectfully submitted by Sally Berry. If you have questions or additions, feel free to email me.

MCAC Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Members present: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin(Zoom), Bruce Cather, SallyBerry, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Craig Queen, Jared Lacy, Dave Templeton, Allyson Frink

Members Absent: Sheila Lamberson, Diane Skidmore, Cindy Lawson-Kester,Su Ge,Ruth Ann Friedberg

No old business

New business: Director’s Report- End of Year Ask letter has gone out, and several have stated gifts are pending. We received a bequest of $52,500 from the estate of Lucille Beich. So far we have received about $75,000 in donations with approximately $30,000 promised.

Carmel Rhoda will head the Events Committee in 2022.

Reports were given by the chairs of the Education and Membership committees. Reports for those committees were submitted before the meeting. No new reports were given by the other committees.

Exhibitions scheduled for the beginning of 2022 are: Kent Broadbent in the Armstrong Gallery from January 14-February 18, and an exhibition of the permanent collection in the Brandt Gallery.

After the report from the Membership Committee by Bruce, Bruce stated we have had 4% growth in membership since last January. There will be a planning session in Spring to discuss ideas for ways to grow our membership and to appeal to younger members.

Also discussed was the need for a long-term plan for the endowment. Doug stated that Tracy Shepard and John Pratt are “actively passive” in that regard.

Doug asked for donations from the Board for bonuses for the staff. In the past the instructors have received $50 each, the staff have received $100 each with the exception of Kimberly who received $200. Donations for bonuses should be sent or brought to Carmel.

Craig moved to adjourn the meeting and Dave seconded the motion.


Wednesday September 15, 2021


Members present: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Jared Lacy, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Queen, Dave Templeton, Allyson Frink, Su Ge

Members absent: Diane Skidmore, Cindy Lawson Kester, Ruth Ann Friedberg

Dan announced that Sally is not going to chair the Events Committee next year. Sally then stated that she will still continue as a member of the committee and volunteer as before. Dan then asked for committee reports. Written reports had been submitted for the Director’s Report, the Events committee, the Education Committee, and the Membership Committee.

Events Committee: Sally gave a report on the preparations for the Fall Fundraiser which is on September 16th. She asked for Board help with the set up of the Silent Auction on Thursday morning and for help at the dinner. She answered all questions from the Board.

Education Committee: Jared stated there are 32 classes this Fall. He also stated that the Education Committee needs members.The committee has no set time or date for their meetings, but they usually meet every 2 months. Krystal Lyon calls the meetings.

Membership Committee: Bruce stated that the committee met on 9-14 to discuss any updates on the committee’s goals, including membership brochures, and the table at the Fall Fundraiser for member sign up and renewal. The membership goal is 332 members by the end of 2021.

Exhibitions Committee: Sheila stated that the committee will meet in October to go through artist proposals for exhibitions in 2022.

Director’s Report: Doug reported that the Arts Center is complying with all mask mandates. Staff will be wearing masks when not in their offices, and masks will be required in classes. Sugar Creek is on October 9 and 10 and a signup genius will be sent out to Board members for volunteering. There will be fewer artists, about 100, and more space between booths. There will be no artist party due to covid, but we will still give out pastries and coffee to artists on Saturday morning. Doug also stated that he will be busy the next 2 weeks writing 3 grant reports in addition to preparing for Sugar Creek.He applied for a Back to Business grant for up to $50,000. Work is progressing on the Brandt Gallery and should be completed in time for Holiday Treasures. Doug gave details on the steps in the construction and what is still needing to be done. Also, there has been quite a bit of clean up outside the building by a community service worker.

All the Board’s questions were answered by the committee chairs and no votes were needed on any of the items.

At 6:00 Sally moved to end the meeting and Bruce seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.

Minutes submitted by Sally Berry, Secretary, on 10/6/2021

McLean County Arts Center Board Meeting Minutes

Aug 18, 2021

Members present: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Diane Skidmore, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Craig Queen, Jared Lacy, Sheila Lamberson, Dave Templeton, Allyson Frink

Absent: Cindy Lawson-Kester, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Susie Vincent

Director’s Report:

   Doug gave a list of performers for Sugar Creek with Sarah Quah as the headliner. He also reported on Sugar Creek sponsors and amounts.

   Doug also gave a building update noting that the new a/c unitwas installed on 7/29 by ProAir and is working well. The ceiling teardown will begin on 8/31. Also, we received the lighting bid from Anderson Electric, and it’s $22,250. Didi moved to accept the bid and Sally seconded. It passed unanimously. The bid for painting the ceiling came in at $16,570+$2896 for the adjacent barrel ceiling. Doug will seek another bid. There is no date for installing the roofing.

   Update on landscaping: Much has been done, such as weeding, planting, and mulching by community service workers. Doug also did a lot of work around the building. Thanks to Craig for his volunteer referrals!


Committee Reports:

   Education: Jared submitted a written report citing attendance numbers for Summer classes. There will be 32 classes offered this Fall.

  Finance: Ruth Ann submitted a profit and loss report and a balance statement and answered questions from the Board. Both reports had been emailed to the Board for review.The need to set up an asset account for building improvements was discussed. No decision was made.

   Membership: Bruce submitted a committee report from the last meeting. He asked that we have the staff work on completing a member survey, t-shirt design, business cards, and brochures. Sally noted there will be a membership table set up at the Fall Fundraiser.

   Events: Sally submitted a written report and a copy of meeting minutes from the last Events meeting. The discussion mainly revolved around the Fall Fundraising dinner which she encouraged all to attend. She updated the Board on the progress in planning the event.

   Exhibitions: Sheila noted that there will be a meeting of the committee on September 1st in which exhibitions for 2022 will be discussed.

   Other discussion items: Didi suggested that we could post upcoming events on WXRJ, a local radio station sponsored by the Black Business Owners Association. The Board discussed the possibility. No decision was made.

Jared moved to close the meeting, Sheila seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Submitted by Sally Berry to the Executive Committee on September 1, 2021.

MCAC Board Meeting Minutes

Jul 28, 2021at 5:00 pm

Members present: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin, Dave Templetom, Jared Lacy, Craig Queen, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Sheila Lamberson, Diane Skidmore, Su Ge

Dan called the meeting to order at 5:05 and asked for the Director’s report.

Director’s report: The first item for discussion was the question of covid masking in the building. Illinois has not yet mandated restrictions so it was decided to wait on setting our policy. Doug will keep an eye on restrictions as they occur. With that in mind, Sugar Creek is up in the air, but a deadline for a decision to continue with the event was set for September 1st.

Doug stated that during the closing reception for the previous exhibit, the point of sale system went down. We now have a new system that accepts Apple Pay.

The Board received an update on the new construction in the Brandt Gallery, including the new roof, air conditioning system, ceiling teardown, and drywall replacement. Doug will tear down the lath boards using scaffolding borrowed from Diane.

The replacement of the lighting system was discussed at length.Each item on the bid list was discussed. The different lighting additions could be pieced out over time, but it was decided to go with all items on the bid at a total cost of $44,450. Also we will look at ways to pay for the improvements via fundraising, a loan and/or using endowment funds. All agreed that as stewards of the Arts Center, it is our responsibility to do the repairs correctly. Bruce stated we may already have gained enough in the investments this year to pay for the system. All Board members felt comfortable with the decision to go ahead with the full list without getting a second bid, since Anderson Electric has done a good job for us in the past, and we have a long-standing relationship with them. A motion was made by Bruce and seconded by Dave to go ahead, and the motion was passed unanimously. Deana suggested that we get 2 bids on future major projects and all agreed.

Committee Reports:

Education: Jared submitted a written report. He informed the Board that his committee has decided to raise the price of the ceramics class from $165 to $195, which is the non-member price.

Exhibitions: The Exhibitions committee did not meet in July, but Sheila stated there will be a meeting in August.

Events: Sally submitted a written report for the committee. She asked for donations from the Board for a full page in the program booklet to be sent to Kimberly or dropped off at the Arts Center. She also requested volunteers from the Board to stuff and label envelopes for the invitations to the Fall fundraiser. These need to be sent out asap after they arrive. Several members wondered about holding the dinner if new mask and social distancing restrictions are established. Those things can be done at a live dinner according to the events coordinator at the Bloomington Country Club. Sally will keep an eye on this.

Membership: Bruce submitted a written report. Our membership stands at 321. We have had some lapses this year,but most are at lower levels. The goal for membership for this year is 366. Doug suggested offering some type of reward for members who make frequent visits to the Arts Center. The membership committee will discuss this at the next meeting. Also discussed was a membership page in the program booklet for the Fall fundraiser offering a discount to new or renewing members who sign up the night of the dinner.We also need to encourage auto-renewal on the website. Bruce and the committee are working on a survey to lapsed members to see why they have not renewed.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10.

MCAC Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Dan Galvin, President; Bruce Cather, Vice President; Ruth Ann Freidberg, Treasurer;  Sally Berry Secretary; Sally Berry, At-Large

Su Ge, Jared Lacey, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson Kesler, Michele Peterson, Craig Queen, Deb Risberg, Deana Moore Schoolhouse, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Susie Vincent

The Board meeting for June took place on Wednesday June 6, 2021. Attending were: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Diane Skidmore, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Allyson Frink, Jared Lacy, Dave Templeton, Michele Peterson and Su Ge.

Absent: Susie Vincent, Sheila Lamberson Cindy Lawson-Kester and RuthAnn Friedburg.

Old business: Purchase of the house on the corner of Mulberry and Prairie Street. We decided that since we will be spending approximately $22,000 for the repair of the ceiling of the Brandt Gallery, that we will table the purchase for now.A motion was made by Bruce and seconded by Jared and the vote was unanimous.

New Business: We discussed the reopening of the Arts Center and decided to follow the state guidelines. Masks and social distancing will not be required for fully vaccinated persons, but are required for non vaccinated. Allyson moved to accept and Sally seconded. Vote was unanimous.

We also discussed the ceiling repair and passed a motion to accept the bid by Campbell Construction to demolish the plaster. The lighting will be updated also and is covered by insurance.

The focus of the Fall fundraiser will be the restoration of the Brandt Gallery.The motion was made by Didi Skidmore and seconded by Dave Templeton and was passed unanimously.  

Heartland Theater will be giving performances at the Arts Center and they want us to split the cost with them. A motion made by Dave and seconded by Didi was passed unanimously.

We will be looking into a device that will allow split streaming for upcoming events and exhibits along with artist interviews. The monitor in the tower room will be moved to the sales desk area.

Doug presented the Director's report and committee chairs gave brief summaries of their reports for the Education(Jared), Building(Didi), Sally(Events), and Bruce (Membership).

A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Sally to adjourn the meeting at 6:10.

Old Business:  

-Re-visit Purchase 702 N. Prairie Property.

New Business:  

  • Reopening: Masks, temp checks, etc. 

- See Building Committee Report regarding Brandt Gallery Ceiling issues

- Heartland Theatre Performance at MCAC: Souvenir (anticipated revenue)

3 performances--December 3, 4, 5 @ $15 a head, paid at the door

50 people capacity, per performance, congregated in the southeast corner of the Brandt Gallery

$2,250 potential box office, split evenly between Heartland Theatre Company and the McLean County Arts Center, assuming MCAC is willing to share half the cost of the grand piano rental ($950, see proposal from earlier email). A grand piano is central to the story and will essentially serve as the set for the production. 

Alternatively, if the MCAC wants to go 60/40 on the box, HTC will cover the entire cost of the piano rental. 

-Video system update proposal from Raydient: second screen for basement, slide shows, upcoming events, etc.  Our initial investment for 1 screen would be $139 ($50+$59+$30), then it would be $59/month starting on that second month. 2 screens would be $235 ($50x2, $50x2, $35), then it would be $100/month starting on that second month. 

Director’s Report:

Festivals:  Sugar Creek Arts Festival 21:  144 applications.  Peter Olson, the Assoc Director of the NUI Art Gallery will serve a juror.  I am walking the footprint with the Town staff on Friday morning to assess available spaces.  Notifying artists 6/30.  Sponsorships: $1,000 BNACVB, $500 CEFCU, $500 Little Jewels (Julie Dobski), $500 First Securities, $1,000 McDonalds, WJBC/WBNQ In-Kind ($18,000)

Exhibitions: continue with truncated Brandt Gallery space.  Current exhibitions are live, videos are live

Fall Fundraiser: Raffle painting is completed, framed, tickets, and giclee prints are here.

Exterior: Thanks to community service hours and work by the the Skidmores, Sally, and Deana, and others much work has been done on our exterior space.  New landscape lighting is installed by the sidewalk.

Armstrong Roof: No date for install.  We appear to have raccoon activity on roof, no knowledge of intrusion.

Ongoing Video History Project: 

-Filmed Ed McCullough, having slides scanned. Wish to clean our sculpture before creating a video of that.  And the one at the Airport, too.

-Met with Rhea Edge, Harold Boyd, and Harold’s daughter Lisa regarding needed B Roll and photos for Harold Boyd video (it has been shelved for 18 months+ pending material)

Committee meetings, reports

 Education- Jared Lacy


Board Members Attending:

Ruth Ann Friedberg, Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Dave Templeton, Allyson Frink, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Susie Vincent, Jared Lacy, Michele Peterson, Diane Skidmore

Issues discussed

2021 Summer Semester Update

We have 117 students registered for classes or workshops.

50 nonmembers

67 are members

We have attracted many new students due to the “Beginner Classes” and workshops that are being offered.

We've also had a great response to our 2 session “Intensives”

Net revenue so far for the Summer Semester $7,150.87

Krystal expects this to continue to go up. With Covid fears subsiding, we have seen a lot of interest in our classes and workshops and many classes are full with waiting lists. The Summer Semester will end on August 31st.

Education Wing Update

The painting continues downstairs, Krystal has done the majority of it on quiet days at the MCAC. Doug had the bathroom toilet fixed downstairs. Krystal is also purchasing smaller desks for the glazing classroom from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

(rather than having the large old folding tables in there)

2021 Fall Semester Update

Fall Semester planning has begun.

Fall semester will run from September 13th through December 11th, 2021.

Dave Templeton will rejoin the Instructor Team as our resident Drawing Instructor. We are glad to welcome Dave back.

We are trying to add a Cartoon Workshop with new instructor Daniel Ackley.

Action Item?



Building Committee  - Diane Skidmore


Didi Skidmore




Board Members Attending:

Diane Skidmore

Issues discussed

With the belief that stewardship of our building is our primary responsibility, our Director, Doug Johnson and the Building Committee have been busy accumulating knowledge and bids to restore the ceiling in the Brandt Gallery and update the lighting system. (The current lighting grid is in the way of the restoration. This is an opportunity to bring gallery lighting up to date.)

We have received 2 bids for 1. Campbell Construction & Improvements for demolition of the ceiling and then 2. Chily's Drywall for drywall over the existing lath.

We will be meeting next week with Anderson Electric and Kimberly will be meeting with ISU gallery staff to talk about the new lighting system they are using.

I believe that repainting will be covered by insurance.

Action Item?


If yes, Actionable Item

Discuss, Approve/Accept bids for demolition and drywall of the Brandt gallery.

Exhibitions – Sheila 

Events - Sally 


Sally Berry




Board Members Attending:

Sally Berry

Issues discussed

The Events committee meeting for June  will be held on Tuesday June 22nd. The raffle tickets have arrived, and each Board member will receive 12 tickets to sell. The prices are : 1 for $25, 3 for $50, and 12 for $175. If 1 person buys 12 they receive a print of the raffle painting. We're looking for ads for the program booklet. A full page inside front or back cover is $500, a full page elsewhere is $300, a third page is $175, and a banner ad is $100.We have a flyer available to give to any business you may ask. Kimberly will be glad to hand them out if you ask. Selling these ads should be a responsibility of the whole Board not just the Events committee. It's a way to cover the costs of the Fall Fundraiser. If you're an artist who donated to the silent auction you could buy a banner ad promoting the sale of your work. We can use a business card to create the ad. Dave Templeton would be glad to help with creating any of the ads. Dave has begun photographing the Silent Auction items we have received. We need your donations as soon as possible along with your artist statement. The photographs and artist statements will be used to create the bid sheets.

Action Item?


If yes, Actionable Item

The Board can begin to sell raffle tickets and to sell ads for the program booklet

Membership Committee: Bruce Cather


Bruce Cather




Board Members Attending:

Bruce Cather

Sally Berry

Craig Queen

Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Others present:

Doug Johnson

Issues discussed

*Membership is holding steady at 327, however, there are 224 recently lapsed members.  Most are $50 membership level.  Still focused on a membership at 366 by year end.

* 7/16 membership event and exhibition.

* Need to get 1) New Brochure, 2) Benefits business cards, 3) T-shirts done in July

* Need to do a survey to Lapsed members asking why they haven't re-upped in 2021.

* Considering a members face to face visit for 7/2/21 on how MCAC can serve them better.

* A couple activities we will be participating in are "Inside Out" with Area Arts Groups.

* Still focused on a September Grand Reopening as the new roof should be completed in August

* Doug will send out the survey results from the past membership survey to all membership committee members.

Action Item?


If yes, Actionable Item

* Bruce will work on "benefits business cards" and submit them to Doug for design

* Doug and Craig will get the T-Shirt Order going

* Doug and Kimberly will complete the membership brochure

* Board members could help with the exhibition by setting up a members table outside of the Arts Center before the exhibition on July 16 from 5-8 pm.

Director’s Report

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Meeting ID: 504 086 356

Passcode: 052710

Dan Galvin, President; Bruce Cather, Vice President; Ruth Ann Freidberg (excused), Treasurer;  Sally Berry Secretary; Sally Berry, At-Large

Su Ge, Jared Lacey, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy Lawson Kesler, Michele Peterson, Craig Queen, Deb Risberg, Deana Moore Schoolhouse, Diane Skidmore, Dave Templeton, Susie Vincent

Old Business: We are seeking nominations for the board.  Brad Glenn has expressed interest.

New Business:

Proposal from Rhys Lovell: Collaborative theatre project between MCAC and Heartland Theatre Company

 Specifics: 2-character play, Souvenir, featuring actors Michelle Vought and David Shields. MCAC Curator and HTC Artistic Director, Rhys Lovell, will direct.

Where: Brandt Gallery (one corner)

Set requires a baby grand piano, which HTC would cover the rental on.

 When: currently looking at December 3, 4, 5. We would charge admission, to be split equally between the two organizations.

 *All rehearsals, except the one week before the performance, would be held offsite. Rehearsals could easily be held in the evening (preferable, actually) after the MCAC has closed.

 Please refer all questions to Rhys Lovell at


Executive Committee Updates - Dan

Director’s Report

The Amateur Exhibition is installed and awards have been made.  The second iteration of the video was launched yesterday.  The first version, which had some omissions, was viewed 1,500+ times in two days.  The exhibitions committee is working to offer clarifying language on future submission standards.

The Instructor exhibition, Apart|Together, in the Armstrong gallery is installed and video segments are available to promote individual instructors in the future. The video has less than 200 views.

The Natalie Jackson exhibition in the Dolan gallery has had good traffic and the video has 1,300+ views.

The Operating Support grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency is due March 30.  This is two weeks later than past years, in part due to a new grant interface.  This project will keep some staff members busy for the next week or so.

Building bids are in for the Armstrong Gallery Roof / Staging Area Roof; Tuck Pointing, Public Parking Lot, and removal of the big maple tree by the tower.  Funds for these projects will eventually be released by the state as part of the Capital Bill.  We have been allocated $100,000.  These projects mentions amounts to $34,000 and change. The replacement of the Dolan Gallery window and the ongoing window work in the Brant Gallery can also be considered part of this funding stream. The remaining funds will go to the staff parking lot, the disused stairway in the Brandt Gallery, new classroom & hallway drop ceilings, and exterior curb and garden wall work.  We currently have $150,000 in the bank.

Sugar Creek will occur on October 9 & 10 in Uptown Normal.  It will be a smaller footprint for a number of reasons, including that Uptown restaurants will continue with outdoor seating through October. This 2021event is all about branding. Sponsorship letters are on our May Staff agenda.

Applications for the Community Arts Access Grant are due to us 2/28.  We will be awarding $7,000 to local non-profits. These dollars come from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and the National Endowment for the Arts. Craig, Michele and Jaredhave agreed to serve on the committee. I hope to schedule this in the next two weeks.

The frosted glass film for the large windows of the Brandt Gallery is not yet fully installed. Access to South Windows is an issue to be addressed.  We meet with the company on Friday.

Committee meetings, reports

 Education- Jared Lacy

Board Members Attending:

Ruth Ann Friedberg, Dan Galvin, Bruce Cather, Sally Berry, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft, Dave Templeton, Allyson Frink, Cindy Lawson-Kester, Susie Vincent, Jared Lacy, Michele Peterson, Diane Skidmore

Others present:

Issues discussed

Spring Numbers:

We have 133 Students so far registered for classes and workshops in the Spring

88 are members 

45 are non members

Our net revenue for the spring semester is $6,855.32


We have purchased new shelves for our Kilns downstairs.

We are planning to paint the hallways downstairs.

The new Ceramic Classroom was completely painted recently.

And we will need a plumber to come in and look at one of the toilets downstairs.

We have two new instructors this Semester teaching workshops:

Su Ge- Chinese Brush Painting
Nikki Wheeler- Shibori Japanese Tie Dying
Both of these new workshops are completely filled with waiting lists!

Summer Planning is underway. 

Many Students have been coming upstairs to see the Instructor Show and Amateur Show. This is great! And a number of our student's work is in the Amateur Show this year. It's super encouraging to see this type of engagement happening.

Resources needed

Krystal and I; along with the Education Committee have made a recommendation on the following air purifier for the Ceramics Area(s) downstairs. 

Enviroklenz Air Purifier

This unit has a whisper mode, the filters are easy to order, it cleans up to 1000 square feet and it's $699.00

Action Item? Yes

If yes, Actionable Item

The MCAC Education Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approves the purchase of the Enviroklenz Air Purifier at $699.00 for use in our Ceramics Classes and adjacent areas.

Building Committee: Diane Skidmore

Board Members Attending:

Dan Galvin, Sheila Lamberson, Dave Templeton, Diane Skidmore, Doug Johnson

Issues discussed

On 3.9.21, we toured the interior of the MCAC from top to bottom, taking notes of work/upgrades that need to be done. 

The installation of the window film in the Brandt Gallery was almost completed.

We also discussed the 3 capital bill projects that Doug is getting bids for. 

1. Tuckpointing the south-facing brick exterior wall.

2. Redoing the classroom hallway drop ceiling.

3. Roof repairs to the Armstrong Gallery/ loading dock area.

Dan has agreed to meet with Doug to compile information about the mechanical systems of the building. By June, we hope to have a comprehensive spreadsheet to work from going forward.  

Resources needed

Action Item? Yes

If yes, Actionable Item

The Building Committee recommends that we move on the Armstrong roof repair ASAP before more damage occurs as Doug's latest inspection found it to be "squishy".


Exhibitions – Sheila 

Working with Rhys to set up a March meeting.

Request from artist who’s painting was rejected for hanging in the Amateur Exhibition for transportation expense reimbursement. We agreed to this request (approx $80for UHaul).

We will take up this general topic in our next committee meeting. More to come.

Events - Sally 

Board Members Attending:

Sally Berry, Susie Vincent, Doug Johnson

Others present:

Kimberly Babin, Alexis Kalish, Gay Dolan

Issues discussed

The timeline for the Fall Fundraiser, including the silent auction, theme for the event, fund a need categories, award recipients, save the date, update on Doug's raffle painting, and the need for all Board committees to participate in the event.  

Resources needed

Board and staff participation

Action Item?


If yes, Actionable Item

Obtain commitments for silent auction items. Help from staff(Kimberly) to notify local media of a save the date so other organizations don't plan conflicting events. Full report to follow. 


Membership Committee: Bruce Cather

Board Members Attending:

Bruce Cather, Craig Queen, Deana Moore Schoolcraft

Others present:

Doug Johnson, Kimberly Babin Marshall

Issues discussed

* Goals:  50 New Net Additional Members in 2021, Attrition data is unavailable but desirable to determine how to lower attrition of members with a goal targeting Attrition. Goal of membership is also touch each member personally 7 times a year. Current membership number is 316. * Doug is working on videos to feature artists in the Amateur Show and exhibitions and instructor show. Videos are a good method to show MCAC value to the membership. Doug does frequent presentations on the Art Center to Rotary Clubs and the like, but there may be opportunities for board members to assist with this.* A new membership brochure is being worked on.  Doug would like board participation in finding sponsors for the MCAC brochure. Development of Partner organizations is needed for the 12 page booklet and potentially for Sugar Creek. *We discussed the need for a marketing plan that identifies the most effective ways to reach out to different demographic groups.  * All agreed that we need to elevate the awareness of MCAC's sponsorship of the Sugar Creek Art Show.  T-Shirts for each of the staff and volunteers may be needed to help relate MCAC and Sugar Creek. * Need to better exploit Social Media such as Instagram for the exhibitions.  Suggestion for staff and board to instagram photos from exhibitions.  

* Phone calls to members to touch them seem ineffective and "obtrusive".  Tried before with very limited success.

Resources needed

* $250 for T-shirts for volunteers and staff

* Board member recruiting of new members

* Focus of staff on social media - instagram, Twitter, & Facebook for events.  

Action Item?


If yes, Actionable Item

Allocation of funds for T-Shirts $250.  Assigning a representative from the membership committee to be a liaison to exhibitions, events, fundraising and education committees - "Calendar" the meetings and describe the needs of membership for each of the other committees. Example:  "Every student of MCAC classes who takes 3 classes or more should be engaged to become members."  Instructors should engage the students to do so.

MCAC Board Meeting Minutes for 10/21/2020

Present: Doug Johnson, Bruce Cather, Allyson Frink, Sheila Lamberson, Michele Peterson, Craig Queen, Deana Moore-Schoolcraft, Dave Templeton.

Zoom: Dan Galvin, Sally Berry, Ruthann Freidburg, Su Ge, Jared Lacey, Cindy Lawson-Kesler,

Diane Skidmore, Susie Vincent.

Absent: Deb Risberg.

Presentation: Busey Bank Wealth Management on endowment portfolio mgmt & account performance as of 10/20/2020.

Market performance - early downturns due to Covid-19 but had quick recovery. Took on early risk which was reduced as recovery continued.Have aggressive investment allocations which have held value over time. Short term projections should be steady dependent on vaccine and stimulus bill. Need future discussion on how to eliminate or reduce monthly withdrawals for operating costs and discussions on reinsurance investments. Per Dan Galvin, no changes in strategy till after Covid.

Old Business: None.

New Business: 

Treasurer’s Committee: Per Ruthann Freidburg - Fall Fundraiser income from donations & silent auction was way up from last year’s receipts due in part to two large gifts. Very successful.

Education Committee:  Per Jared Lacey - 111 students enrolled for fall classes & workshops, net revenue = $6056.29. A few classes had to be rescheduled but so far none were cancelled.

Guidelines for Covid exposure were updated to “1 degree of separation “ rule. If exposed do not come to center till all in household have tested negative & quarantined. Asking staff & students to be as honest as possible. We are being flexible with rescheduling & refunds.

Virtual Classes: Krystal contacted Nikki Wheeler about possible online Shibori workshop & Jenni Bateman about two 4 session online classes - watercolor & felting. All would be online via Zoom with MCAC administrator. MCAC could record & retains rights to videos. Looking at Winter/Spring 2021 for possible implementation.

A painting/cleaning day for the Drawing/Painting room has been scheduled for 10/22/2020.  Krystal has contacted IWU sorority to do the work. 

Director’s Report: Building cleanup led by Kimberly & Carmel has resulted in a thorough sorting &  organizing of all our storage spaces, staging area, tool area, & loading dock. Cabinets have all been labelled & cleaned.Results are amazing. Ceiling tiles in staging area & downstairs restroom have been replaced or painted. Abandoned artwork from past exhibits have been addressed with many going to permanent collection or being offered for sale. Rest will be meet other ends.

Holiday Treasures postcards were mailed. Smaller show will allow for better social distancing & possible use of Brandt Gallery for classes if required.. 

Staff Dress Code was proposed & new language was adopted with one line removed per Board for being too gender specific.  

Grants: Submitted for state’s new Business Interruption Grant - no known timeline for responses. 

Illinois Art Agency’s final report for FY202 submitted. Awards for FY2021 announced & contracts returned. Our Community Arts Access Grant = $6000. Our Program Grant for operating support = $13700.

No action yet on capital bill.

One State Together in the Arts Conference - successful with double the previous year’s attendees. All online, Doug presented in 2 sessions. 

Member Monday proposed. Office schedule to be changed to allow members only to visit gallery on Mondays from 10-5 since staff are already working. Costless perk for members. Email & website announcements will be made. Proposal was accepted by Board.

Increased effort for community wide cultural programming is underway. Doug working with Town of Normal & B/N area Convention & Visitors Bureau on a marketing effort. City of Bloomington is considering a Public Art Project, Doug is working with asst city manager on scope & definition of effort. 

Doug joined the State Advisory Committee for programs of study in Arts & Communication sectors.

Bookkeeping - Carmel has been to Quickbooks online to facilitate treasurer’s access to records.

Doug again soliciting birthday donations to MCAC via Facebook.

Proposal for Sales Gallery to be named Gay Dolan Gallery in honor of her years of service and significant gifts to MCAC. Passed unanimously. Gallery will be repainted & plaque hung.

Board & Staff Ceramics Fun Day to be scheduled. 

MCAC hosted Scarecrow Spectacular on website & Facebook with gift cards to be awarded in various categories. 

Illinois Symphony Guild is sponsoring an online fundraiser featuring auction of painted and decorated violins & tamborines. MCAC is partnering by displaying auction items in our lobby. 

Timeline is still to be determined.

Nother business, meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.

Board Meeting Minutes for 9/23/2020

Present In-Person: Doug Johnson, Sally Berry, Allyson Frink, Sheila Lamberson, Cindy
Lawson-Kester, Craig Queen, Deanna Schoolcraft, Dave Templeton

Present via Zoom: Bruce Cather, Dan Galvin, Jared Lacy, Michele Peterson, Diane SkidmoreMeeting convened at 5:18 pm after experiencing Zoom difficulties.

Last month’s minutes & old business accepted.

Events: Sally submitted Fall Fundraiser results. Silent Auction & Raffle were successful, videos
were enjoyable, donations good despite having to go online due to continuing Covid lockdown.
Sally gave special thanks to Doug & Kimberly for all their work and Dan showed appreciation to
Events committee for pulling success from a stressful situation. Sheila brought up using online options in conjunction with future events.

Education: Jared gave an overview of fall class participation, 90 of 160 spots filled, nearly all met minimum. Had some worries about the potential for Covid exposure, one session canceled due to instructor illness, and one student canceled over distancing concerns when the class moved back downstairs. Special thank you to Doug, Kimberly, Krystal, & Amber for all their hard work cleaning up the new ceramics room. Moved in & in use to good reviews.

Executive: Two new Board members introduced & present - Cindi Lawson-Kester & Deanna Schoolcraft.

2021 Sustainability: Dan beginning study of costs vs revenue surrounding Covid solutions &

forecasts for continued sustainability. Holding our own financially at this point, no immediate
problems but asking for input.

Holiday Treasures: Will be sending out Sign Up Genius for intake & decorating help. Per Doug, will be mostly confined to works around the outer perimeter to accommodate social distancing.


-We have received notification from the state that our 2021 Program grant will be $13,700.00.  This is surprisingly high given cuts to the state budget. 2018 was $14,700.00.  We will also be getting an anticipated $6,000 for regranting and administrating a special $10,000 grant for the Local Arts Network of which we will retain $1,000 for administration fees.  This final reports for FY 2020 are die at the end of this month.

-No word yet of the release of the Capital Bill funds, although paperwork was submitted this week to administrators.

-Exploring the new Business Interruption Grant.

One State Together in the Arts Conference

Last week was to have been the One State Arts Conference in Normal.  Co-presented by the Illinois Arts Council Agency (state of Illinois) and Arts Alliance Illinois (NGO Arts advocacy consortium, Doug is a board member, past exec board member, current chair of Statewide Committee). Normal would have been the only community to have hosted this event twice, previously held at the Marriott in 2012.  With the pandemic the event will now be on-line and free. ( or ( Doug is presenting or co-presenting on the following topics: “Support and Amplify - the role of community-based Arts Centers in the age of Pandemic and Social Change” and “Come On, Get Happy: Programing in the Pandemic”

Creating the Future Fall Fundraiser

Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this event successful: Especially Sally Berry, Dave Templeton, Gay Dolan, Alexis Kalish, the entire Events Committee, Kimberly Babin, Carmel Rhoda, Dan Galvin, and all of the artists who donated artwork, bought artwork, and all who sold tickets. The Silent Auction generated $12,600 in revenue and we received two large gifts totaling $22,000. $600 was generated from Facebook and we have a couple more pending gifts.

Fun Stuff

-We will be hosting a Board and Staff Ceramics Fun Day in the coming weeks, with social distancing.  Feel free to bring a family member, too.

-For the month of October we will be hosting an online Scarecrow Spectacular.  Gift certificates for popular vote winners in several categories. Visit our website and Facebook page for details.


-The ceiling tiles in the classroom hallway have been replaced, pending the larger re-do of the basement with the eventual Capital Bill funds. This is an effort to mitigate the Bee issue.

-Holiday Treasures will be a smaller event, fewer artists, and the gallery will be arranged so as to allow for classes being relocated upstairs as needed. 

-The Ceramics program is partially moved to the new space, with wheels added to the room, and electrical work completed.  No ventilation, plumbing, or kiln room changed associated with this effort have been completed. Remodeling is part of out Capital Project. Additionally, we will need to paint the walls again, taking them to the ceiling in a gloss white.  

-The Drawing and Painting room could use a refresh.  Krystal would like to schedule a paint day for an accent wall or more.

Doug gave the status of grants - looking good. Results of the fundraiser - very good.
Ceramics room electrical done & wheels moved in, the rest of the updates will be completed out of Capital Project. Ceiling tiles in the classroom hallway replaced to mitigate bee problems. Announced Board & Staff Ceramics Fun Day & online Scarecrow Spectacular.

No more business, Sally moved to adjourn, Dave 2nd, the meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Director’s Report September 2020


-We have received notification from the state that our 2021 Program grant will be $13,700.00.  This is surprisingly high given cuts to the state budget. 2018 was $14,700.00.  We will also be getting an anticipated $6,000 for regranting and administrating a special $10,000 grant for the Local Arts Network of which we will retain $1,000 for administration fees.  This final reports for FY 2020 are die at the end of this month.

-No word yet of the release of the Capital Bill funds, although paperwork was submitted this week to administrators.

-Exploring the new Business Interruption Grant.

One State Together in the Arts Conference

-Last week was to have been the One State Arts Conference in Normal.  Co-presented by the Illinois Arts Council Agency (state of Illinois) and Arts Alliance Illinois (NGO Arts advocacy consortium, Doug is a board member, past exec board member, current chair of Statewide Committee). Normal would have been the only community to have hosted this event twice, previously held at the Marriott in 2012.  With the pandemic the event will now be on-line and free. ( or ( Doug is presenting or co-presenting on the following topics: “Support and Amplify - the role of community-based Arts Centers in the age of Pandemic and Social Change” and “Come On, Get Happy: Programing in the Pandemic”

Creating the Future Fall Fundraiser

Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this event successful: Especially Sally Berry, Dave Templeton, Gay Dolan, Alexis Kalish, the entire Events Committee, Kimberly Babin, Carmel Rhoda, Dan Galvin, and all of the artists who donated artwork, bought artwork, and all who sold tickets. The Silent Auction generated $12,600 in revenue and we received two large gifts totaling $22,000. $600 was generated from Facebook and we have a couple more pending gifts.

Fun Stuff

-We will be hosting a Board and Staff Ceramics Fun Day in the coming weeks, with social distancing.  Feel free to bring a family member, too.

-For the month of October we will be hosting an online Scarecrow Spectacular.  Gift certificates for popular vote winners in several categories. Visit our website and Facebook page for details.


-The ceiling tiles in the classroom hallway have been replaced, pending the larger re-do of the basement with the eventual Capital Bill funds. This is an effort to mitigate the Bee issue.

-Holiday Treasures will be a smaller event, fewer artists, and the gallery will be arranged so as to allow for classes being relocated upstairs as needed. 

-The Ceramics program is partially moved to the new space, with wheels added to the room, and electrical work completed.  No ventilation, plumbing, or kiln room changed associated with this effort have been completed. Remodeling is part of out Capital Project. Additionally, we will need to paint the walls again, taking them to the ceiling in a gloss white.  

-The Drawing and Painting room could use a refresh.  Krystal would like to schedule a paint day for an accent wall or more.

Board Meeting August 19, 2020

Previously forwarded documents: Minutes of 8-15- 2020 Executive Committee, Director’s Report, Agenda, Events Committee Report, Financials.

In Person Attendees: Doug Johnson, Dave Templeton, Craig Queen, Sheila Lamberson, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Sally Berry, Bruce Cather, Allison Frink, and Mike McNeil.

Zoom Attendees: Dan Galvin, Su Ge, Jared Lacy, Diane Skidmore, Michele Peterson, Deb Risberg, and Diane Skidmore.

President, Dan, called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm.

1. The Minutes were accepted as presented.

2. Jane Osborn has resigned due to health reasons.

3. Nominations for Board members are needed.

Treasurer, Ruth Ann, reported on the financials presented. Last year vs. this year, gross profit down and expenses down.

Events Committee Chair, Sally, submitted a repot. The committee is busy, 2 K were mailed out. The Awards were discussed. The agenda was reviewed. The Board can help by, getting the word out, selling raffle tickets, and working and bidding on the silent auction. Kimberly has been amazing!

Education Committee Chair, Jared, commented on his submitted report. He discussed the 3 rd classroom and the need for electrical work there. The committee will reevaluate the youth program prior to second semester 2021 regarding covid.

Executive Director, Doug, Submitted his report. He advised that we are having 15 visitors per day and that we will be open on Mondays. The Capitol Dollars are still in process. Dan made closing remarks regarding the electrical needs in the Sales area, Dougs office, and the Classroom. Dave made a motion to allocate $2,500 for all current electrical work. Bruce seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote.

The Meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm.

Respectively submitted,

Mike, Secretary


President Dan Galvin called meeting to order at 5:03 pm.

Physically attending were  Doug Johnson, Sheila Lamberson , and Mike McNeil, secretary.

Zoom attendees were Dan Galvin, Sally Berry, Jared Lacy, Bruce Cather, Dave Templeton, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Su Ge, &  Craig Queen

Previously forwarded documents: Directors' Report, Financial Documents, Minutes form July Board meeting, Education Committee report.

Dan: Old Business.    None reported

New Business:  Still need nominations for new board members. Will have on-line voting with in the next few days.

Finance:  Income down but expenses continue. Dan shared income and expense details. About 400                                       membership letters went out today. about 6K deficit ytd.  Cash reserves about 60k.

Sally: Met with BCC manager this week.  Virtual event is the way to go. Fall fundraiser date 9-17. 

Post card to go out soon with Silent auction, Raffle, Program.  Could possibly be a members only event.    

Jared: Report submitted. Discussed participant access to studio. Decision will follow. Krystal is doing a "bang up job"!  A fifty dollar gift card reward was suggested.


Director’s Report July 2020

With social distancing, the staff have returned to the office. Mask are worn outside of our individual office spaces, team

The Virtual Sugar Creek Arts Festival by the numbers, as of this morning 54 Artists Pages, each with between 444 and 100 individual views

9 Sugar Sessions pre-event videos 

The Neals, Tyler Sweitzer, Sarah Quah, Hot Sauce Universe, 3rd Street Down, Isabel Osorio, Emily Hope, Jared Lacy

6 “Day of” Musical Acts: The Green Embers, The Bashful Youngens, Marcos and Adrian Mendez, Leah Marlene, Stone and Snow, Edward David Anderson

3,526 Total Visits

3,000 Unique Visitors

28,559 Page Views

The website remains open and my plan is to have this as an adjunct to the in-person event from now on. We own the URLs and both lead to the same Wix page.  Our cost for the page, with chat feature and visitor tracking is about $500 per year.

Our SCAF Photo Scavenger Hunt received many comments and no submissions.

We wonder is a revived Spring Bloom Arts Festival in the same manner make sense?

We are moving our Stay Home Art Challenges to a weekly offering, as public response has slowed to a trickle.

MCAC Collection Exhibition is up in the Brandt Gallery. As we are in stage four, visitors are now allowed in the exhibition, provided they ware a mask. A video is being produced.


The motor and rotor for the classroom HVAC system has died.  It will be replaced tomorrow.  Our cost is unknown. 

Wu have a community service individual who will, allegedly, begin working on weeding around our building.

Additional conversation re web site and permanent collection followed.

Mike:  Minutes.   


Old Business


President Dan Galvin called meeting to order at 5:03 pm.

Physically attending were  Doug Johnson, Sheila Lamberson , and Mike McNeil, secretary.

Zoom attendees were Dan  Galvin, Sally Berry, Jared Lacy, Bruce Cather, Dave Templeton,

Ruth Ann Friedberg,, Su Ge,&  Craig Queen

Previously forwarded documents: Directors' Report, Financial Documents, Minutes form July Board

meeting, Education Committee report.

Dan: Old Business.    None reported

         New Business:  Still need nominations for new board members. Will have on-line voting with in the

next few                                     days.

         Finance:            Income down but expenses continue. Dan shared income and expense details.

About 400                                       membership letters went out today. about 6K deficit ytd.  Cash reserves

about 60k.

Sally:                          Met with BCC manager this week.  Virtual event is the way to go. Fall fundraiser date

9-17.                                     Post card to go out soon with Silent auction, Raffle, Program.  Could possibly

be a                                                   members only event.    

Jared:                         Report submitted. Discussed participant access to studio. Decision will follow.

Krystal is                                           doing a "bang up job"!  A fifty dollar gift card reward was suggested.

Doug:                          Report submitted. Additional conversation re web site and permanent collection


New Business

Executive – Dan Galvin (5 min)

ο‚· Jane Osborn

ο‚· Nominations

Finance – Ruth Ann (10 min)

ο‚· Reports attached to email

Events Committee – Sally (10 min if needed)

The Events committee has been keeping busy preparing for the Fall fundraiser. We have finally received all of our silent auction items and they've been photographed. Alexis has created beautiful bid sheets and artists' statements. We plan to start the online bidding 1 week before the event which is September17 at 6:00. Thank you to everyone who contributed! We have 39 beautiful items, more than we've ever had. We need the entire Board's help in making the Silent Auction a success. Tell friends and family members about it so we can have lots of bidders. This can potentially be a great fundraiser which we need more this year more than ever! The same goes for the raffle. Doug has contributed a beautiful acrylic painting and we need to sell lots of tickets. Both Doug's raffle painting and the Silent Auction items will be on display in the reception area of the Arts Center before the event so you can come in and view them before you bid. The link to the virtual fundraiser will be on both the MCAC website and ourFacebook page with instructions on registering to bid. It should be fun. Lots of bidding wars I hope. In addition to the silent auction and raffle, we'll have a brief talk by Russell Francois on the history of our building. We'll have a Fund a Need request for the building upkeep projects cleverly created by Gay and Alexis. We will also have a presentation of awards to Gay and Alexis as the Douglas C. Johnson Patron

Award winners along with Busey Bank as Business Associate of the year and Sandra and Paul Harmon as Members of the year. I hope you've all received your raffle ticket bundle. If you or someone else buys all 12, Doug has graciously offered to give that person a giclee print of the raffle painting. A lot is going on and we need everyone's participation to make our Fundraiser a success!

Education Committee – Jared (10 min)

1. Summer Semester Update - We are at “half capacity” for total enrollment. (72 Enrolled/148 Capacity) Steady growth.

Net Revenue updated 8/14/20 is $2,547.40

2. For “six foot social distancing” several larger classes were moved upstairs to the Brandt Gallery. For Fall classes: we will reserve this move as an option if need be.

3. Ceramics “open studio” will continue to be offered to students currently enrolled in a Ceramics class. We are allowing two (2) students for “open studio” for the (2) hour segments and there is a sign-up sheet available to them.

4. Fall Semester Planning is underway:

Our instructors have come up with some great new options; especially workshops.

We are offering twelve (12) Workshops.

Two (2) of them have already met the minimum.

Eleven (11) classes are being offered.

Five (5) have already met the minimum.

All of the classes are planned to take place downstairs in our two existing classrooms.

Hence, we will offer one class in a time slot; so as to utilize both existing classrooms

Executive Director’s Report (15 min)

-Our doors are open. We ask that makes and physical distancing be followed. We are anticipating a future stay at home order.

-Current staffing schedules allow us to formally open our doors on Monday, If approved, our new hours will be:

Monday:10 - 5

Tuesday: 10 - 7

Wednesday: 10 - 5

Thursday: 10 - 5

Friday: 10 - 5

Saturday: 12 - 4

-Doug has been active serving as a grant reviewer for the Illinois Arts Council Agency in the last month.  Our applications for Program Grant and Community Arts Access Grant dollars were supported and now await final approval.  These dollars typically are released in November.

-The Illinois Arts Council did distribute $3,000 in immediate support to the MCAC as part of the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund, via the Cares Act.

- No plan is set in place for the distribution of the Capitol Bill Dollars.

-Our Fall Fundraiser in virtual, please assist us with selling Raffle Tickets and encouraging Silent Auction bidding. 

The lobby will be utilized to display these items until the event.

-Continuing to work with the Jackie Joyner Kersey Foundation in East St. Louis in the newly established role as an Art Agency for that region.

-This is the last week for our Art Challenges.

-Renewing members now receive a circle magnet for their car, toaster, or refrigerator.

-The 2020 One State Arts Conference, co-convened by the Illinois Arts Council Agency and Arts Alliance Illinois will be virtual this year.  The MCAC was to have served as the host organization this year, the first time a group has ever served that role twice.  The virtual event will begin Tuesday, Sept 29 through Friday, October 2 in the afternoons and evenings. Doug served on the committee to select programming.  These presentation efforts are primarily directed at creating responses to our new normal of the virus, economic upheaval, loss of performance and public space, and cultural response to this time of renewed racial justice. 

-Nicole Chapman, a senior at ISU, has begun her fall internship.  She is working 20 hours per week and these are for academic credit.  She will be assisting with the Fall Fundraiser, the new Professional Artists membership level and website, exhibitions, and education programming.

-Electrical work is needed.  As we are looking to make do with the future ceramics room sooner, rather than later,

we are hoping to install some new electric in that room so as to allow the kilns to be moved. (see Education Committee request).  At that same time, we would have Anderson Electric repair the Sales Gallery (Ochre Gallery) lights and install a fluorescent style LED light in Doug’s Office.  The later is needed for Zoom Meeting and the former addresses a problem place on hold during this current apocalypse. 

-The plan for Holiday Treasures to set the show at the edges, so as to allow the resumption of classes in the Brandt Gallery space as soon as the September-October show ends.

Minutes for Board meeting June 18, 2020.

Dan Galvin:   Call to order 5:04 pm

Physically present:  Doug, Craig, and Mike. Zoom: Dan, Sally. Jared, Allison, Dave, and Bruce.

Doug:  Doug discussed the Director's Report Which had been previously forwarded.

Finances:  Doug has not deposited the last 4 months of endowment distributions. We are in "good shape" financially.

Raffle:  Painting: it is finished and will be in the gallery.

Dan:  Dan led a discussion regarding the endowment.

Education Committee: Jared discussed schedules, faculty, and procedures. 

Sally:  Fall fundraiser on hold.

Doug:  Doug will be forming a team to prioritize building projects.  Let him know if interested. 

Bruce:   Had questions regarding membership renewals, pace response rate.  Kevin has resigned from the Board due to current work conditions.

Adjournment:  5:47 pm 

Respectively submitted Mike.

 Board meeting minutes November 20, 2019

President Dan Galvin called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members present: Doug Johnson, Dan Galvin, Carol Koos, Allyson Frink, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Sheila Lamberson, Susie Vincent, Kevin Kuebler, Sally Berry, Michele Peterson Jane Osborn, Sue Ge, Jane Flanders Osborn, and Mike McNeil Secretary.

Handouts: Agenda, Executive Director’s Report, Minutes from 9-18, 10-16, 11-20, and 1-15 Board meetings, Exhibition Committee Mission with Goals and Metrics, Event Committee’s report, Membership Committee’s report, Statement of Financial Position, (@) Statements of Financial Income and Expense.

OLD BUSINESS: Minutes will be distributed vis print until old secretary figures out how to do them electronically.

NEW BUSINESS: Ruth Ann Friedberg was nominated to fill the remainder of the Treasurer’s office term by Mike McNeil. Carol Koos seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote.

Dan reported on a “flurry” fo activity on the Committees and thanked them for their work. The Executive committee continues to examine Chairs, Status, Plans, and Structure, where appropriate.

Exhibition Committee: Sheila led a discussion of their report.

Events Committee: Sally led a discussion of their report.

Education Committee: The report was discussed. A class registration discount was discussed and referred to the Membership committee for finalization. Only approximately one half of class participants are members.

Membership Committee: the Campaign Readiness Assessment was discussed by Kevin.

Doug reminded us of upcoming receptions, events, and openings and reinforced the importance of our attendance.

Motion was made by Susie Vincent and seconded by Kevin Kuebler to move our checking account to Busey Bank. A discussion followed . The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned

10-16-2019  Board meeting minutes

President Dan Galvin called the meeting to order at 5:05.

Members present: Jared Lacey, Sheila Lamberson, Sally Berry, Dave Templeton, Michelle Peterson, Kevin Kuebler, Bruce Cather, Carol Koos, Shawn Gravelle, Diane Skidmore, Allison Frink, & Executive Director

Doug Johnson. Craig and Susie Vincent both reported ill

Guest Linda Willis Fisher

Old Business:

Sally Berry reported on the Fall Luncheon expenses and income. An evaluation process is underway.

Next year’s date is tentatively 9-17.

Doug Johnson reported on the building repairs and maintenance status.

New Business:

Carol Koos reported on board nominee, Jane Osborn. Motion made, seconded and carried for board appointment.

Dan Galvin reported on Holiday Party at the MACA gallery set for 12-7-2019. Buffet. $20 per person, $30 per couple, staff free. Board Alumni invited. Staff Christmas bonus assessment $50 per board member. All to be collected at Nov. board mtg. Dan will handle all invites.

Dan will be training all committee chairs and officer on procedure for reporting thru Google.


Education, Linda Willis Fisher reported on the completion of the Goals and Measures

Executive, will continue to evaluate, ways to meet, collaboration, value streams and resources.

Events, Sally reported on volunteer opportunities,. Pumpkin Party, Holiday Treasures, Artisan Workshop, Stocking Stuffer Tea, Lunch 2020

Finance, Shawn reported that we on track with last year. Carol Koos requested an ongoing spread sheet.

Executive Director, Doug reported on the One State conference, State Capitol Bill ready to be signed, and made comments on the Kiln and clay followed.

The meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm

Respectfully submitted, Secretary Mike McNeil

September 18, 2019 Board meeting minutes

President Dan Galvin called the meeting to order at 5:05.

Members present: Jared Lacey, Sheila Lamberson, Sally Berry, Allyson Frink, Michelle Peterson, Carol Koos, Bruce Cather, Susie Vincent, Su Ge, Ruth Ann Friedberg, & Kevin Kuebler, & Executive Director

Doug Johnson.

Old Business:

Sally Berry reported on the Fall Luncheon expenses and income. The community competition this year was stiff and attendance was down but we did well financially. An evaluation process is underway. Next year’s date is tentatively 9-17.

New Business:

Dan congratulated everyone and especially the committee on the luncheon success.

Committee structure is in flux and being examined by the Executive committee

Ad Hoc committees: H.R., Bylaws, Outstanding needs and priorities, & technical efficiencies

Board Handbook: Alexis reviewed the new board member handbook which she developed. The boards thanks and appreciation was extended.

Dan offered Google documents navigation update to board members.

A discussion of Board and Staff Holiday Party location, funding, and potential dates occurred. An early December date at the MCAC with a $20 per person charge was generally agreed upon. This will take the place of the December Board meeting.

Executive Director Report:

Doug thanked everyone for the luncheon His emphasis was, awards and testimonials, and the need for a resident technical expert. He is working Grants, Illinois Arts Council business. He expressed thanks for the work and funding of Tracy Shepard for the window restoration. He hopes tp resolve wifi issues soon. The basement hallway ceilings will soon be replaced. Anderson Electric is working on solving the kiln power issue. There have been an excess of 3K views of the Richard Finch Show video.

Nominating Committee:

Carol Koos reported on the nomination of Jane Osborne to the Board. She is working to match potential board members talents to board needs.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2019

Shawn Gravelle - President

Sally Berry

Su Ge *

Sheila Lamberson

Rashod Taylor

Julia Davis – Vice President

Anita Carney **

Carol Koos

Mike McNeil

Susie Vincent *

Dan Galvin - Treasurer

Gay Dolan *

Kevin Kuebler *

Michele Peterson* 

Linda Willis Fisher

Alexis Kalish – At Large

Ruth Ann Friedberg

Jared Lacy

Deb Risberg

Doug Johnson

*Excused Absence         **Absent

Call to Order:  by President Shawn Gravelle @ 5:05 pm.

Old Business:

Events: Alexis reported for Gay.

  • Planning for the Fall Luncheon is going well. The current focus is on Ad Sales. Gay distributed Ad Spec Sheets via email, and paper copies were distributed at the meeting. All Board members are encouraged to think of businesses they could ask to purchase an ad. Lauren is keeping track of ad sales via a spreadsheet that was linked in Gay’s April 5th email. If your business does not have professional artwork, we may be able to create graphics. Doug mentioned that we will have an intern with graphic arts skills this summer.

Dan suggested we determine the exposure of the ad beyond the number of luncheon attendees, such as views on our website or Facebook. We could use this information in selling ads.

  • The Board has agreed to sponsor a full-page “Proud to Be an MCAC Board Member” ad in the Luncheon program at $15 each. We continued to collect for this.
  • The Silent Auction is about half way to its goal of 30 items. Board members are asked to consider donating an item, and we are pleased to have ten members contributing at this point. The deadline is July 5th, but earlier would be appreciated as we want to photo items for the website, Facebook, and program.
  • Events Committee will coordinate volunteers for Sugar Creek Arts Festival. We ask for Board members to volunteer plus provide ideas of groups that might be approached. A Sign-up Genius identifying the jobs and time segments will be created. All volunteers will receive a SCAF t-shirt.

Permanent Art Collection:  The move of the art collection to the storage area will be rescheduled.

New Business:

Board Member Replacement: Carol had distributed David Templeton’s resume and moved that he be approved as Director. Sally seconded, and the motion was approved.

We need to continue our search for Directors as we have one current opening, and six members will roll off in September. Yvonne Hoop has resigned from the Board to assist with family affairs.

2019 Fiscal Year – Results through March: Dan distributed financial results for the month of March.  Several areas of income were noted to be short of expectation. Ruth Ann inquired about our status year-to-date. This information was put in the shared Google Drive. Dan will provide year-to-date information at future meetings.

Director’s Report:

  • Planned Giving will be a future focus. Intern Aiden Moore has worked on updating all our brochures, which will be introduced at the Fall Luncheon.
  • Doug traveled to Springfield with a group to meet with legislative leadership and representation from the Governor’s Office. The purpose was to request a pool of capital funds, a line item in the capital bill dedicated to the arts and cultural sector statewide. There was general support for this concept. 


  • A critical challenge is finding revue to fund this.
  • The combined pool is much more likely to be included in the capital bill than individual earmarks. It is also important that projects have private support as well as state funding.
  • Interested parties need to support tax increases needed to pay for this bill.

MCAC’s ask is $100,000.

  • This summer’s interns will be Jenna Taylor, specializing in design, and Kelsey Browning, who will serve as assistant to the Director.
  • Sugar Creek Arts Festival
    • Fees for Beaufort Street booths were raised.
    • Artists have been selected.
    • Friday night check-in will be available for all artists.
    • Shirts for artists will be available at a reduced rate – part of the branding effort.
  • 2019 Community Arts Access Grants were awarded.
    • YWCA - $500
    • Cultural Fest - $600
    • Heartland Theater - $1,500
    • Illinois Symphony Orchestra - $1,250
    • Holiday Spectacular - $1,000
    • McLean County Dance Association - $500
    • Regional Alternative School - $1,000
    • Threshold to Hope - $300
    • West Bloomington Revitalization Project - $850
  • Several steps have been taken to prepare the new Ceramics Room. Many thanks to Yvonne and Rex for the work they have done.
  • Registration for Summer Classes went very smoothly. This is the first time members have been given first day access. 168 registered; 69 members and 99 non-members. Profit last session was $9,200.
  • Susan Emmerson was featured on a story about second careers on CBS Sunday Morning. The show will air May 5th.
  • A memorial for Ken Holder will be held at the Marriott Saturday at 2:00 pm, with a reception at the ISU Gallery at 3:30.
  • Doug will be attending the Arts Alliance luncheon June 20th, and invites a Board member to attend with him.
  • Lauren has investigated software that will serve her needs working with membership. She would like to purchase Little Green Lights, which costs $800 a year. Julia moved that we approve this purchase. Linda seconded and the motion was approved.
  • Tara Wray, a nationally-known photographer scheduled for an exhibit, has asked us to pay expense for shipping her work and travel. As an alternative, she can make prints to send to us for $700. Rashod moved that we approve this amount, Dan seconded, and the motion was approved. We are going to revise our application process to better identify artists needs and avoid this kind of situation.

Committee Reports:

Events Committee: In addition to the report under Old Business:

  • “Save the Date” has been added to the website.
  • Invitations are ready for final design work.
  • Doug will meet with Dave Haab soon to discuss AV needs.
  • Letters have been sent to the recipients of our four awards. The award statues/plaque have been ordered.

Finance Committee: Dan distributed the March Profit & Loss for the month of March. He included annotations where actual varied significantly from Budget. A copy of the report has been placed in the shared Google Drive.  

Building Committee: 

  • CO alarms have been added – one on the wall near the Point of Sale computer and one on the top shelf in the painting/drawing room.
  • The Permanent Collection move is in progress.

Adjournment: Sheila moved the meeting be adjourned. Sally seconded; the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Acting Secretary

20 March 2019 MCAC Minutes

Members present: Shawn Gravelle, Julia Davis, Dan Galvan, Alexis Kalish, Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Carol Koos, Kevin Kuebler, Linda Willis-Fisher, Michele Peterson, Ruth Ann Friedburg, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Doug Johnson, Yvonne Hoop.

Excused Absences: Su Ge, Rashod Taylor, Deb Risberg, Sheila Lamberson 

Old Business

Membership: Kevin Kuebler had letters for members whose membership was to expire in April and Board Members were asked to jot a note on them if they knew the members.

Basement Update:  Yvonne Hoop reported that Rex Schemerhorn cleaned up the ceiling by removing abandoned ductwork and gas pipes. He also removed old ceiling tiles and tied up old phone wires.  He is ready to consider lay out, and he and Yvonne have done more discovery work. There was a brief discussion on kiln venting methods. Yvonne and Rex have decided whatever it is, it will run on 110 as the two 220 we have will be dedicated to kilns.

Nominating: Carol Koos had sent bios for both Jared Lacy and Mike McNeil.  Gay Dolan moved, and Alexis Kalish seconded that Jared Lacy be approved for Board Membership.  Carol Koos moved and Alexis Kalish seconded that Mike McNeil be approved. Carol needs more members on the Nominating Committee, one of whom must be a community member who is not on the board. She  also needs more recommendations for the  Board and requested that if you have a friend who might serve, you ask them to write a bio and send it to her.  She has been hampered by getting incorrect contact information and has had little response from those she contacted who did not know her.   Dan Galvin suggested taking potential members to dinner and to give them packets explaining the benefits to them of Board service. He suggested giving members a Certificate of Appreciation. There was some discussion of new members who will come in to fill a vacant seat - those persons would finish the term and then serve a full three year term.

Finance: Dan Galvin has sent a link to his report and also had a hard copy on the agenda, see attached.  For February there was more tuition, were more sponsorships, and the net was modestly better than expected.  For FY2019, we are $46,000 over expected income.  This includes the endowment transfers, but even without them, it looks good. Enough that we should consider moving some money back into the endowment fund.  Some State Farm matches have come in during the last few months but membership has not been as great as expected.

Update on Executive Action:  Due to time constraints, on 3 March, President Shawn Gravelle moved and Alexis Kalish seconded  an email  motion for protection, repair, and wrapping of stained  glass windows, and the contracts were signed  to ensure our line up in the repairmen’s work schedule for summer of 2019. The cost will be $17,000 - 18,000 and will come from Tracy Shepard or from the endowment. The Executive Committee voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

New Business

Exhibition Committee: There were a record number of applications from artists.  Maggie met with the Committee, and they combined many of the proposals to come up with a nice selection and excellent diversity.  So that the artists can make plans, we need to  make the offers now, and Doug went over the handout.  See attached..  During discussion, the addition of an Adult Art Student Show was suggested.  Yvonne moved to accept the schedule, Carol seconded, and the motion passed.

Director Report:

Sugar Creek artists application deadline was today, so it was a busy day.  Beer and wine will be allowed on the streets throughout the festival.  Set up for Friday night, festival wide will make Saturday an easier day for artists and volunteers alike. ISU Art Station has requested a meeting with Doug to discuss setting up children’s art  education at the festival.  Doug will investigate building a relationship with them. As we have lost some grants, this could be a possible benefit, but their goals are different than ours, and we would not compete with them. Dan asked how this plays into the  partnerships that promote the Art Center, Membership and Budgeting.  Linda has worked with some of the people at Art Station and  thinks Art Station and MCAC would support each other in this one time at the festival, for now.  Sugar Creek name is not “owned “ by the Art Center - Uptown Normal owns the name. There was much discussion about  how to make sure our name is associated with Sugar Creek Art Festival though the intent  of the topic was questions about Art Station as Doug prepares to meet with them.

Wild Apricot will be renewed.  This gives us an additional year to decide what additional software could be used for other purposes and allow time for computer development on the back end. 

   Thank you to all who volunteered for the Amateur Show help.

   The upstairs bathroom continues to be worked on.

   He’s busy with Arts Alliance Illinois.

   Shovel ready bids and plans are needed in 3-4 weeks.  Please get big and small ideas to Doug within the next 48 hours and as we need to move quickly, Board Members should get the bids to turn in with the ideas.

   Maggie got married and her new last name is Morton.

Committee Reports:

 Events Committee

Fall Luncheon 2019:   

• Deadlines for the silent auction and program ads have been set for earlier dates.

• The Sponsorship Grid has been streamlined and now has three levels:  gold, silver and bronze.  

• The Ad Spec Sheet has been restructured to include:  full page(first in & back cover), full page (interior),  1/3 page and 1/6 page. The price of ads will range from $100 to $500.

• Volunteers have been selected to photograph silent auction items for the program and assist with AV set-up for the luncheon. The photographer is Georgi Baird & AV assistant is David Haab. 

• In her role as Director of Development, Lauren Lacy will assist the committee to determine who should be on the mailing list for the luncheon.  

In addition, Carol Koos has chosen to resign from the committee so she can focus on the critical work of the Nominating Committee.  Sally Berry is handling fundraising, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent is taking the venue portion! And we welcomed a new member, Allyson Frink.   

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th at 5pm during which time we will try to finalize the invitation and response card.

Exhibition Committee

The full exhibition committee met on 3/7 to review applicants and plan for upcoming exhibition schedule.

Finance Committee

Detailed Analysis:

FY2019 - February Overview and YTD Analysis

FY2019 - February Profit & Loss


Summary:  February results were modestly better than expected overall performance with a $(2.7K) outcome as compared to a plan of $(4.7K).

FY2019 revenue thru February is currently $46K above plan (plan of $565 net for FY2019, currently at $47.1K) This compares with a total net revenue of $17.8K for FY2018 

Endowment transfers remain at $7K per month and should be adjusted to the modified budget plan of $6K per month.  Currently at $42K in endowment transfers for FY2019.  It is important to note that subtracting endowment transfers YTD from Net Revenue YTD still results in a $5K net outcome. 

Better than expected grants, individual contributions, Trustee/Board contributions, along with ticket sales and tuition have pushed gross revenue significantly above plan, despite membership dues currently below plan.  

Expenses for FY2019 YTD are running $30K above plan, which includes a $13K trust fee charge and a $14.3K accumulated depreciation of assets.  Other expense items to note include a $20.8K endowment adjustment in December and a $(12K) adjustment for repairs through capital asset purchase from expense.  

Overall, FY2019 has so far exceeded expectations and plan with strong revenue growth and no appreciable inflation of recurring expenses. 

Building Committee

Rex Schemerhorn and Yvonne Hoop have met several times. They traced the 220 from the circuit breaker box to the current kiln room, determined that they both work and that nothing else is running on those circuits. They also determined the open duct work in the ceiling goes to a brick wall and can be removed. Rex purchased the double pane window for the kiln room wall, new, for $20 from Habitat Restore and hopes to start work on walls soon. They determined the exhaust fans, to be determined, will operate on existing 110. 

Yvonne met with Linda Willis-Fisher to discuss the to-do list and Linda suggested replacing boards on the storage shelves in the current ceramics room when they move as well as purchasing a pug mill. They agree this is the right time to survey teachers and students to help determine possible changes for future classes. Doug will discuss the survey with Kim Barman.

Shawn will send test notes to Board members to see if emails are being dropped. Please reply/respond to them so that he can correct the problems.

Alexis moved to adjourn. Kevin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6.15.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Members Present: Sally Berry, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Julia Davis, Gay Dolan, Carol Koos, Dan Galvan, Sheila Lamberson, Kevin Kuebler, Doug Johnson, Michele Peterson, Yvonne Hoop

Excuses Absences:  Su Ge, Deb Risberg, Shawn Gravelle, Linda Willis-Fisher, Alexis Kalish

Vice President Julia Davis called the meeting to order at 5.04 pm.

Old Business:
Recommended Award Changes -

Julia read the proposal:

 “In recognition of the vital role patrons serve in fulfilling the mission of the Arts Center, the Board of Directors established the Douglas C Johnson Distinguished Patron Award. This award honors Doug Johnson’s highly regarded accomplishments as Executive Director of the McLean County Arts Center and the essential support of our notable patrons.

 The Executive Committee of the McLean County Arts Center Board of Directors will solicit nominations for the Distinguished Patron Award and make the final decision on the recipient. Criteria to consider will be:

  Financial and/or in-kind contributions to the Arts Center

  Leadership and Service to the Arts Center

  Level and Duration of patronage

 The recipient may be an individual, a couple, a family, or a non-business foundation. The Distinguished Patron Award is to be given annually; however, if in a particular year no recipient is recommended, it will not be awarded. Current Board members are not eligible.

 The Distinguished Patron Award winner will receive public recognition with a personal memento , their name on a plaque displayed prominently at the Arts Center, and recognition on the website, social media, and local press.”

After little discussion, Michele Peterson moved the Distinguished Patron Award be approved and Sheila Lamberson seconded. Motion passed.

The names for the 2019 Awards were read but are confidential until the Events Committee issues the invitations as they see fit. Anne and Brian Boyden will receive the Distinguished Patron Award, Business Award will go to Bloomington - Normal Convention and Visitors Bureau, Individual Award to Dennis French and Volunteer Award to Allyson Frink. Carol Koos moved to accept these names for these awards, and Sally Berry seconded. Motion passed.

Basement Improvement/Luncheon Money –Yvonne Hoop and Rex Schemerhorn have met with Doug, and the Building Report included a handout of the measurements and plans for the Kiln Room. The activities plan for Phase One is in the report. There has been a request for help moving Harold Gregor’s books on Friday 22 February which prompted questions about where the books are going. Doug said they will go to the Tower Room.

Board Nominations – Carol said there are currently 2 unfilled seats and more will open in September. She has contacted several who declined including Fariba Murray, Joni Painter, Lauren Seaborg. Some names had been given to her with incorrect contact information. It appears that Mike McNiel and Jared Lacy are interested. Carol will get the bios to Exec for approval, after which the Full Board would approve or decline. Carol thinks members need longer terms than 6 years but the By-laws actually call for three year terms. Some discussion ensued, and the need to review By-Laws again discussed.. Please contact Carol with additional board nomination names and contact information.

New Business:
Membership Drive - Kevin has met with Lauren Lacy (Director of Development (DOD)) to coordinate new membership levels, bringing them to the standard set by the Readiness Assessment. An immediate need is a different software system. Wild Apricot is increasing the fees in April, and functionality and cost must be considered. This is the perfect time to launch a new system. The Membership Drive, with the intent to triple membership, will be launched at the Fall Fundraising Luncheon.  Renewal Letters were passed around, asking folks who knew the lapsed members to write a personal note on a post-it note for attachment to the letters.

2019 Fiscal Year Results through January – Dan needs clarification on numbers before he can fully analyze the first five months of FY 2019, but we ended 2018 in much better financial shape than anticipated. This is due to a few large gifts and continued higher disbursements from the Endowment Fund. Dan distributed a pie chart showing categories of incoming funds. Our Arts Center does not fit the University of Massachusetts model that he has researched. His intent is to create financial strategy, plans and objectives to reflect the Mission of MCAC.

Request for Silent Auction Items for 2019 Luncheon – Sally reported that though the goal is 30, , they already have15 items for the Silent Auction to be held at the Fall Fundraising Luncheon. Having them in advance reduces the chaos of last minute documentation for the program. Non-artists are welcome to purchase an art  item. Please contact Sally if you plan to donate or need more information.

Director’s Report  - Doug reported they are working on the following grants:
• Updating our COMMARTS application
(from NEA, which is regranted)

• Applying for the IACA Program Grant
• Finishing the MIRZA application (Music at SCAF)

Building Issues:  Bathroom repair in Staging Area continues and includes a utility sink outside he bath. A grant for tuck-pointing, perhaps windows being worked on,

Exhibitions:  Video work is mostly finished for next several shows, although nothing yet for amateur.

Arts Advocacy: Doug will be in Washington the first week in March

General Staff updates: Kim Barman's father is very ill.

Committee Reports:

Education Committee
No updates for February - committee is scheduled to meet Thursday, February 21st..

Events Committee
Fall Luncheon 2019:  Progress is being made on the invitation and response card.   Increasing revenue through program ads and table sponsorships is being discussed.  A volunteer with the expertise to set up the AV for the luncheon is being sought. Items for the silent auction are being solicited.  The next Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12th at 5p.

Exhibition Committee
Sheila met with Maggie and Doug on 2/7 for initial high-level review of exhibition applicants, planning and strategy.  It appears we have a good selection of quality applicants to review. Maggie will prepare a PowerPoint of images for the committee’s work in March.

The full exhibition committee will meet on 3/7 to review applicants and plan for upcoming exhibition schedule.

Building Committee Report

Rex and Yvonne met with Doug to look at Ceramics Room. Rex drew up plans, which were provided to Board members at the meeting. Yvonne created the list of action to be taken which is included on page 3. Doug agrees that it is workable.

There was some ambiguity concerning carbon monoxide detection as part of the new alarm system. Yvonne contacted Oberlander (no CO detectors) and has purchased and installed 2 sensors/alarms with help from Justin.

19 February 2019
Ceramics Room

Phase One Kiln Room
β–‘ Physical property in kitchen to be kept must be marked visually by Doug and staff
β–‘ Physical junk removal - Rex and Yvonne
β–‘ Ceiling junk removal- Rex and Yvonne
β–‘ Wall studs - Rex
β–‘ 220 electrical - Anderson Electric. $1325, already passed
β–‘ Exhaust vents into windows
β–‘ Get rid on non-working kiln- Education Committee  
β–‘ Walls and ceiling up (cement board) -Rex
β–‘ Window  in wall - Rex
β–‘ Door in (fire rated) - Rex
β–‘ Sink (2 sided) and plumbing moved (including ceramic trap).- MCAC usual plumber
β–‘ Shelving built for ceramic pieces- Rex
β–‘ Purchase new kiln - Education Committee

While this is going on, the permanent collection is being catalogued intern Emily Wilkes. Shelves being built by Doug, initial set should be in this week. Inventory and shelving to be completed during April. Physical move to take place 13 April from 10-3 by Board Members. If needed, move completed 20 April, commencing 10 am.

At the same time, students and art instructors need to be surveyed by Kim Barman. What would instructors most like to see in new ceramics room... current and past instructors in good standing, leaving it as is similar, changing it drastically, wishes and dreams.  Painting/drawing instructors, current and past - desires for new space ideas, Students, former and current polled on class sizes, subjects - photography or painting & also subjects- landscapes or figures, likes, dislikes, class times, class length. This data results will help prepare for Phase Three.

Determine needs for all purpose use that could occur in paint Room. Explore all purpose use for ceramics room.

Investigate replacing painting room tables with sturdy but lighter weight tables - Kim Barman/Education Committee

Phase Two Rest of Ceramics Room
β–‘ Junk on floor to be kept physically marked
β–‘ Junk on floor removed
β–‘ Ceiling junk removed
β–‘ Decide if ceiling will be put in or just sprayed black
β–‘ Determine spacing for wheels -Education Committee
β–‘ Determine number of wheels to be purchased - Education Committee
β–‘ Drop 110 electricity for wheels
β–‘ Work Tables

Phase Three painting and drawing room

Sheila Lamberson moved to adjourn and Carol Koos seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 6.25 pm

16 January 2019

Members present:  Shawn Gravelle, Sally Barry, Deb Risberg, Julia Davis, Gay Dolan, Dan Galvan, Su Ge, Kevin Kuebler, Yvonne Hoop, Michele Peterson, Alexis Kalish, Doug Johnson

Excused: Rashod Taylor, Linda Willis-Fisher, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Shelia Lamberson

Friday opening weather discussion. Depending on weather warning/travel advisories on Thursday, we will reschedule for the following Friday. Maggie has alerted artists to this possibility.

Events discussed annual luncheon awards.  Similar to the Historymakers award at History Museum, we have an opportunity to have an annual lifetime award. Volunteer, business, and individual awards are already given. Long time leadership and financial help deserves an award, perhaps a plaque. Kevin moved, Sally seconded. Events will define specifics for new award with exec, then bring to full board for vote. Awards recipients need advance notice in order to be able to plan to attend with family and friends.

Dan financial results for first quarter. Attached. Budget was revised due to staff change (DOD), and he gave brief summary. Discussion of Holiday Treasures as an event, pumpkin event which was successful, but needs a re-think of children carving pumpkins. Artist Residents did very well at HT and were successful, bringing needed freshness to Holiday Treasures. The Residents will be continued to prevent stagnation.

There was a discussion concerning payments from the Foundation since we are suddenly in better financial shape. We have been receiving $12K and discussed reducing it to $7K. The market is lower, so perhaps perhaps we need to stop reducing the principal. Dan says we should formalize a financial plan and make decisions about how to finance ourselves vs using the Endowment. A one time payback to the Endowment is an option since we received a large gift, but we need to check that our action aligns with our mission statement.

Board nominations, have 3 to replace, and Nominating Committee has 4 persons who expressed interest. Carol is also looking at a bench of people to replace those who will be leaving in September, including expertise of those persons for succession planning. Jared lacy, Lauren Seaboard, Fabrina ? & Joni Painter. This committee is set up differently than other committees by the bylaws, and the community member is Jim Freeman.

The targeted ask at the luncheon will be for Education wing. Additional kiln, wheels, etc. Education and Building to collaborate so that progress can be shown by luncheon.

At the Morrisey Rental, industrial shelving is ready for lumber, inventory begins again next week, and we are anticipating the Permanent Collection move end of April.

We need an Ad Hoc HR Committee for Director Evaluation, Staff description, etc. Alexis will lead but others to need to help as Alexis is going off in September. We will need someone with continuity on the Board to serve now.

Shawn distributed Christmas bonuses to staff with homemade cookies.

Doug’s report

He has his new computer. What took 4-6 hours now takes 7 minutes. The cost was under $2800. Friday is a quadruple opening, and there are videos for all 4. 1300 views for the top one. There is Story Slam next Friday  at 7.30. Kim has revamped class registration. Lauren knows the community and is coming with suggestions. Maggie will develop into a fine curator. 2 interns returning and 2 new ones coming in, Zo and Allison. Alex Sheperd will be volunteering with us.

March 7 2020 is the Confirmed Spring Bloom date. (Heartland also offered space). Amateur Art Exhibition application is all online already. Exhibition Committee has not met since Maggie began.

Adjourned 6.07

28 November 2018

Call to order 5.07 pm

Members present: Shawn Gravelle, President, Dan Galvin, Treasurer, Yvonne Hoop, Secretary,

Sally Berry, Gay Dolan, Su Ge, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Carol Koos, Shelia Lamberson, Michele Peterson, Rashod Taylor, Linda Willis Fisher, Doug Johnson

Excused Absence: Alexis Kalish, Deb Risberg, Anita Carney

Old business:

Director’s Report -

    Kim  Barman is the new Education Coordinator and she’s made changes to registration to include membership discount. Winter class registration began this week, and ceramics classes are almost full. Lauren Lacy is our new Development Director, and she’s busy with the mailing list, member database and fundraising planning. The end of year asks went out and our strategy is to not ask folks too often.  Curator Maggie Kunze starts next week and has spent the  last 2 Tuesday evenings with Lisa. Intern Emily Wilkes (ISU) is tasked with prep work in advance of moving the Collection offsite. Space has been rented and initial shelving is installed. She will continue with us in the Spring.  Intern Aidan Morre (IWU) will also return in the Spring.

    Board needs the schedule of who works when, especially the part time staff.  It is currently on the kitchen door, will put on the admin page when schedule is firm.

    The Artist Residence Program with Holiday Treasures has been a big success. It was featured on WGLT and elsewhere.

    Money raised from Doug’s Facebook birthday campaign raised more than $600.  That will pay for part of the $1134 the new folding chairs cost. They were purchased to replace the fragile plastic chairs.

    Holiday Treasures - The reception sold $7500 items, about $2000 additional sales since then. There have been no big ticket sales in the last few years. Paying artist residencies has been a big change, and one or two artists had multiple sales while they were here. A League of Women’s Voters fundraising event is 5 December, and we hope more will sell then.

      The Alarm System is to be installed Monday.

    Story slam event 30 November at 7.30, a family event.

    Sugar creek applications are  out and artists applying.


Committee Reports -

     Building - Yvonne has created S.M.A.R.T. goals for the committee to plan items for the next year and will discuss them with the committee after Christmas.  Underway are Clean Ups, the process of moving Permanent Collection off-site and Systems Inventory.  She inventoried the systems with Doug and Carmel, looking at age and approximate replacement cost of items in order to better plan upkeep of building and needs. Doug’s seven year old computer is an example of something needing updating.  Alarm installation and moving the permanent collection are underway.

    Education - Linda and Kim Barman met to review previous MCAC Strategic Plan and MCAC Mission and Goals.  They will meet again 12 December to review education policies and to check inventory in the supply storeroom. The full committee meeting will be in January.

    Events - The committee will meet 27 November to discuss preparation for the 2019 Fall Fundraising luncheon to be held 12 September.  The event will be held at Holiday Inn and Suites/Baxter’s and the contract has been signed.


New business:

    Shawn distributed and explained a Mission and goals statement with focus, strategy and expected outcomes as well as  exposure, opportunities, style, connections, & perception; value, engagement, demographics, including socio-economic, developing analytics & benchmarking discussion. Point of sale membership and partnerships are also being looked at.  The metrics may come from targeted info Carmel already has.  Art Marketplace- a revised document from several years ago of Blue Box Picture. How do we help artists and art patrons get the most from the Art Center?  Sustained support for the Art Center is a key question- can we continue to operate financially?  We need to look at the art community- for example formerly named Harmon Arts/sugar creek children’s activities, classes at art center, relationship with businesses or with community members.  We need to look at the Art Center itself as per physical facility and use.

    Shawn’s met with four committees -  Education, Membership, Building  and Exhibition, and he used the example of Building Committee.  Do Committee chairs feel they understand goals, expectations, resources, methods of executing ideas?

    Committee status - Events and Education are ongoing, well oiled machines, with steady activities.Linda and Kim met to discuss previous strategic plans.  Lauren is the staff contact for Events Committee. We are currently restarting Exhibition, Membership and Building Committees.

     Carol Koos will chair nominations committee and will look to fill need of extra board members. Currently we have 19 board members, 18 of which are active, and planning succession will be underway. Carol wants to explore options of expanding the board. We’ve had targeted committee members from the community and need to expand this group of volunteers to pull from.

     Gay wants to know if we are continuing with Spring Bloom - ISU is still under construction, and needs to be discussed/decided soon.

    Dan is working on finance. The DOD can work on fundraising. Committee and staff list is currently on the board drive. Look for additional areas you’d like to be included on and tell the appropriate person/s.

    Holiday party. Someone needs to volunteer to host, and a list of possible dates will be sent for voting on. With staff, board, and partners, about 35 folks usually, possibly to include teachers. Meeting here is a possibility as well. We normally do not have regular board meetings in December.


Director report-.Action Items:

Anderson electric quote/bid. Goal for moving… in January before classes or after spring classes, we’d have to move stuff. Students are volunteering to help move things. Action towards using gifts for intended purpose.


Anderson Electric has proposed $1325 to move the kiln .  Gay moved and Carol seconded we accept the proposal.  Proposal passed. This is part of the planned activities to update the education area of the Art Center and  part of using gifts for intended purposes.


We have determined that Doug’s computer needs replacing, and Gay moved we approve the purchase with Michele seconding the motion. Motion passed.


Adjourn 6.14 pm.


Board of Directors Meeting --Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Board of Directors:

Shawn Gravelle, President; Julia Davis, Vice President; Yvonne Hoop, Secretary; Dan Galvin, Treasurer; Alexis Kalish, At Large. Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Su Ge, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Carol Koos, Kevin Kuebler, Shelia Lamberson, Michele Peterson, Deb Risberg,  Linda Willis Fisher, Rashod Taylor, and Eleisha Whitney Olson.

Excused Absences: Su Ge, Alexis Kalish, Sally Berry

Call to Order 5.04 pm

New Business:

Education Coordinator and Staff Update:

    On Monday, September 17th, Sarah Sciba emailed the exec board to let us know she had serious concerns working with Doug and tentatively submitted her resignation.  While her reaction was triggered by specific events the day before and the day of the luncheon, it was a culmination of longstanding concerns. Since she contacted the Exec board directly, and since it was related to Doug’s performance, we were deliberate to investigate her concerns and come up with an appropriate course of action.

    I met independently with Doug, Sarah, Lisa, and Justin to get their perspective on Doug’s performance, the situation with Sarah, and their overall satisfaction with their work and the work environment at the Arts Center.

    Based on those conversations, three things were clear:

  1. Sarah had reached a point where she was no longer comfortable working with Doug.
  2. Doug has areas he can improve, particularly around interactions with staff during times of stress like the lead up to Sugar Creek and the Luncheon.
  3. The rest of staff, while acknowledging areas of improvement, did not share the level of concern that Sarah did.

    Feedback was shared with Doug, along with possible courses of action to make improvements, particularly by providing additional staff help and shifting responsibilities to make the best use of Doug’s time and expertise.

    Sarah was notified of improvements we’d be pursuing and decided to submit her resignation.  Doug provided a glowing recommendation in recognition for the work she did to build a successful education program from the ground up.

    We wanted to give the board a chance to hear details and ask any questions you may have before having Doug join the regular board meeting.    

    One question was if the art center has a HR person.  It was explained that the Board has oversight of Doug only and that staff issues belong to Doug.  Alexis has sometimes been used as HR in the past. The Board was involved because Sarah’s problem was Doug and she wasn’t comfortable with that.  One way we hope to improve this situation is by having the Board Members serving on committees interact more with the staff.

    One of the next steps will be discussing staff description and evaluations with Doug and increasing staff. Kevin recommended Carmel be included in the follow up of staff discussions.  Shawn said she was not included prior to this because it mainly concerned Lisa, Justin, and Sarah. From this we hope for growth and better communication as well as greater staff/staff hours.  Board members will interact better with staff. We will refresh the HR handbook.

    Doug has hired Kim Barman, who has lots of administrative experience, as Education Coordinator . Kim will be at the new board member tour tomorrow, scheduled from 6-7.30 pm.

    Lauren Lacy, who is going back to school, but was development director at McLean County Museum, is looking at part time employment. She is talented with depth of experience and skills, and even part time would be a good move towards a DOD.  We continue to seek donations to fund DOD and have $10,000 for this. Doug is asking Lisa to consider going full time with increase in salary to continue as curator and also to do some development work. Kevin moved that we approve Lauren Lacy to work as part time DOD with a target hourly salary of $13/hour.  Gay seconded. Motion passed.

Board Members Update:

    Craig Lee is stepping down for the board as he just doesn’t have the time for it though he will continue to look for volunteer opportunities.  The board is in need of a nominating chair as well as new members.



    Julia Davis has agreed to be added to the Building Committee. Carmel is the staff liaison,  and Rex Schemerhorn is a community member. We need additional members on this committee as the Building Committee moves forward.

    Handrails on basement stairs were requested and have been installed.

    Michelle, Doug and Yvonne participated in Fall Clean Up last week, so six hours of outdoor tidying took place.  Look forward to Spring Clean Up next year as well as an Interior Clean Up during the winter for cleaning and miscellaneous chores.

    Doug has the contract going in to Oberlader today at a cost of $5736 with expectations to install next week.

    Yvonne will be contacting Lisa about ideas on how to beautify the plywood over the door on the southeast side of the building.


    Julia, Doug, Kim and Yvonne looked at a 10x20 foot storage room for the permanent collection. The facility is temperature controlled, and moving the collection off-site protects the collection while we look at options for the education rooms in the basement.  The cost for storing items will be $180/month. Julia moved and Dan seconded to use off site storage for the permanent collection at a rental fee of $180 per month.  Motion passed.


Exhibition Committee:

    Sponsorships - We are currently receiving sponsorships for Holiday Treasures and finalizing next year’s sponsorships.

    Holiday Treasures art will come in 17 - 27 October, to be installed 27 Oct - 2 November. Email cards will be created for the Artisan workshop Residents with image and schedule for each. This year we are using an online registration for artists with a form on the MCAC website.

    Workshop artist include Mandy Roeing (pastel), Kara Kirchner (felting), Natalie Wetzel (encaustic/mixed media painting), Heather Evert (temari Japanese embroidery), Krystal Lyon (mixed media sculpture), and Whitney Johnson (mixed media painting/collage).

   Other events include -   20 October, there is a Pumpkin Party and Glass sale with Amis/Pierce/Urban,

Story Slam 26 Oct at 7.30, and Pt. Fwd on 10 November.

    Permanent Collection - There is lack of storage space for the permanent collection, and it is not well catalogued or documented. Lisa will ask an intern to look for grant money to fund this work and will assign him to build out applications/database to address current state. Naomi Towner Estate has offered a donation of her private collection, and we are interested in the entire collection, pending Doug and Lisa investigating the collection.Carol Koos raised questions regarding our policy, conditions of the estate donating.  Doug has asked the committee to review current policy. It was voted that we accept the Towner Collection.

    The committee will begin working on 2020 exhibitions in late January 2019.


Old Business:



    September 2017 to August 2018 was a good fiscal year with $337,500 income versus $284,000 budgeted.  Expenses were $316,500, so it was an excellent year, the second in a row in the black after five years in the red.  Part of the increased income is due to membership improvement, tuition ($13,000 more than expected!) and special events, with those three areas providing 42% of the income. We also increased the draw from the endowment foundation last year and also got larger unexpected grants from both city and state. With the building 108 years old, there are always surprises and there was an extra $16,000 spent on building costs.



    Fall Luncheon was a huge success, raising $14,710.82 of the $15,000 goal. Location and ticket price will remain the same at the 12 September 2019 Luncheon. There were 26 items in the Silent Auction, and all sold. Gay provided extensive recommendations on invitations, mailings, advertising, website, sponsorship, reservation process, and the booklet, which were based on results of evaluative data from the survey.

    Additional suggestions include staff writing their own bios, using an AV specialist to be in charge of the Audio-video equipment, and shortening presentation without compromising quality.


Director’s Report:

    Kim Barman’s excellent bio was read.

    Former Town of Normal staffer and our Sugar Creek partner, Joe Tulley died unexpectedly at age 40 and will be missed by all who knew him.

    It is official - Sunshine Artist magazine officially notified us  as The 100 Best Fine Arts Festival in the US. This is a huge achievement and thanks to all of you who helped.

    One State Arts Conference will be held in Galesburg 22 & 23 October.Lisa and Kim will attend one day, and Doug will be there three days.

    Doug will emcee Harold Gregor’s memorial service 5 November at the BCPA.

    Doug will tell a short story at Story Slam.


Education Report -


    Clean Up Day: Several participated in a fall classroom clean up day 28 August.  Tables were scrubbed, supply cabinets and flat files were organized, and materials in the storage room were sorted.

    Donations: Linda delivered art supplies that were donated and/or not used in the MCAC classes to Oakland Elementary School and Normal Community High School art programs and to the Western Avenue Community Center After School program.

    Adult Student Show continues in the sales gallery through October.

Off-Site Programming

    Arts Workshop at Normal Public Library, Spring 2019:  Since the Harmon Arts Grant will be decreased significantly; the $400 remaining of the Shirk funding will cover the cost of 3 workshops rather than 12.  Normal Public Library Foundation will provide $1000 to continue what was previously the Harmon Arts Workshop. We need to communicate further with the NPL contact to set up workshops.


Meeting adjourned 6.04 pm


Board of Directors Meeting --Wednesday, 19 September  2018

Board of Directors

Shawn Gravelle, President; Julia Davis, Vice President; Yvonne Hoop, Secretary; Dan Galvin, Treasurer; Alexis Kalish, At Large. Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Su Ge, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Carol Koos, Kevin Kuebler, Shelia Lamberson, Craig Lee, Michele Peterson, Deb Risberg,  Linda Willis Fisher, Rashod Taylor, and Eleisha Whitney Olson.

Excused Absence: Kevin Kuebler, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Shelia Lamberson, Dan Galvin, Linda Willis Fisher, Su Ge, Rashod Taylor


Artist Residency Program- Lisa is planning an artist to be in residence, making art while people are in the gallery, coming and going.  The Board is requesting more information about this.

A shared computer via  computer with google docs will be covered in October. Shawn will help users get up and running with it as a way to keep in touch,  to know what is going on.

Holiday Treasures opening will be 5-8 on 15 November. Postcards are going to printer soon. Entries are to be here by 16 October, and Lisa will send a letter telling artists what time to bring pieces.

Events Committee-

Luncheon thank you notes were given out at the Board meeting. We are to personalize the letter Doug has written and send them to the guests we sat with.  The committee is asking for evaluative feedback, and a survey has been sent via email. Committee will meet next week to guide discussion on how they want to make changes and is pleased to report all items in the silent auction were sold.

Building Committee

October work day set for Saturday, 13 October 9-11 with rain date of 20 October.

Security system- Oberlander bid

The system currently runs through phone line, and we will  add cellular radio, option 1. Option 2 is internet option and would be in addition to the monitoring system.

Insurance depends on a professional service but security does not greatly influence the price.

Shawn moved to vote for complete package. Alexis seconded, and motion passed.

Directors Report-

Thank you for supporting the Luncheon, for your work, your dedication, and your contributions to the silent auction.

Illinois Arts Council grants are the focus this week, One State Arts Conference is normally held every two years, and will be in Galesburg in October. Doug is continuing on the Arts Board. Area Arts Round Table had a tax program last night, presented by a CPA. Will meet with McLean County Bar Association and IL Lawyers for Creative Arts in October, copyright law and artist, 16 october .

The donor who recently paid for exterior painting is looking for other areas that may need repair. As he is a past Board president he understands the needs of the building, and we are grateful for his help.  He is looking at the large windows to see if they need to be replaced. Ten years ago, the frames were rebuilt.

Holiday Treasures letters have gone out.

Board orientation and tour will be sent.

Miscellaneous items -

*Request for wine at Board meetings instead of just beer.

*October agenda will have a lot of big items so get Committee reports in early. We will run a tight meeting so that the important items can be dealt with in a timely manner..

Meeting adjourned 5.50

Photos were taken after meeting.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018



Attendance: Shawn Gravelle President; Julia Davis, Vice President; Dan Galvin, Treasurer; Yvonne Hoop, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Sue Ge, Carol Koos, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Michele Peterson, Deb Risberg, Rashod Taylor, Linda Willis Fisher, and Eleisha Whitney Olson

Absent:  Yvonne Hoop, Anita Carney, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Linda Willis Fisher and Eleisha Whitney-Olson.

Call to Order: 5:06 p.m.

  1. New Business: 

Luncheon Preparation

Gay gave Update.  “Creating the Future Luncheon” – updates.  Invites going out soon.  Silent Auction – so far 20 committed.  Silent Auction items are due by 8/1/2018.  Ads are due by 8/15/2018.  Reminder that Board has committed to purchasing Ad in booklet in honor of Sue Alexander.     

Luncheon Awards decided by Exec Board:

Corporate – Garlic Press

Individual – Boydens

Volunteer – still deciding; Shawn asked committee chairs to submit names of committee members (non-board members)

  1. Monthly Agenda and Committee Reports

Shawn discussed new Agenda process where all committees submit a written report and only Action Items will be discussed at the Board Meeting.  Committee Reports must be submitted and distributed to entire Board prior to the meeting so that it can be determined what action items need to be addressed at the Board meeting.  Shawn also discussed having a comprehensive calendar for the entire year so that the Board can better focus on action items and timelines as to the focus of the Board and its committees.  

President’s Report:  See later section

Nominating Committee:   No Report 

Building Committee:  No Report 

Education Committee:

Sugar Creek Arts Festival Art Education Tent

Many children participated in the art activities under the art education tent at the SCAF throughout the weekend.  The participants decorated sketchbook covers (11:00 – 1:00) and fabric pencil bags (1:00 – 3:00) on Saturday and masks on Sunday (11: 3:00).  Coloring sheets were also available. Nicole Learned supervised the art making activities, assisted by Amber Gravett and Regan King. The project was supported with funds from a Town of Normal Harmon Arts Grant. 


On Site Classes and Workshops 

Summer Adult Classes continue through August. All classes have full enrollment! 

Registration for fall classes begins July 30.

Whitney Johnson has been hired to teach youth classes and workshops.


Events Committee:   See Luncheon Preparation

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report:  No Report 

Exhibitions Committee Report

- Promoting Artisan Workshop Resident (AWR) for Holiday Treasures

Hard Copy Applications at entry for more info

- Successful gathering for Convo with Curator last night. Lisa will be coordinating more CwC for future exhibits. Thank you to those who attended!

-Next week events close out the show:

Rockwell: A discussion with Janet Connelly

Tuesday, July 24th, 5-6pm   FREE with treats from Reality Bites

Art historian Janet Connelly will speak about Norman Rockwell's later work that dealt with the themes of racism and poverty in America addressing an often overlooked political side to Rockwell's beloved paintings. 

New exhibit opens Aug. 3rd from 5-7 to conclude the 2017/2018 season.

Human Resources CommitteeNo Report 


Membership CommitteeNo Report 

Partnership Committee: No Report 

Director’s Report:


Building Issues with Saturdays storm, leak in roof, flooding, lightning, fire dept, new security bid forthcoming.

Doug discussed the 4 fire alarms going off at MCAC on Saturday morning and it turns out the building was hit by lightning.



Summer Interns:

Natalie Bready (U of I)

Ella Lindokken (IWU)



Old Business:  

Sugar Creek Arts Festival RECAP

Now a “Top 200” Designated Festival by Sunshine Artist Magazine

Videos: Three videos were produced, two were promoted as per BNACVB $1,000 grant

Results: Natalie’s “behind the scenes (unpromoted}: 727 Views

“This Weekend” shot with BNACB tag 32,000 views, 77 Shares, 56,144 Reached, 30,154 Views

Video Views

“Longer Promo” with all sponsors, artist images, sponsor vid bits: 39,000 views, 114 Shares


Doug discussed some of the highlights from SCAF – Town of Normal paid for the Stave Wine Tent and brought out the Normal Parks & Rec stage for use on Broadway.  Artist party had fantastic food catered by Medici.  Town of Normal will allow Friday night set up for next year on Friday night.  Only about 20 persons viewed the pens to lens during the festival.  Town of Normal staff was really helpful.  Possible option for liquor license for next year which would include full range of carrying throughout festival.  Discussed need for more signage on MCAC Tent to identify it as the information tent.  Discussed needing better communication between volunteers and staff (group) to address any issues that arise during the festival next year.  Doug will be sending out a survey to volunteers.

Adjourn: Kevin moved to adjourn and Dan seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.


Board of Directors Meeting --Wednesday 20 June 2018

Board of Directors

Shawn Gravelle, President; Julia Davis, Vice President; Yvonne Hoop, Secretary; Dan Galvin, Treasurer; Alexis Kalish, At Large.  Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Su Ge, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Carol Koos, Kevin Kuebler, Shelia Lamberson, Craig Lee, Michele Peterson, Deb Risberg, Tom Roberts, Linda Willis Fisher, and Eleisha Whitney Olson.

Absent: Ruth Ann Friedberg, Craig Lee, Tom Roberts

Excused Absence: Shelia Lamberson, Linda Willis Fisher

Call to Order: 5.06 p.m.

 President’s Report:

We are still working on committee assignments. If you have a request to serve on a certain committee, please email Shawn at . Fundraising is a new committee and  will partner with the Director of Development (DoD) once that position is established to drive planned giving and corporate partnerships, so community connections will be important. Until the DoD is functioning, there will be some upfront time to work through the strategy for the committee and to assist work on the DoD.  Once committees are established, Shawn will work through strategy ideas with them.

There is a huge need for volunteers at Sugar Creek, including clean up on Sunday. 

A detailed Committees Description was included in the agenda.  Fundraising is broken down into two, one for events, one for giving.  Membership, Education, Exhibition, Building, Executive, Nominating, and Finance Committees make up the rest of the committees.

Committee Reports:

Nominating Committee:  Tom Roberts is resigning from the Board. 

Building Committee: Stairs are to be replaced, and the contract is signed. We are expecting in 2-3 weeks.  Rex Schemerhorn, new community member, is working on bees and the door to the room across the hall from ceramics.  Painting of wood and tuck pointing is being pursued by a member of the community.

Education Committee:  

 On-Site -- For summer 2018 classes, 75/80 seats were filled in adult classes and 22/32 seats for youth classes.  Education program operating with significant profit!  An adult student show is scheduled in the sales gallery for September/October 2018.

Off-Site -- Nicole Learned is subbing for Sarah at Sugar Creek.  All committee members are encouraged to volunteer at the Activities Tent.  Activity supplies are already prepared. They will be Pencil bags, Sketchbooks, and Masks.  $1500 from Harmon Arts Grants funds the program and are used for tent rental, activity leader and supervisor stipends as well as art supplies.

Workshops at Normal Public Library, Spring 2019 will not be funded by Harmon Funds as the Harmon Grant was reduced by half. The $1500 award for 2019 will only fund Sugar Creek.  With the $400 remaining from Shirk funding, we can offer 3 workshops at the library rather than 12.  Sarah will meet with NPL staff to discuss finances in September.

Staffing-- Nicole Learned, current youth instructor, has accepted a teaching position in Unit 5, so Sarah solicited applications for her replacement, with application deadline of 22 June. 

Next Education Committee meeting 8 August at 3 pm.

Events Committee:

2018 Fall Luncheon-- Theme will be The Art Makers of MCAC and will feature MCAC staff, board members, committee members and students.  Part of the program will include a specific “ask,” for example, finishing the ceramics classroom.

Silent Auction-- The goal is to increase number of items over last year.  We are requesting donations form the Board, their own art or non-art items such as gift certificates.  Current auction commitments have been received from Shelia Lamberson, Claire Hedden, Linda Willis Fisher, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Sally Berry/Barbara Taft, Gay Dolan and Deb Risberg, which include 3 ceramic pieces, 2 of jewelry, and a painting..  An App option for the 2019 Silent Auction is under consideration.  Photos of auction items will be put on the website and social media as well as in the program  to market them, and those items need to be available by 1 August to accommodate this.  Susie will dress as a mime artist to promote the auction at the luncheon.

Program Ads--An envelope was passed to collect money from board members in order to include a page in memory of Sue Alexander, former board member who died in January 2018, in the program.

Spec sheet for soliciting ads is available online. Any questions go to Deb Risberg, Doug Johnson, or Gay Dolan.

Table Sponsorships are slightly different this year due to deleting the two levels that were never used.  See website for grid.  Gold Sponsors are $1000, and Silver are $750. Bronze $500.  Let Doug or a committee member know if you are interested in sponsoring a table.

Exhibition Committee:  Rockwell and points in Pattern of a Cloud open Friday.

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: none

Membership Committee: Committee members are Yvonne Hoop, Su Ge, Deb Risberg, and Carol Koos and Kevin will be meeting with them soon.

Director’s Report

Sugar Creek -- More volunteers are needed. Please use Sign Up Genius and remember we need help with clean up on Sunday from 4-5.30.  All volunteers should check in on the Circle. Shirts are ordered and additional shirts will be sold for $15 each. Band slots are filled. The wine tent is a go with Stave, will be noon - 5 on Saturday, noon - 4 on Sunday.  Artist placement will be finished this week.  The video is in progress and will be on social media and our website. The video was viewed 18,000 times last year. We are reaching out to partners, Town of Normal, WJBC, etc. We  are adding a movie element this year at The Normal, Pens to Lens.  As heat is expected to be an element, the firemen will supply misters and first aid.  There are 2400 event guides to be published this year, a 24 page program.  Additionally, there will be a “Take the Train” video purchased with grant money that will be shown along Amtrak lines from Chicago to St Louis. 

Ongoing --We continue to look at committee chairs, roles of committees and staffing concerns. We have two summer interns, Natalie Bready from U of IL and Ella Lidokken from IWU.

Building -Security contract has been suggested for Oberlander. Gay moved we go ahead with the contract and Kevin seconded.  Motion passed.

Old Business: none

New Business:  none

Kevin moved to adjourn at 6.27 pm and Alexis seconded.



Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Meeting Agenda


Attendance: Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Dan Galvin, Yvonne Hoop, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Tom Roberts, Linda Willis Fisher, Eleisha Whitney Olson, Jocelyn Winnell.

Absent: Jim Freeman, Sally Berry, Anita Carney, Craig Lee, Linda Willis Fisher, and Jocelyn Winnell.

Call to Order: 5:04 p.m. by President Rashod Taylor

Report on Readiness Assessment from Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt

Heidi Waltner Pepper presented the Readiness Assessment Report.  The major recommendations were: 1) provide an operation plan for realizing Strategy Map Goals; 2) transitioning from “working” board to “governing” board; 3) implement fund-raising software; 4) Need for Director of Development; 5) Restructuring of committees; 6) Restructure of Membership levels and sponsorships.   Further advancement directives were provided to begin once a new DOD is in place.

Shawn Gravelle gave a report from the Readiness Assessment Task Force which set forth the next steps that are starting to take place and the timeline.  During the April Meeting the committee changes and bylaw change will be announced, along with the officer recommendations and board member recommendations.  May will be the annual meeting and we will vote on the recommendations for board members and officers.  The President will also appoint the committee chairs.  In June, the Exec Board will work with the committee chairs regarding specific plans.  Each Exec Board member will be assigned a committee and staff member to work with. 

President’s Report: As we approach term end dates and executive board elections I want to remind everyone that if you are Interested in becoming a committee chair please let the executive board know.


I had a chance to meet with Shawn to look back over the strategic plan and how we can be better aligned with our mission. We are also looking to improve efficiencies in regard to committees and expectations. This work will incorporate in large part what has come out of the readiness assessment. We have started a draft and Shawn will be putting it in a fancy document to share for board discussion.

Secretary’s Report:  Previously emailed to all members and on website, was approved.

Nominating Committee:  No Report

Building Committee: The bid for new front concrete stairs has come in at $3,200.  The Board approved this expense.

Campaign Committee: No Report

Education Committee:

On-Site Programming

Spring 2018 classes are in progress. Adult classes are filled and one youth Saturday workshop was held.

Summer Classes schedules are being planned.

Tuesday, May 8 is the tentative date to host a McLean County K-12 Art Teacher open house. We’re working with the Regional Office of Education to contact the teachers.

Off-Site Programming

 Harmon Arts Workshops at Normal Public Library. April workshops will be available for sign-up on March 15.

Spring Bloom:  Saturday, March 17, 2018, 10:00am 4:00pm. The art activity area will be open 10:00 3:00.  Committee members and other volunteers will supervise the art activities, which are making marble magnets and decorating covers of small sketchbooks. The Education committee helped prepare the materials March 7.

Dia de Los Libros:  Saturday, April 28 at Bloomington Public Library. Whitney Johnson will manage drop-in youth activity for 2 hours. BPL provides funding for supplies, MCAC will pay $50 for instruction.


The next meeting will be April 7, 2018 at 3:00 pm.


Events Committee: 

A group of three committee members have been/will be working on venue business for the Fall fundraiser.  A full committee mtg will be scheduled for later in the month of March.

** Gay explained that there is a notebook/binder in Carmel’s office on the bottom bookshelf for anyone interested in reviewing.

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report:  January and February were combined about $1000 better than budget. That includes an extra $5000 expense to Uptown Normal for last year's Sugar Creek. That was partially offset by over $2000 in Memorial Donations for Sue Alexander and continued strong tuition.

***Doug said there is now closer to $3,000.00 in Memorial Donations for Sue Alexander.

Human Resources Committee: No Report 


Membership Committee: No Report 

Partnership Committee: No Report 

Director’s Report:


-The Program Grant Application (from the Illinois Arts Council Agency) was submitted.

-The Community Arts Access Grant check (from the IACA) has been recieved and the committee will meet to assign awards on Thursday.


Staffing: Summer Intern: Natalie Bready (U of I)


 Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival

Congratulations to our 2018 Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival Prize Winners! Best of Show: Matthew Holt; Fine Art First Place: Don Widmer; Fine Art Second Place: Bekki Canine; Fine Craft First Place: Neil Estrick; Fine Craft Second Place: Sara Lenart.


-Four new signacades (green) with printed exterior signage, paper posters will be printed for others, with the plan to print on corrugated plastics for SCAF on all (Signs Direct will print for about $12 each, a significant savings over past vendors). 


-Volunteers: Thanks to Craig Lee, Linda Willis Fisher, Cathie Haab, Gay Dolan, Kevin Kuebler, Jim Freeman, Dave Templeton, Yvonne & Brian Hoop, Alexis Kalish, Kristen Johnson, Caroline & Ellie Rhoda, and Sara Olsen.



Washington DC


-Arts Advocacy Day was very good and my hesitancy to attend was unfounded. Great information was shared, and we have great resources to utilize. 


-Monday night’s Nancy Hanks Lecture: Lonnie G. Bunch III and Richard D. Parsons. Moderated by. Dr. Carla Hayden. (Lonnie G. Bunch III, Founding Director, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture; Richard D. Parsons, Board Member, Smithsonian National Museum of African American, History and Culture, Board Chairman, The Rockefeller Foundation); Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, The Library of Congress).


-I met with staffers for Durbin, LaHood, and Davis, among others.  Led for the downstate team. Following up with staffers. LaHood only member to not accept meeting, although I did meet with his chief of staff


-Met with Anne Boyden re: DOD Position.



Director of Development Position


-A portion of the first-year annual salary has been pledged, others to be asked.

-Office to be across hall from Director, new carpet, computer (ordered), phone (with line), desk & Chair needed. Stored items from room are being moved.



Sugar Creek Arts Festival


Sponsorship asks.


Met with WJBC this week.  **Doug met with Paula regarding building partnerships.


Hope to set bands in next week. Calls of interest.



Old Business: 

Lighting in Galleries. replacement LED fixtures is available.  Cost is roughly $60 each. Very cost effective compared with replacing the track.   ***Board approved the expense.

New Business: 

Lisa Lofgren presented a packet with the upcoming exhibits and asked Board Members to assist in obtaining sponsors.  She asked for members to send her names and she will then approach those persons for asks.

Adjourn: 6:22 p.m.

mcac board minutes november 2017




15, 2017

Meeting called to order at 5:02 p.m.

In attendance:







Ruth Ann,






+ Doug


The minutes were approved from July 19th


The December 6th Holiday Party was mentioned

Building Committee Additional Notes


No Report.

Campaign Committee Additional Notes:


They've started the 2nd round of interviews which

will include some board members and some donors.


By Friday, Nov. 17th, they will have interviewed the first group of people which includes 21 people.


The second group will potentially be contacted.


After interviews, we'll be able to determine to proceed w

ith the campaign.


Doug is working on a draft of the statement.

Events Committee Additional Notes:


There was no final statement yet for Holiday Treasures.


The day of the opening event, more than $6,000 in sales were collected with an attendance of



250 people.


We all reviewed Gay's recommendations which was provided in the agenda.




of time was spent on taking inventory (over 100 hours). There needs to be a plan in the future to cut down

on inventory time.


No one came to the VIP Preview part

of the event. It was recommended to not have a VIP Preview next year.


There's a proposed time change for the event. If we get rid of the VIP Preview, we could start the event at 4:30

pm instead of 5 pm and have it go until 8 pm.


We still want to recognize the VIPs, so we're going to have to come up with a new idea for next year.


Sally Berry helped with the event and has now joined the Events Committee.


Since the event, we've collected $11,000 in sales (Gross). (Reported on Nov. 1



2016 total of sales was $18,000 and it took a month to reach $11,000.


There is way more art work in this year's Holiday Treasures which is contributing to the increase of income.


Susie Vincent is in the ISU Concert Chorale and they

perform this Dece

mber 19th at 7:00 pm at the Old Historic

Courthouse in Downtown Bloomington.

Education Committee Additional Notes


No Report.

Exhibition Committee Additional Notes:

No Report.

Finance Committee Additional Notes:


Board reviewed document handouts.


Shawn is

working on the succession planning with the Treasurer exec. role.


Shawn reported that MCAC did well September and October which is better than expected.


What contributed to September and October's success was the Luncheon

Ticket Sales, Membership Sales


increased since last year, and a Board Member donated a large amount.


Doug attended the Illinois Arts Council Agency. There were 2 panels.


Doug was told at the event that MCAC will receive grants.


MCAC is expecting to receive 2 Grant checks.


MCAC hopes to receive at least one check by January 2018.

Human Resources Additional Notes:


Doug's Executive Director evaluation has been emailed out. There are 6 segments. Only 5 Board Members had


Nomination Committee Notes:

No Report.


ship Committee Notes:

No Report.

Director Report Additional Notes:


Doug added in relation to our increase of Membership Sales that the MCAC Membership Database

maintenance is ongoing.


Our membership allowance use to be 1000 in Apricot. There is no longer

that cap.


Staff is going through and changing contacts from Archived to Active since the program was archiving contacts

over the 1000 count.


Reminder to Board: The Strategic Plan, Board Minutes, Bylaws and other documents are on our Apricot website


the Board section. Please Note** You must be a MCAC Member to have access to an Apricot log in.


The lighting in the gallaries are currently old hallogens. The things with hallogen lighting is it illumicates

different colors of light.


MCAC currently has a

n H Track lighting system which doesn't have replacement parts available anymore.


Within the next 36 months, the MCAC will need to replace all ceiling lights.


The denser the show, the more lighting we need.


Tom knows a plumber (himself) that can help with

all of our plumbing needs.


There is a 6 week break in education classes in January.


With that break, Doug will be dry walling the second door that currently leads between classrooms. He will

leave a window.


All lights in the

hallway downstairs have been replaced.


The entrance and hallway is now brighter and more welcoming.


Broken ceiling tiles downstairs have been replaced.


The walls downstairs need repainted.


Doug will be looking for volunteers to help sometimes in Januar



Our Don


r Board has been updated.


It was asked what else we can add to our entrance to add to a visitor's experience. Anything technology




Doug said that when someone enters the MCAC they tend to always walk up to the Employee Pictures and




A one


minute teaser video Doug created for the Dann Nardi exhibition had received over 1000 views. It's going

to be a




A general ask went out November 21st to all members.


Staff is currently working on posting more to their Instagram ac



Someone recommended the MCAC look into a Snap Chat account.


Sugar Creek sponsorship ask is going out before Christmas.


Doug is partnering with the Events and Partnership committees on the language and such.


The online video

mention and the booklets will help sell the Sponsorships.


Doug met with the Town of Normal about the Sugar Creek Arts Festival.


The MCAC may work with Stave for a wine garden event to add to the Sugar Creek Arts Festival for 2018.


Saturday's hours will be

changing to 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm.


Uptown Station will provide (for free) the 4th floor for the Artist Mingle Party. MCAC will just need to provide

the catering.


MCAC may no longer have to pay the Town of Normal $5,000 for the event space.


MCAC will partner

with the Normal Theater for some film festival. The Normal Theater will continue to provide

sound equipment.


Looking into an auto renewal process for memberships.


Memberships could then be paid on a monthly or yearly basis


Meeting Adjourned 6:09 p.m.


mcac board minutes november 2017.pdf






15, 2017

Meeting called to order at 5:02 p.m.

In attendance:







Ruth Ann,






+ Doug

The minutes were approved from July 19th

The December 6th Holiday Party was mentioned

Building Committee Additional Notes


No Report.

Campaign Committee Additional Notes:

They've started the 2nd round of interviews which

will include some board members and some donors.

By Friday, Nov. 17th, they will have interviewed the first group of people which includes 21 people.

The second group will potentially be contacted.

After interviews, we'll be able to determine to proceed w

ith the campaign.

Doug is working on a draft of the statement.

Events Committee Additional Notes:

There was no final statement yet for Holiday Treasures.

The day of the opening event, more than $6,000 in sales were collected with an attendance of



250 people.

We all reviewed Gay's recommendations which was provided in the agenda.



of time was spent on taking inventory (over 100 hours). There needs to be a plan in the future to cut down

on inventory time.

No one came to the VIP Preview part

of the event. It was recommended to not have a VIP Preview next year.

There's a proposed time change for the event. If we get rid of the VIP Preview, we could start the event at 4:30

pm instead of 5 pm and have it go until 8 pm.

We still want to recognize the VIPs, so we're going to have to come up with a new idea for next year.

Sally Berry helped with the event and has now joined the Events Committee.

Since the event, we've collected $11,000 in sales (Gross). (Reported on Nov. 1


2016 total of sales was $18,000 and it took a month to reach $11,000.

There is way more art work in this year's Holiday Treasures which is contributing to the increase of income.

Susie Vincent is in the ISU Concert Chorale and they

perform this Dece

mber 19th at 7:00 pm at the Old Historic

Courthouse in Downtown Bloomington.

Education Committee Additional Notes


No Report.

Exhibition Committee Additional Notes:

No Report.

Finance Committee Additional Notes:

Board reviewed document handouts.

Shawn is

working on the succession planning with the Treasurer exec. role.

Shawn reported that MCAC did well September and October which is better than expected.

What contributed to September and October's success was the Luncheon

Ticket Sales, Membership Sales


increased since last year, and a Board Member donated a large amount.

Doug attended the Illinois Arts Council Agency. There were 2 panels.

Doug was told at the event that MCAC will receive grants.

MCAC is expecting to receive 2 Grant checks.

MCAC hopes to receive at least one check by January 2018.

Human Resources Additional Notes:

Doug's Executive Director evaluation has been emailed out. There are 6 segments. Only 5 Board Members had


Nomination Committee Notes:

No Report.


ship Committee Notes:

No Report.

Director Report Additional Notes:

Doug added in relation to our increase of Membership Sales that the MCAC Membership Database

maintenance is ongoing.

Our membership allowance use to be 1000 in Apricot. There is no longer

that cap.

Staff is going through and changing contacts from Archived to Active since the program was archiving contacts

over the 1000 count.

Reminder to Board: The Strategic Plan, Board Minutes, Bylaws and other documents are on our Apricot website


the Board section. Please Note** You must be a MCAC Member to have access to an Apricot log in.

The lighting in the gallaries are currently old hallogens. The things with hallogen lighting is it illumicates

different colors of light.

MCAC currently has a

n H Track lighting system which doesn't have replacement parts available anymore.

Within the next 36 months, the MCAC will need to replace all ceiling lights.

The denser the show, the more lighting we need.

Tom knows a plumber (himself) that can help with

all of our plumbing needs.

There is a 6 week break in education classes in January.

With that break, Doug will be dry walling the second door that currently leads between classrooms. He will

leave a window.

All lights in the

hallway downstairs have been replaced.

The entrance and hallway is now brighter and more welcoming.

Broken ceiling tiles downstairs have been replaced.

The walls downstairs need repainted.

Doug will be looking for volunteers to help sometimes in Januar


Our Don


r Board has been updated.

It was asked what else we can add to our entrance to add to a visitor's experience. Anything technology



Doug said that when someone enters the MCAC they tend to always walk up to the Employee Pictures and



A one


minute teaser video Doug created for the Dann Nardi exhibition had received over 1000 views. It's going

to be a



A general ask went out November 21st to all members.

Staff is currently working on posting more to their Instagram ac


Someone recommended the MCAC look into a Snap Chat account.

Sugar Creek sponsorship ask is going out before Christmas.

Doug is partnering with the Events and Partnership committees on the language and such.

The online video

mention and the booklets will help sell the Sponsorships.

Doug met with the Town of Normal about the Sugar Creek Arts Festival.

The MCAC may work with Stave for a wine garden event to add to the Sugar Creek Arts Festival for 2018.

Saturday's hours will be

changing to 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Uptown Station will provide (for free) the 4th floor for the Artist Mingle Party. MCAC will just need to provide

the catering.

MCAC may no longer have to pay the Town of Normal $5,000 for the event space.

MCAC will partner

with the Normal Theater for some film festival. The Normal Theater will continue to provide

sound equipment.

Looking into an auto renewal process for memberships.

Memberships could then be paid on a monthly or yearly basis


Meeting Adjourned 6:09 p.m.


Minutes of the Board Meeting


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

In Attendance: Rashod Taylor, Yvonne Hoop, Kevin Kuebler, Julia Davis, Alexis Kalish, Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Dan Galvin, Sheila Lamberson,Tom Roberts, Linda Willis Fisher, Eleisha Whitney Olson Absent: Jim Freeman, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Deb Risberg, Shawn Gravelle, Susie FerrenburgVincent, Craig Lee, Darrell Richards, Jocelyn Winnell

Call to Order: Rashod Taylor called meeting to Order at 5:03 pm.

President’s Report: No Report Secretary’s Report: 1 change was made to the previous submitted minutes, amended minutes approved. Nominating Committee: No updates. Board is at capacity.

Building Committee: See Director Report Campaign Committee: Readiness Assessment: We continue to make great progress with the staff from TWB, I believe our investment in this process is well spent. We have a draft case statement and are focused on generating names for the next step of interviews. This will be shared with the entire board as we finalize it. We are meeting via phone a very regular basis. Thanks to Doug and staff for their efforts as we take time from their daily work for this project. Our next meeting is next week and we’ll keep the board updated.

***Additional Discussion. Alexis asked for explanation of the case statement and where we are in the process. Kevin said they have been getting good feedback and believe that it is worthwhile. Anita asked about how many board members were included in the initial interviews. Doug said that this has been done in several steps and the Board will be fully briefed on any action that may be taken.

Events Committee: Fall Fundraising Luncheon Thank you to Board members who participated in writing personalized thank you notes to guests attending the 2017 Luncheon. Enclosed in each thank you note was an envelope for membership/donation. The outcome from this effort is as yet unknown. A date has been set for the Third Annual Fall Luncheon: Thursday, September 13th, 2018. Please mark your calendars. A contract has been signed with Holiday Inn and Suites and Baxter's catering for the event. Active participation from other MCAC committees will be solicited. A resource notebook to aid in this process is being developed. Mass mailing list The mass mailing list was updated and now includes those non-members who came to the Fall Luncheon. Thank you to Alexis, Carmel, and Doug for working on this project. These updates need to occur on a regular basis as a result of relocations, potential new members, divorce, and death. Over 1800 Holiday Treasures postcards were mailed last week. Holiday Treasures 2017 Sign -up Genius has been emailed to all board and committee members. Don't hesitate to sign up for more than one thing! All staff will be assisting as well. Board members not able to attend can still contribute by donating beverages or frozen and nonperishable food items. Everyone can also participate through word of mouth advertising. A good selling point is that even if people are unable to attend the opening, the exhibit and sale will be up through December. Your help is appreciated. As previously noted, the opening will begin with a VIP preview. Invited guests are supporters who have given $250 or more in the past year. The actual number of VIPs is still to be determined. These people will receive a separate invitation and their names will be on the (updated) VIP Board in the Lobby. During this time, we will have a special holiday concert from a local junior high school choral group. Thanks to Susie Vincent for making these arrangements.

***Additional Discussion. Gay asked what the status of the donor board is and Doug said it has been submitted. Doug said VIP for HT will go out on Friday. Gay said thank you to those who signed to volunteer. Need more food donations. Also need more volunteers for the Sunday decorating session to make sure that everything gets completed in time.

Exhibition Committee: The 41st Annual Holiday Treasures Exhibition and Sale will take place from November 2nd to December 30th in both the Brandt and Armstrong Galleries. The event is launched with a free opening reception on November 2nd from 5-8pm. We are in need of people to help! Spots for bringing food and maintaining the food during the reception are needing to be filled as well as greeters and sales assistants. See available jobs and times on signupgenius:

We had a successful gallery talk and tour for Harold Boyd and Rhea Edge on Oct. 14th. There were about 18 people in attendance for both talks. If you missed the talk, Harold and Rhea are featured on WGLT. Listen to them on the radio! We have recently sold a few artworks: 4 pieces of Harold Boyd’s totaling $2,100 1 piece from the Adult Art Class Exhibit in the Sales gallery totaling $50 1 piece from Holiday Treasures (during drop-off) of Lori Reed totaling $165 See attached and updated list of exhibitions and dates for 2017-18 season. As always, your input and assistance is appreciated. Lisa Lofgren, Curator

***Additional Discussion. Gay talked about the $250.00 level sponsorship for HT. Alexis asked what the goal amount was for HT sponsorship. A wall will have the ornament designed with a list of all the sponsors on it. Rashod asked about the new list for Exhibits. Doug said he will send out.

Education Committee

The Education Committee meets bi-monthly. The committee met at 4:00 pm Wednesday, October 11th. The next meeting will be at 3:00 pm Tuesday, December 5th. On-Site Programming - Class Enrollment and Art Education Program Income have more than doubled in the last five years. KUDOS TO SARAH! - Fall 2017 classes are in progress: Adults: Pastel (2), Watercolor (2), Acrylic (2), Ceramics (4), Drawing (1) and Youth sessions on Saturdays (3). - Not sending postcards did not impact registration numbers. -

Max Meyers, Studio Assistant, is graduating in December. We need to hire an assistant for 2018, preferably one who can stay for a year, rather than just a semester.

Off-Site Programming

- Harmon Arts Workshops at Normal Public Library February 5, 10 & 17 / March 5, 10 & 12 / April 16, 23 and 30

- Proposed Budget ($2000 Harmon Grant Received) of instructor pay, assistant pay, art supplies, and the promotional postcard was approved by the committee.

- Online registration for the workshops at NPL has been problematic. Sarah will take care of scheduling via email and phone. Gallery Education Discussion Lisa Lofgren, Curator of MCAC Exhibitions, described upcoming exhibits. The committee discussed ways that education programming and exhibitions can collaborate and coordinate.

- Revisit discussions about having an elementary student art exhibit in the future

- Encourage students in MCAC art classes to attend Artists Talks

- Offer a matting and framing workshop

- Schedule a MCAC Student Show annually

- Plan education activities that relate to upcoming exhibits Community Connections Darrel Richards, MCAC Board member, described a program he leads for Youth called Hands That …… that serves youth in District 87 and Unit 5 schools. Ways that MCAC and Hands That .… could possibly coordinate were discussed. Darrel will send MCAC Education Committee members more information, which will include the Hands That …. Website.

***Additional Discussion. Gay said she remembered seeing the tour of art that did not include the Arts Center. Sue said she is amazed how many people do not know about MCAC. Doug said we have a good following on Facebook and Youtube videos. Linda said she wants to have more opportunities for schools in the county to come in. Yvonne is figuring out the Art Instructors in the county. Gay asked if there was a way to have a presence on facebook/instagram specifically to interest the youth. Dan said he would encourage us to outreach more to children. Gay talked about the amateur art exhibit. Dan talked about a broader EC engagement – web mix, web meeting, live stream to get more young people engaged online. Alexis said she found a search about “must sees” in Bloomington-Normal and MCAC was not included. More presence is needed to direct people to MCAC.

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: No Report. Shawn is out of state.

Human Resources Committee: Alexis will get out the evaluation for the Executive Director on Survey Monkey. Alexis mentioned IPCF workshop on collaboration on 11/15/17 from 8:30- 11:30 with a lunch to follow.

Membership Committee: No Report

Partnership Committee: No Report

Director’s Report:

Building issues:

-The roof is to be replaced above the Armstrong Gallery (membrane only), Loading Dock and Staging Area (down to the studs). The loading dock has mold in the ceiling and exterior walls, we will assess the extent of the damage and bring in a contractor.

-Exterior ground lights on the sculpture and tower have been replaced. The previous units had stopped working, the electrician said they were not high quality.

-Exterior rear lights have been replaced. One light had never worked in 15 + years, the other was broken. Now it is extra bright.

-Fault in front walkway lights repaired. Looks great.

-Basement hallway lights to be replaced next week. Student complaints, old fixtures were dim. Cost of replacement ballasts offered little difference compared to new fixtures.

-New camera system installed, now allowing for remote viewing on phone. Old system had been damaged, new system (about $200) will allow for use of old system cameras (eventually) You may view via Eseecloud app, cloud ID: 1310577514

The front decorative tree has been replaced, thanks to Gay for her support. New mulch put down on front and sides, grasses and volunteer growth by classrooms cleared and hauled away.

Wild Apricot software has been expanded to allow for all board members to have administrative privileges. All board member who are members. Currently, we do not have a record of five board members as active members.

As discussed at last month’s meeting, this is very problematic as we seek grants and other external support.

- DJ is served on a review panel for Midwest Society for Photographic Education Conference last Friday afternoon Arts Alliance Illinois, Doug’s possible new role and travel.

Illinois Arts Council Agency- DJ to serve as a Grant Review Panelist on 10/28 in Chicago for Visual Art applicants (i.e. university art galleries, non-agency presenters, etc.)

- Presented on MCAC to Academy for Seniors on Monday -

Community Arts Access Grant Final Report Submitted -Donor Board will be updated, new printing is ordered


- DJ will be presenting on “What Granters Want” at the annual IPCF luncheon on 11/15

- Festival Call-to-artists is now active. Postcards will be ordered.

Other Issues.

Holiday Treasures: Artists, Volunteers, Tags, etc.

Recent Activity: - 2018 Program Grant Application Submitted. We are likely to receive 2017 & 2018 dollars in the current FY (about 8k per FY)

- DJ attended the IWU Internship Fair last week seeking interns for the next year. Following up with seven candidates.

Old Business:

-Mass Mailing List

– Gay & Alexis have been working on updating.

-Wild Apricot – upgraded

-Auto Renewal – online/monthly payment, hoping to make that an option for membership

New Business:

Julia discussed the assumed name registered now with Illinois Secretary of State, must be done every 3 years to safely use MCAC, McLean County Arts Center instead of the actual legal name.

Sue said she will absent for the November, January and February meetings.

Doug discussed possible party for board members in December/January to celebrate and mingle amongst the board and significant others.



September 20, 2017 


Attendance: Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent, Dan Galvin, Yvonne Hoop, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Darrell Richards, Tom Roberts, Linda Willis Fisher, Eleisha Whitney Olson, Jocelyn Winnell, and Executive Director, Doug Johnson. 

Absent: Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Kevin Kuebler, Deb Risberg. 

Excused Absence: Yvonne Hoop, Ruth Ann Freidberg 

Call to Order: Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. Secretary’s Report: Sent via email / Posted on Website. Approved. 

President’s Report: N/A 

Nominating Committee: No updates. Board is at capacity. 

Building Committee: No updates. Understands there were some phone issues that have been worked out. 

Campaign Committee: Readiness assessment: Our work is moving along very well. The day of interviews done by Nora and Heidi was successful and we believe that the staff and board members participating felt like the fundraising team was gathering great information and reaching deep to help us figure out what the next steps will be. We are trying to provide the remaining items this week and look forward to getting a draft Case Statement. Thanks to those on the Board that helped out. We’ve found that in this stage, most of the information is requiring time from Doug and the staff and unfortunately there is only one Doug. ***Additional Discussion. Doug said there was a full day with the consultants and 85% has been done with the initial part of the process. Then they will have an initial meeting. There is a lot of work to get the information they need. Looking at correlations of class students and whether or not they take advantage of membership discounts and whether or not members participate in classes. Education Committee: No updates from last month. The next meeting will be 10/11/2017. 

Events Committee: A successful Fall Luncheon: The buzz in the community from those who attended the luncheon has been resoundingly positive. A big round of applause goes to the board and staff who sponsored tables, recruited guests for tables, procured program ads, contributed art for the silent auction, and volunteered their time for an assortment of roles. And a special thank you to the amazing staff who provided us with weekly reports and dropped what they were doing to help with many supportive tasks. The MCAC village was fully operational! 

The luncheon was attended by 164 guests for a net income of $11,332.00 at the time of this report. In comparison, the 2016 luncheon had a net income of $11, 955 with 130 guests in attendance. Some reasons for lack of income growth have been identified as one less gold table sponsorship ($1000), fewer raffle ticket sales ($1000), venue costs ($320), printing and postage ($700). Ideas are already being generated for how to offset these "losses". A preliminary recommendation from an events subcommittee comprised of Doug, Alexis and Gay is to schedule a 3rd Annual Fall Fundraising Luncheon for September 2018 at the Holiday Inn and Suites. There are two recently renovated venues in town that could be explored: The Radisson in North Normal and the Parke Regency at the junction of GE and Towanda Barnes roads. A decision will be made soon in order to have our choice of dates. The new elements that were tried this year were deemed a success and should be repeated, i.e. folding an awards ceremony into the luncheon and the incorporation of a silent auction. The additional 1/2 hour for socializing worked well. The concept of a raffle is a solid money-maker. 

Areas that can be bolstered include seeking corporate partnership(s), solicitation of more table sponsorships, increased program ad sales, and better promotion of the raffle and silent auction. Changes identified for another luncheon include: *eliminating "Save the Date" postcards. Use websites instead. *capitalizing on the opportunity for new and renewed memberships, eg. adding a dedicated and manned membership table, *developing a system of subcommittees to work on selected components of the luncheon *increasing emphasis on donations as a critical component of the operations of MCAC ***Additional Discussion. Gay said the goal was 200 guests, and she is happy with the turnout. Asked for any issues with the Holiday Inn. Members mentioned that it may be too small of a venue if we actually had 200 people in attendance. $30.00 of the $50.00 ticket was a profit/donation to MCAC. Ads for the program, sponsorship for the tables and silent auctions could be ramped up next year. $900.00 in new memberships on the day of the event. Alexis said that 1/3 of the attendees were non-members. Thank you notes are going to be given out for board members to send to attendees who came. 

Next year they are looking at ways to save on expenses, perhaps no save the date cards. Save the Dates: Holiday Treasures is on the horizon. The opening reception is on Thursday, November 2nd from 4p to 8p with a VIP preview from 4 to 5. Postcards will be mailed out on 10/6. The decorating parties are scheduled for Sunday 10/29 from 2p to 5p and Monday 10/30 from 1p to 3p. In the past, board members have recruited friends and family to join in the fun. The Board will provide sweet and savory hors d'oeuvres and wine for the opening on 11/2. Please check your email next week for Sign-up Genius. 

***Additional discussion. Gay said that they are working on a mass-mailing list to make sure it is accurate. We need to help out the curator and also bring the food and wine as last year for the Holiday Treasures show. Doug said that they may need board help for actually hanging pieces for the show. Doug said that Lisa is an experienced curator and has stepped-into the role with ease and enthusiasm. Sheila asked if artist solicitations went out and Doug said that will send out by email this week. 

Exhibition Committee: The Committee had an introductory meeting with Lisa Lofgren our new Curator. 

Scheduled exhibition date confirmation: 

Brandt Gallery 

Holiday Treasures November 2 – December 30 

Dann Nardi January 5 – February 17 

Amateur Show March 10 – April 21 

Beatriz Vasquez April 27 – June 16 

Maggie Meiners June 22 – July 28 

Jim Arendt August 3 - September 2 

Armstrong Gallery 

Holiday Treasures November 2 – December 30 

Nancy Fewkes and Laura Primozic Januray 5 – February 17 

Jeff Robinson (Juror for Amateur Show) March 10 – April 21 

Peter Bushnell April 27 – June 16 

Kathie Davis & John Humphries June 22 – July 28 

Alice Lee September 7 – October 18 

Sales Gallery 

Karen Gyllin November 2 – December 30 

Other Exhibitions Updates: One designated person from committee to assist during opening for food/beverage service? Lisa check into Richland/Parkland and other surrounding colleges for new artists. Some Local Artists in the area to connect: Ian Crawley, Seth Gordon, Miles Bair, Alison Carr, Megan Kathol Bersett, Ron Jackson, Diane Skidmore (quilt guild), Illustrators (graphic designers?), Richard Finch, Melissa Oresky, Michael Dubina (watercolors?), Natalie Wetzel, Emmy Lingscheit, and others. 

***Additional discussion. If you know of any other artists, please send to the exhibitions email. 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: Shawn said we are officially in the black. First time in about 5 years to be ahead. Used to be a $20,000-$30,000.00 loss. Ticket sales ended up in the new fiscal year which helped. 

Human Resources Committee: No Report 

Membership Committee: No Report 

Partnership Committee: No Report 

Director’s Report:

Thanks to everyone for your support of the Luncheon. We have submitted an application to receive donations via Facebook. We have hired Organic Cleaning Machine to clean the MCAC twice a month. 

Staffing Update: Lisa Lofgren has joined our team. Doug in Chicago on Monday for an Arts Alliance Board Meeting. Doug and Dennis French are judging the Peoria Art Guild Riverfront show on Saturday. 

Busy with Readiness study items. leads to Video Views: Rhea Edge , Memory and Loss, September 11 Β· 3.6K views Harold Boyd, Child Like, September 8 Β· 3.5K views Creating the Future 2017, September 8 Β· 1.6K views Grant items to state by the end of the month. New Board Member Orientation session next week possibly. 

Building Issue: The loading dock door weather seal has failed and needs to be replaced. Exterior lighting need an electrician to repair. 

Old Business: None. 

New Business: -Our mass mailing list (discussion). ***Carmel, Justin, Gay & Alexis have been working on cleaning up the mass mailing list. Gay said it needs to be done at least every 21 months. Gay and Carmel came up with 1800 names. Eleisha asked if we had access to People Smart. Doug said he could post list into dropbox so that everyone can review the list and give comments. 10/3 deadline. -Membership notifications (several board members are not current members) ****Doug or MCAC will contact board members to make sure they are members of MCAC. Shawn asked about auto-renew options. Doug sent email to board about how to log in to access the board-only access. Dan asked if we have documents regarding the “systems” part of the website and Doug will look into. 

Small discussion regarding the Illinois Symphony Orchestra event on 10/27 and Doug said he has a meeting with Joan and they are working out the details. 

Adjourned: 6:09 p.m.



Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, August 16, 2017




Secretary’s Report: Sent via email / Posted on Website. Minutes approved for the July 19th Board Meeting.

President’s Report: No Report

Committee Reports

Building Committee:

  • The MCAC was without phones and the internet for a little more than a day.
  • The technician recommended replacing the phone system.
  • The current phone system was donated to the MCAC when the Children's Discovery Museum moved years ago, so it's pretty old.
  • To replace the phones and internal routing mechanisms, the cost would be $2,300. That would include installation, hardware, and training.
  • Doug isn't ready to change the system as of yet.
  • Kevin mentioned he knows of someone getting rid of their phone system that we can pursue when we're ready.
  • The current phone system only offers 2 phone lines, so a new system would allow multiple lines.

Education Committee 

Report submitted by Linda Willis Fisher. August 16, 2017

The Education Committee meets bi-monthly. The committee met 3:00 pm Tuesday, August 1. The next meeting will be 4:00 pm Tuesday, October 11.

On-Site Programming

Summer Session. In-progress education classes have been successful. Sarah, staff and volunteers have led several youth tours. Due to a No Show for a recent scheduled tour and workshop, a statement about a charge will be added to the website.

Fall Session: There are multiple 4 – 6 week adult classes scheduled for fall with many registered already. Four adult and three youth Saturday workshops will be offered. Information and registration for classes is available online. No postcards are being printed or mailed.

Grace Sheese, Ceramics Instructor, resigned. Erin Furimsky and Claire Hedden will each teach two ceramics classes.

Classrooms - Upkeep & Safety: A cleaning day will be scheduled in late August before fall session begins.

Off-Site Programming

Harmon Arts Workshops at Normal Public Library: Received Grant ($2000) to continue the program next year, January - April 2018. Sarah will meet with the NPL staff later this month to plan specific dates.

Sugar Creek Arts Festival: July 8 and 9, 2017. Received Harmon Arts Grant ($1000) for activities. More help is needed next year. The committee reviewed 2017 proposed and actual budgets.

Education Committee Additional Notes:

  • Correction in the summary, the next Education Committee meeting is at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, October 11th.
  • There was talk about charging people for their youth tour ($2/per person).
  • The new agreement to sign up for classes includes a policy that states if the participant doesn't show, there will be a fee. They'd have to pay the fee before signing up for any future courses.
  • Linda stated that in house printed class schedules are necessary, and Doug said that's something the MCAC could print.
  • Clair and Erin have met with Sarah and are making great strides to improve the curriculum and room.

Events Committee:

The Events Committee met on July 17th and August 10th. The Fall Luncheon has been the main focus of discussion. New board member Susie Ferrenberg-Vincent is now active in the group. Silent auction Guidelines were established and distributed to the full board on July 20th. Art accepted includes pottery

(Linda Fisher and Nancy Malone), jewelry (Ruth Ann Friedberg), glass(donated by Alexis Kalish), drawing (Susie Ferrenberg-Vincent), mixed media (Sheila Lamberson)and a glass or sculptural piece (Amanda Pierce). Given the guidelines, we can accommodate two more pieces of art. All silent auction items must be delivered to MCAC by 5pm August 24th

Other important deadlines are:

Program ads by Thursday, 8/24. Ads must be accompanied by payment in order to be included in the booklet

Luncheon reservations by Friday 9/1

Carmel is compiling a report each week that lists reservations, donations, and purchase of raffle tickets and ads. A verbal report of data to date will be given at the board meeting. Thank yous are in order to board members who are promoting the luncheon by soliciting guests, putting together tables, sponsoring tables, selling/buying ads and volunteering time to make our fundraising event a success.

Events Committee Additional Notes:

  • Busy preparing for the Fall Luncheon.
  • The raffle tickets sales were pretty successful prior to the event.
  • We discussed the silent auction and the program advertisements.
  • As of August 16, we had 70 guests signed up out of our goal of 200.
  • We were at $1,100 in advertisement sales and $1,500 in raffle ticket sales.
  • The fee to host a raffle was $125 and was gifted by Alexis. That fee covers the bond and license.
  • Gay proposed each board member donates $10 to pay for a Board of Directors page in the program.
  • We also agreed that the Holiday Treasures should have a page in the program as well.
  • The Symphony Guild is having a party at the MCAC on the 28th of October, so the Holiday Treasures set up will begin the day after (October 29th).
  • The show will include 60 artists.
  • No tickets for entrance this year, just like last year.
  • Joy proposed using a clicker to keep track of the number of attendees. She was then asked if she'd volunteer to click, and she accepted.
  • The Board will bring food and beverages to contribute to the night. Again, set up will take place Sunday, Oct. 29th and Monday, Oct. 30th.

Exhibition Committee:

Exhibition Committee Additional Notes:

  • The Board and Staff Exhibition video was shared online on Tuesday, August 15th.
  • The exhibition committee was recommended to take over the task of setting up event openings and closings. Shelia said she'd take the idea back to the committee to discuss. It was also recommended to have a plan of volunteers for each exhibition opening/closing.

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: (See additional attachments)

July’s results were significantly better than expected. While ticket sales for the fall luncheon are coming in slower than last year, the loss was more than offset by much higher tuition income than last year, t-shirt

sales, board sponsorships, and individual contributions. As a result, our income for the month of July was over $7500 higher than expected.

Expenses also show significantly better than budget, but that’s largely just due to timing. The payment to the Town of Normal didn’t occur in July and the remaining expenses are lower in the categories that typically have receipts come in after Carmel pulls the report. The budget for the Normal payment has been shifted to August. Between that and late receipts we’ll likely come in extremely close to our expense budget for July.

Overall for the year, we’re getting steadily closer to break even. We’re currently projected to end the fiscal year losing $4000, but that projection is a $16,000 improvement over where we were 7 months ago and significantly better than prior fiscal years.

Finance Committee Additional Notes:

  • July results financially were better than expected.
  • There has been a rise in tuition.
  • The t-shirt sales at MCAC were successful and helped contribute to July's numbers.
  • We were $7,500 over budget on "income".
  • We are getting really close to breaking even for the year!
  • Confirmation was provided for the new trustee, Donald Coy.

Human Resources Committee:

Insert Tables

Human Resources Additional Notes:

  • A new excel table was provided at the meeting in which includes the new board members, terms, and committees.
  • We can clean up the committees if individuals aren't attending committee meetings.

Campaign Committee:

Readiness Assessment

We are very much looking forward to meeting with Nora Kyger and Heidi Waltner Pepper next Friday, August 26 at the MCAC. They will begin interviewing Doug, the staff and some board members as we begin this process. We will keep the Board up to date on further developments.

Nomination Committee Notes:

  • Let's all welcome two new members to our Board: Tom Roberts and Susie Ferrenburg-Vincent!
  • Eleisha and Dan will be attending our next meeting as new members as well.
  • We are now at 21 members for the Board of Directors, our max. The board is now full!

Partnership Committee:

Partnership Committee Notes:

  • No update.
  • Please continue to work on filling sponsorships for the Luncheon.
  • All Board members should be trying to fill a table by either recruiting in attendees or setting up a


Director’s Report:

Last year’s grant dollars from the state may be forthcoming. A brief update for that year’s FY budget is

needed by 8/21. Carmel and I are working in this.

WGLT featured a Story/Interview on the Board-Staff show this weekend. DJ spoke with Laura Kennedy. It is posted on-line.

Luncheon Updates:

-Bob Adam has declined the award opportunity.

-Raffle painting in lobby. Raffle Tix are here.

-DJ designing event booklet.

These are out of date:

Current Ticket Sales: 37 = $1,850 + ($1000 table sponsor from Gay)

Current Raffle Sales: $1,125

Current Program Ads: $500 + ($650 in-kind from Billboard partner)

Current Cash Donations: $825

Director Report Additional Notes:

  • The next grant with the Granting Agency for the Illinois Arts Council is due the following week

(Week of Aug. 21st)

  • Doug is putting together a video of interviews for the Luncheon presentation.
  • Doug took photos of each Board member to include in the back end of our website for all board

members to know what each person looks like.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:15 pm

















































Meeting Minutes – JUNE 28, 2017 

Board of Directors 

Present: Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Gay Dolan, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Kevin Kuebler, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, Joy Winnell, Linda Willis Fisher, Anita Carney, and Sheila Lamberson All directors and officers present at the meeting. 

Call to Order: 5:04 p.m. 

Secretary’s Report: To come. 

President’s Report: None 

Nominating Committee: None Building Committee: On 6/24 the building committee organized a general cleanup day. Turnout was good and appreciative to everyone who participated. Our focus was to pulling weeds, pruning plants and picking up trash. We also cleaned up glass from the broken window due to previous storm. **There were also liquor bottles that had to be disposed of. 

Education Committee: 

Linda Willis Fisher The Education Committee met 3:00 pm Wednesday, June 7th. The next meeting will be 3:00 pm August 1st. Karen Gyllin and Allyson Frink have joined the committee. On-Site Programming Summer Session Classes: The summer adult classes scheduled May 9 – August 17 include Pastel, Watercolor, Acrylic, and Ceramics. A pinhole photography workshop was held June 10. Three individual youth classes were scheduled on three different Saturdays. Classrooms Upkeep and Safety: Students in the adult classes request that more lighting be installed in the Drawing/Painting classroom. There are dark areas that are problematic. Future Classes: There is great interest in having a drawing class in the fall. Sarah will inquire about possible instructors. Instructor Contracts: The committee reviewed the current instructor contract form. Julia Davis will be consulted about suggested changes. Curriculum Format: MCAC doesn’t currently require instructors to give an overview of their course content. Committee members will create a form that will be required beginning with the Fall 2017 session. Instructor Course Load: There are three sessions each year (Spring, Summer, Fall) Adult classes are usually each 4-6 weeks long. We typically offer four painting classes and 4 ceramics classes each session. The committee approved limiting instructors to teaching two classes per session. **Exposure for & to other instructors Off-Site Programming Harmon Arts Workshops at Normal Library: MCAC received a Harmon Arts Grant to continue the workshops again next year, January – April 2018. Sarah will meet with Normal Public Library Staff later this summer to plan specific dates. Sugar Creek Arts Festival: MCAC received a Harmon Arts Grant to support art activities at the festival. The committee approved restructuring workshops led by one professional artist to activities led by two paid leaders who will work with our pre-planned activities. Two leaders have been hired and many volunteers have committed to help with the art activities. 

Events Committee: Progress to date on the Fall Luncheon: • A mass mailing list was updated • Online promotion of the luncheon has been on the websites since the first of June • "Save the date" postcards have been mailed to over 1800 households • Invitations are at the printer • Program development is underway and will be the focus of Committee meetings in July. • Board members are asked to solicit advertisements for the program. An ad "kit" will be provided at the 6/28 Board meeting. **Ad Kit flyer provided to obtain program ads. Kevin purchased the front inside cover. **Need to set aside a time to go through the master list as there is believed to be errors in the membership information and they want to make sure that all members are receiving the notifications. Many did not receive the “save the date” card who are boad members. 

Exhibition Committee: No report. The committee did meet in June. 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: Shawn Here’s our Profit & Loss for May. We stayed very close to our projected budget for the month – we expected a net gain of approximately $2000 and are currently showing a net gain of just over $4000. Once the final adjustments to May expenses are recorded in June, we should end up at approximately $3000 net gain for the month. Income was higher than expected for Tuition Income and Individual Contributions, but that was offset by lower than projected membership renewals and special event fundraising (Sugar Creek). Those were lower than expected primarily just due to timing, though (renewals and fundraising that fell outside the month of May). Expenses were lower than expected for salaries and printing costs, although some expenses for the month don’t get fully recorded until the following month so expenses will likely end up about $1000 higher than what they show right now. **Attached exhibit ***Kevin asked about the $9,000.00 bank and credit card fee as it seems much higher than the usual monthly amount. 

Human Resources Committee: Alexis asked everyone to review the conflict of interest provision in the bylaws. Attached exhibit. 

Membership Committee: Membership committee is on hold due to readiness assessment. Readiness Assessment – Board approved moving forward, we’ll be kicking this off in late July with meetings with our fundraising firm.***Kevin and Doug are meeting with the fundraising firm on 7/27-7/29. 

Partnership Committee: No Report. 

Director’s Report: Sugar Creek Artists are set, musicians are set, large posters with artist listings by region. Music, and Sponsors are ordered as of this afternoon. T-shirts are ordered. 110= same numbers/sizes as last year with a local vendor. We pay shirt cost only $3.18 per item. Finalize issues with Town (electric, booth shifts, etc.) tomorrow. Booth signs here, printing individualized info this week. Promo video this/next week. Judges: Grace Katalinich and Mariko Brown Harkin. Water trolley issue, prototype in lobby. Volunteers needed! Link sent this week. 

Other News:

 - Doug was re-elected as president of the Area Arts Round Table (AART) 

- The Director of the Illinois Arts Council Agency (Tatiana Gant) has resigned for a position in the relatively more art-friendly state of Montana. 

- The former director of Arts Alliance Illinois, Ray Joy, had his son murdered in on the campus of the University of Chicago. This occurred in the parking lot of Doug’s daughter’s residential high school. 

***Volunteers are still needed. Gay asked about posters. 

Doug said all small sized posters have been distributed. Hyatt Reception on Saturday. They need some help as Linda cannot be there this year. Doug will give a short presentation on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Drinks and pizza will be served. 

Old Business: 

Request to the Endowment: 

Dear John and Tracy, The Arts Center is about to enter our third year without receiving grant dollars from the State. With the Springfield stalemate ongoing, I would be surprised if this was to change in the foreseeable future. This loss, coupled with all the other issues being faced by non-profits, has presented a considerable challenge to our organization. Our current revenue model does not support our expenses. I have attached the board approved budget which demonstrates that we are depleting cash on hand each year with a loss averaging $2,000 per month. In the past our on-hand reserves, festival revenue, and fundraising events allowed this to be covered, but this is now unsustainable. After much discussion, and a couple board member resignations, this week the MCAC board of directors voted overwhelmingly to begin the process of launching a capital campaign. Led by Kevin Kuebler, we have had several discussions with Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt, the same firm which facilitated the History Museum's successful recent $3,000,000 fundraising effort. We feel they are ideally positioned to work with our project. I have attached their initial proposal. Our goal is to increase the endowment resources, both to increase the total value of the endowment and to allow for an increase in the MCAC's distributed funds. That campaign goal is not yet set and depends upon the result of a readiness study. The anticipated cost for the readiness study is $20,000, payable in installments. This study should reveal our viable campaign goals and current deficiencies to be addressed prior to a campaign's launch. The MCAC board is asking for the release of funds from the endowment to cover the cost of this readiness study and to meet our projected shortfall in this fiscal year. I appreciate your support of this effort. As you know these campaigns are a major undertaking and I am gratified to have the board fully engaged in addressing these objectives. For the next two weeks I will be out of the country, but the members of our Executive Board, and in particular our Campaign Leadership Team: Jim Freeman (vice president), Shawn Gravelle (treasurer), and Kevin Keubler (team leader) are available to answer questions regarding both our goals and our anticipated process. 

Finally, the board is actively exploring candidates for the vacant endowment committee role. Donald Coy will be presented at the June meeting as a candidate. His information is also included as an attachment. 

Thanks for your consideration, Doug Johnson, MFA Executive Director Response from Endowment to me, shared with Exec and Campaign Committee: Doug John Pratt and I discussed this and yes the Endowment will cover the cost of the readiness study. John is out of town this week and when he returns he and I will discuss further the Endowment covering the proposed deficit. Thank you. Sincerely, Tracy M Shepard 

New Business: Proposed printing for Sugar Creek promotions: Printing of Programs Approved. To include list of artists and maps. 

Gay talked about the awards for the September luncheon. 

Adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

McLean County Arts Center accounting May 2017.pdf



Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, April 19, 2017

**Additional Discussion at Board Meeting

Board of Directors

Present: Rashod Taylor, President; Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Rochelle Gridley, Kara Kirchner, Kevin Kuebler, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, Joy Winnell, Linda Willis Fisher

Absent: Jim Freeman, Vice President; Anita Carney, and Sheila Lamberson

Call to Order: Meeting called to Order by President at 5:02 p.m..

Secretary’s Report: Sent via email / Posted on Website. Minutes from March Meeting approved.

President’s Report: Rashod discussed the nominating committee which consists of Joy as the Chair and Rashod. 2 board positions are coming open and also committee members are needed. The nominating committee will be slating officers for the election on May 17, 2017.

Building Committee: Doug gave report that Roof was repaired for $3,000.00 with a $1,000.00 deductible. It was a huge savings to have our own tile available to use. The stained glass repair has taken awhile but the repairs have been requested to be made by the contractor. A few alternative repair workers were mentioned if the first one does not come through in a timely manner.

Education Committee: Submitted by Linda Willis Fisher, Chair.

The Education Committee meets bi-monthly. The committee met April 4 at 4:00 pm. The next meeting will be June 6 at 3:00 pm.

On-Site Programming

Spring Session: The spring adult classes had full enrollment and were quite successful. Most Youth classes were cancelled due to sufficient enrollment. In reviewing all accessible records, this last session was the most profitable one in MCAC's history.

Summer Session: Scheduled classes are: Adult - Pastel, Watercolor, Acrylic, Ceramics, and Pinhole Photography. Youth - 3 Saturday sessions, 2 hours each

Tuition rates for youth: There is a lot of competition with other events and activities and MCAC tuition is higher than other venues. Therefore, the committee agreed to lower the cost for the 

two-hour summer workshops to $15 for two-dimensional and $20 for ceramics. With the reduction in youth tuition rates we will now be running these classes at a loss. The committee approved reducing the fee because adult classes have been significantly more profitable.

Drawing Class Request: There have been requests that an adult drawing class be offered. Doug volunteered to teach a drawing class, possibly in the fall.

Workshops and School Visits: Current policies for onsite workshops and school visits were reviewed. These policies are posted on the MCAC website HTTP://WWW.MCAC.Wild Apricot.Org/PrivateClasses.

Classrooms: Upkeep & Safety: The new kiln is working well, which greatly improves efficiency. A new ceramics studio assistant, Maxwell Meyers, began working April 13.

Off-Site Programming

Harmon Arts Grant Workshops at the Normal Public Library were quite successful. A MCAC Intern called the registrants prior to each workshop. The attendance at the workshops has been about 86%. MCAC will apply for a Harmon Arts Grant ($2000) to continue the program next year.

Sugar Creek Fine Arts Festival: MCAC will apply for a Harmon Arts Grant ($1000) for activities. Teen and adult volunteers are needed in the Activity area. Sarah proposed restructuring “workshops” led by one professional artist as has been done in the past into

“activities” with teams of two paid leaders who work with our pre-planned activities. The committee approved this restructured plan.

Spring Bloom The activity table at Spring Bloom was well attended. Participants could decorate coloring sheets and/or make paper flowers. Three Normal Community High School National Art Honors Society members assisted at the activity table.

Instructor Evaluation The need for instructor evaluation was discussed. We do have an online survey, but most students do not care to complete it anymore. In any given class, at least half of the students are repeats. Mike suggested that he could consult on better ways to ask questions that might be relevant.

MCAC Members Discount Giving Member discounts for classes was discussed. No recommendation was made. The Membership Committee may have suggestions.

Children’s Art Exhibition and 2018 Calendar Having a Children’s Art Exhibition focusing on a theme, perhaps McLean County, was discussed. Selected images could be made into a 2018 calendar. **Perhaps 12-13 artists involved.

Event for McLean County Art Teachers

The committee discussed inviting McLean County art teachers to the MCAC for an informal gathering to share what we have to offer and how MCAC might help them. A gathering after the school day in late September was suggested. Mike suggested having a focus group of teachers meet to discuss possibilities of working together. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.

**Discussion regarding possible use of the Shirk Foundation Grant application for funds to assist with any of the childrens programing and help subsidize the classes so there could be more participation by those that could not afford the programming. Also, Doug reiterated that Linda Shirk had suggested that an application be made for funding involving childrens’ programs.

Events Committee:

The Events Committee met on March 24h with a focus on establishing a timeline for the work to be done prior to the Fall Fundraising Luncheon. An online save the date announcement should be available by the first of May. Several artistic concepts for branding the luncheon were ite....not unlike last year but with the addition of color. With enough advance planning, color

can be added at a low cost. We also began discussion of some program ideas. The program theme that emerged was "The Development of an Artist". Rather than having a

separate Preview and Awards event the goal is to incorporate this information into the luncheon program. (By popular demand) Doug has agreed to create another painting to raffle. As a marketing concept, we are hoping to have a Facebook/Website progressive painting by the artist. A committee subgroup met at Baxter's for a menu tasting on April 18th.

**Gay said that they hope to launch the new programming for youth at the luncheon. Doug has agreed to paint again for the auction. Gay suggested Doug post progress to social media to hype it up and stir interest.

Final evaluative data for Spring Bloom 2017 will be presented at the May Board meeting.

**Doug said most artists said better sales this year. Some complaints were that it was too dark and that there should be more promotion and advertisements. Some also complained that this should be a free event for the patrons. Booth fees are currently $160.00.

Our next committee meeting is scheduled for 9:00 Thursday April 27th.

Exhibition Committee: The next two exhibitions, Vaughn Wascovich (pinhole camera photos) and Nate Mathews (Nuclear Tourism) are unsponsored. This is a $2,250 budget loss.

**Doug said the workshop will be 6/10 and is being marketed on facebook, this is for Vaughn Wascovich pinhole camera workshop. It is also being marketed on Youtube and postcards. Deb said it has been great working with Alfonso and discussed other workshop ideas such as design your own font.

***Talked about possibly more WGLT advertising. Doug is working on getting calendars updated with current and future information.

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: See attached. Shawn provided handouts and gave a report. We are expecting to have a loss at fiscal year end of ($25,317.99). This is historically consistent with previous years as we have shown a $20,000.00 - $30,000.00 loss each year. Committee is putting together the endowment request. If a successful capital campaign is made, then should be getting $10,000.00 per month based on the projected amount in the fund and the return of 4.5% per year. There is a membership push for 50% increase in membership. The spreadsheet provided is interactive and if you put in different inputs, it will show different outcomes. Seeking to have 450 members in the next fiscal year. Right now we have 300 members. Current lowest amount of membership is $25.00. Review of hand-out. Next step will be Shawn, Doug, and other committee members to meet with Endowment Managers/Trustee. Shawn has a candidate in mind to fill the vacant manager position.

**2017 Budget proposed by Shawn. Vote taken. Budget approved unanimously.

**Shawn discussed partnership/program package sponsorship plan. Discussion regarding expanding committees to do financial analysis. Alexis talked about the McLean County History’s capital campaign. Doug said he will send out the notes from the discussion from the meeting they had attended.

Human Resources Committee: Nothing new to report.

Membership Committee: Doug and Kevin will be on call tomorrow with fund-raising specialists who worked with Beth on the History Museum capital campaign. Kevin passed out a worksheet and asked all Board Members to answer the questions regarding the organization and return the answers to Kevin within a week. Kevin said the answers will help determine whether or not the members are committed to the capital campaign process.

Partnership Committee: The next partnership meeting will be Friday April 28th at 7:00 a.m.

Director’s Report:

Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival. Less cost than last year. Evals, issues, next year & 2019, etc

Sugar Creek 211 Applications in. Up significantly from 184. The show is juried, as of today. We have several sponsorships, all listed on the website. Musicians are set.

***Application fee for Sugar Creek was $25.00.

Building Damage. Roof repaired. Delays in repair to the stained glass work.

Arts Advocacy Day-Washington Trip. Follow-up and noon talk (lunch & learn) on Tuesday at McLean County History Museum.

**Doug said the experience was fascinating. There was the biggest groups for Illinois ever. Doug was with downstate groups. All democrats committed and Republicans were not committing at this point. People thought NEA would not be disbanded.

Amateur Show -Video of awards ceremony has been viewed 4,800+ times.

**Traffic coming in everyday to view.

Stephanie Roberts -Video was viewed 3,000+ times.

**She is the judge for the amateur show.

Arts Alliance Illinois Statewide Listening Tour

On Monday (4/10) we served as host to the AAI Central Illinois stop for strategizing. Groups from Peoria, Springfield, and C-U attended. Thanks to Gay Dolan for representing.

**Revamping identity and re-visioning. Gay said interesting and kept people involved. Dialogue in small groups. Gay said lots of History Museum people were there. Gay discussed possible partnership with the History Museum. At the event were lots of Educators, Art Teachers, people from Pekin, Springfield and other surrounding areas. This was the largest session outside of Chicago.

Old Business: Tina Salamone’s March 26 Service at the BCPA. Doug delivered a eulogy.

New Business: Gary Hoover’s Memorial to be April 29th at 2:00 p.m. at the MCAC.

Adjourned: Rashod adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m.


Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, March 15, 2017 

In attendance: Board of Directors: Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Gay Dolan, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Kara Kirchner, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, Joy Winnell 

Excused Absences: Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Stephanie Duquenne, and Rochelle Gridley 

Call to Order: 5:02 p.m. 

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. President’s Report: Oral report given encouraging everyone to attend Spring Bloom. In addition, there is still a need for more volunteers at Spring Bloom. He thanked everyone who gave him invites to committee meetings. Committee Reports Building Committee: Extensive building damage. Doug gave report on repairs of $2,125.00 and said insurance will cover. Doug was asked if Shirk Foundation funds could be used for building repairs and Doug responded that MCAC has not applied for Shirk Foundation funds at this point and that the Foundation was interested in using monies for space at MCAC for children’s programming. 

Education Committee Submitted by Linda Willis Fisher. 

The Education Committee meets bi-monthly. The next meeting will be April 4 at 4:00 pm. 

On Site Programming Grove Elementary School Experience. Sarah and Claire coordinated a Gallery Tour and Art Activity for four 4th grade classes (125 students) from Grove Elementary School January 17 and 24. After a guided tour of the Point Line Shape Form exhibit, students were divided into five groups to rotate through brief experimental art stations. This gave the kids an opportunity to directly engage with the concepts highlighted in the show. A $2.00 fee per student was paid. The stations were: 1. Line Work - compasses, rulers, graphite pencils 2. Patterning & Repetition - geometric stamps 3. Color Interaction - collages with colorful cut paper shapes 4. Form and Dimension - folded paper challenge 5. Reading - books with art images relating to these concepts

 Guided Tour Fee. Last year the Education Committee voted to require $2/student fee for all school groups, regardless of level. The requests for tours were becoming overwhelming and required a great deal of staff time. Groups are always welcome to do a (free) self-guided tour, for which we still give a brief (5 minute) welcome and some general information about MCAC. This policy was discussed again because several groups, one from ISU and one from a local school, recently requested guided tours. Lighting. Thanks to Doug, new lighting has been installed in the general classroom. Off-Site Programming Workshops at the Normal Public Library funded by a Harmon Arts Grant. February and March workshops were filled to capacity within 24 hours. However, there were several no-shows. April workshops will be announced on Saturday to coordinate with Spring Bloom. This way, we can tell people about them without all the spots already being taken. After much discussion amongst Education Committee members, Sarah made the decision to remove no-shows from future events. She had zero success trying to reach noshows. The pattern with no-shows was to sign up for EVERY available session and then never answer our phone calls or emails. If we are unable to receive any response from someone, they are removed after one no-show. With wait-lists of up to 10 people per session, holding space for someone we are unable to contact seems unnecessary. Sarah has not received any complaints, or even any responses. 

Spring Bloom. Volunteers are needed to help at the activity table at the Spring Bloom Festival March 18th. Education Committee member, Jennifer Kelly has recruited four NCHS Art Honor Society students to help. Dia de Los Libros at Bloomington Public Library will be held Saturday, April 29th from 11:00-1:00. Kayla Huenenberg, an ISU graduate in art education, will lead the activity. Bloomington Public Library will provide $100 for supplies. BPL is managing volunteers. **Additional Discussion. Linda said that some feedback for the children’s programming lack of participation was due to the price being too expensive. Also discussed the tours at the Arts center for classes at $2.00 for students with a guided tour and field trip or FREE with no guided tour. Volunteers still needed throughout the day for Spring Bloom. Doug received 2 phone calls to cancel class attendance because of the weather. Others just no-show on the workshops. Discussion regarding hat the kids need to have the passion in order to make the classes at MCAC work. Sheila asked if there was a difference by age group for the attendance. 

INTRODUCTION of new co-curator, Alfonso Gosalbez Berenguer. Board went around with introductions. 

Events Committee: 

The Events Committee will meet on Friday, March 24th to continue a discussion of tasks to be completed and a time-line for doing so. ***Additional Discussion. Meeting will be at 3:30. Rashod said he will follow up with Salsa instructor and also discuss with Alfonso and Doug. 

Exhibition Committee: 

Deb gave an oral report. She will confer with Alfonso and is working on reviewing the new exhibition proposals and will report soon. Linda said that the last Opening was a wonderful Event. 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: 

Shawn sent out a written report. ***Additional discussion. Doug said he is expecting grant to be paid in June from prior year. Discussion regarding new endowment managers needed, and succession planning so that there are ongoing, qualified and visionary endowment managers in the future. Right now we have about an $18,000.00 deficit and want to ask for the deficit amount at the same time we ask for an increase in the monthly endowment funding amount (as it is based on a % of the fund, and the fund has grown – but the monthly payments have remained the same). Jim asked if MCAC should be asking endowment to pay for deficit. Shawn said capital campaign is needed to get the monies needed for the deficit and there will need to be a pitch to the managers that involves the capital campaign plan. Shawn said 25% of MCAC is funded by the endowment. They are working on the 2017 budget. Ruth Ann asked if Shawn had actual expenditures and Shawn said that he will be sending by email for board review prior to the meeting. 

Human Resources Committee: 

Oral Report. Alexis said thank you to everyone who contributed to Claire’s Farewell Party. In May, we will need to vote for officers and any new board meeting. 

Membership Committee: 

“Please Join” letters were sent to all amateur show participants who are non-members. ***Additional Discussion. Kevin said committee is on hold right now and waiting for direction because of possible capital campaign. 

Partnership Committee: 

Joy. Sample script when initiating a Sugar Creek Partnership ask: Every year one of our community highlights is the Sugar Creek Arts Festival. Held the second weekend of July, this community treasure attracts more than 20,000 people. I serve on the board of the McLean County Arts center and we organize this free event. Your business can partner with the Arts Center in form of sponsorships, and I would like to share with you some opportunities that are a good fit for your interests and discuss the benefits for you and our community. (pull out hand out and smile) 

***Additional Discussion. Joy went over the possible script for Sugar Creek partnerships. 371 businesses still unclaimed for “asks”. She can re-share sponsorship grid and initial letter. She will give a goal date for getting these sponsorships secured. Gay said she is thinking about Events Committee and giving them another opportunity by bringing up the Fall Fundraiser Event, since they aren’t that far apart. Concern about overlap of asking the same people for different events, and want to make sure that we give them opportunity to sponsor more than 1 event at the same time. Jim mentioned possible “overall/global” sponsorships so that the companies can have options to advertise over several events throughout the year. Doug mentioned that there is a good opportunity to have an overall “strategy”. Jim suggested that “package” idea should be a part of Partnership Committee. Shawn is asking Carmel to see how much money people are usually giving and then give packages for them. Next step, Shawn is going to work with Carmel to get the numbers together. Jim said Yvonne did research on existing memberships for other Art Centers. She has also contacted IWU and ISUE to get someone to help with a survey on membership. Yvonne said other Arts Centers have less membership categories. Kevin mentioned that we need to be distinct between membership/partnership. Our drive should be for Partnerships. Gay suggested that there should be a “membership” presence at events to get new members and someone to assist with sign-up. Joy explained difference between partnership and sponsorship. Joy said she reviewed the powerpoint from partnership committee from a prior meeting and will re-share. Rashod asked about timeline for action items/plans. Joy said she will work on a sponsorship package and she will try to have at next meeting. 

Director’s Report: 

Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival -Hotel drama and scramble. The Chateau closure led to arrangements with the Marriott. Chateau has now reopened. Volunteer needs remain. Email sent and a Facebook post. Hardcopy is on table. 

Spring Bloom Fine Arts Fair Promotions: More than 3,000 postcards have been mailed and placed at local businesses. Posters have been placed around the community for weeks. We have 6 large signs that will be placed around the ISU campus and Uptown Normal. We have created a promotional video on both FaceBook and YouTube Tomorrow(3/16/17) the local NPR station is featuring a story on the festival and participating artists. A quarter page ad in the local newspaper's Thursday GO! section, as well as a news story. Additionally, electronic ads will run on the paper's website. A FaceBook ad campaign is blitzing all central Illinois communities through Saturday. We have three electronic billboards throughout town (two are in-kind donations): 

Sugar Creek Applications are coming in. We have a handful of sponsorships. We may have a Comcast booth. Sharing revenue with Uptown Normal on that possibly. 

Staff Update: Claire’s last day was on Friday. Alfonso has been training for the last two weeks. Building Damage We had significant storm damage last week. The roof repairs are $2,185. We have a $1,000 deductible. Thanks to our having a supply of roofing tiles.* Repairs will begin tomorrow at 8am, and Mulberry street will be partially blocked. Assistance is needed this evening in bringing tiles to the kitchen for the Carlson Exteriors. Additionally, we are looking for a Stained Glass repair. Bob Adam, Kevin Kuebler, Justin Hay and I were responsible for clearing damaged limbs. 

Arts Advocacy Day Prepping for Washington Trip. DJ leaves Sunday from Chicago. Among his stops will be dinner with the Boyden family. His return flight is on Wednesday. 

Amateur Show -Video posted -PowerPoint presentation. -Complaint (from a Mother concerned that Best of Show was based on a painting of a photograph, not taken from the student). Stephanie Roberts Opening was on Friday. 

Tina Salamone’s Death/ Video / March 26 Service at the BCPA. 

Old Business: A committee needs to be established to move forward on our Endowment / Capital Campaign. Seeking volunteers to begin our process. -Reach out to the firm that managed the History Museum campaign. -Establish goals, timeline and budget. ***Additional Discussion. Doug said that the promotional video has been viewed 1200 times and shared 24 times. Also the Amateur vide was viewed over 2700 times. Doug discussed request for him to emcee the service for Tina Salamone on March 26th. Doug said his role will not be an overall host. 

Committee established for Endowment/Capital Campaign – KEVIN, RUTH ANN, SHAWN, ROCHELLE. Ruth Ann to speak with Greg Koos. Meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m.


Board of Directors Meeting – Friday, February 17, 2017


Board of Directors

Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Shawn Gravelle, Treasurer

Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Rochelle Gridley,   Kara Kirchner, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, Joy Winnell

Call to Order:   


Secretary’s Report:   Sent via email


 President’s Report

Committee Reports

Building Committee:

Education Committee


Submitted by Linda Willis Fisher. 

The Education committee met February 7, 2017. Jennifer Kelly has joined the committee. Yvonne Hoop, Linda Willis Fisher, Rashod Taylor, Sarah Sciba, and Doug Johnson also attended the meeting.

On-Site Programming

  • The Spring Adult Programming is in-progress. There are five classes in session and three more will begin soon.
  • Two of the single session youth classes were cancelled because of no enrollment.  The remaining scheduled sessions will be cancelled if there isn’t sufficient enrollment. The committee discussed whether or not to continue on-site youth classes. The committee will continue to explore other options of youth offerings including parent/child workshops and partnerships with community groups. The committee discussed inviting McLean County Art Teachers to meet at the Arts Center to acquaint them with the facility and discuss ways to provide opportunities for youth.
  • Floor waxing has been completed. The new kiln arrived and has been test fired and ready for use.
  • The committee discussed other classroom needs. Sarah expressed concerns about the lighting in the drawing/painting classroom. Doug suggested that replacing the current bulbs with more efficient bulbs would greatly increase lighting. He will investigate the best solution for the least cost.

 Off-Site Programming

Workshops funded by the Harmon Arts Grant are scheduled at Normal Public Library. Nine dates are elected: Three each in February, March, and April 2017. Sarah is posting the sessions on the website one month at a time. The February classes are already full with a waiting list.

Dia de Los Libros at Bloomington Public Library will be held Saturday, April 29th from 11:00-1:00.  Kayla Huenenberg, an ISU graduate in art education, will lead the activity. Bloomington Public Library will provide $100 for supplies. Volunteers are needed.

  • The committee discussed developing guidelines for participation in community events. A policy could be posted on the website.

Volunteers are needed to help at the activity table at the Spring Bloom Festival March 18th.  Jennifer Kelly said that she would recruit NCHS Art Honor Society students to help. 


Events Committee

Doug, Alexis, Sue and Gay met on Friday, February 10th to discuss Spring Bloom (Sat., March 18, 2017) and the Fall Fundraising Luncheon (Thurs., September 7, 2017).  

Doug shared a progress report on Spring Bloom. A Sign-up Genius email has been sent to Board members.  Assistance is needed for Friday afternoon and evening as well as the day of the event.  Friends and family are invited to join in.  All Board members are asked to participate in marketing the event by distributing postcards and posters around town.  These materials are now available for pick-up at the Arts Center.   Doug has prepared and distributed a list of businesses and  locations to target.   Please check your email and sign-up to canvas an area. 

Progress is being made on our repeat performance of the Fall Fundraising Luncheon  to be held at Holiday Inn and Suites.

    *The event will be branded as:  Creating the Future 2017

    *Goals were set for the number of guests (200) and the amount revenue to be brought in ($15,000).  

    *Doug has agreed to do another beautiful painting to be used as a grand prize.  

    *Alexis is taking charge of the raffle application and required bond.  

    *More time will be allowed for onsite purchase of raffle tickets

    *Four $25 Holiday Treasures gift certificates will be awarded to luncheon attendees

    *A "save the date" notice will be posted on MCAC websites with the next monthly update

    *Printed tickets will not be used

    *Doug and Darrell will work on streamlining the online registration process.

    *A separate table will be set up the day of the luncheon to accommodate a membership drive

    *Gay, Doug and Carmel will work together to determine a budget and monitor expenditures

    *Interns will be involved in production work to keep costs down

    *Alexis will head up a subcommittee to work on invitations.

If Board members have particular interest areas to which you would like to contribute, please let Gay know.

Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival


       Member postcards are mailed, non-member postcards will go out next week (more than 2,000).  We have 200+ 11”x17” posters to be placed around town and have ten 22” x 34” signcade posters to be place in the vicinity of the event on the day of. 

The Billboard (by Dairy Queen) on Veterans Pkwy has our Ad.

The website is updated with artist info, including a gallery of artist works.

A promo video is forthcoming.

The volunteer sign-up sheet is posted, although only a few spots are filled. 

Musicians are set: Leah Marlene will play 10-12:30 with a 30 minute break. Dave Berchtold will play 1-3:30

-Artists are all selected, we have 6 yet unpaid, staff is following up. 

-Food: This year we are offing artists the opportunity for a second lunch, at slightly above our cost.

-Pantagraph ad to run in the Go section on the Thursday before the festival


1-Time Rate

Special Offer

Total Bill

1/4 Page (30”)


Includes 25,000 online impressions



Sugar Creek Arts Festival:

Call to Artist postcards (1,000) are ordered. To be in next week.

Sponsorship letters are out. 

Committed Cash Sponsors are:

-Garlic Press ($1,000)

-Busey ($500)

Committed in-kind donors are:

-Tom Lowery at Varsity Sports wishes to partner on shirts.   

-Bloomington Thunder provided game four tix

-Chateau one night stay (judge?)

- Neuhoff Media (BOB FM, etc)

- Shakespeare Festival (2 tickets to a summer play, exp. 7/30/17)

No: State Farm, BroMenn



Exhibition Committee

The committee met last week. Alfonso Gosalbez and Jessica Benjamin will share the curator role.


Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report:  


Human Resources Committee:  


Membership Committee:

Partnership Committee


Director’s Report

Doug met with Busey and the Endowment Managers on 2/1/17. The invested funds stood at $1,608,920 (as of 1/30/17), recovering well from previous drops.  Bob Reardon, Jr. has now officially withdrawn from his role. This leaves John Pratt and Tracy Shepard remaining.  Our endowment agreement leaves the role of selecting Reardon’s replacement to the MCAC Board.

National Arts Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. is March 20-21.  Costs would include conference fee ($200 + incidentals, and flight $340). Doug would stay with Washington based family.  In the past a portion of this cost was paid by Arts Alliance Illinois, it may be again. 


Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, January 18th 2017 

Board of Directors: 

Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Linda Willis Fisher, Treasurer; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Rochelle Gridley, Kara Kirchner, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, & Joy Winnell 

Excused Absences: Sue Alexander, Anita Carney, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Kara Kirchner, Sheila Lamberson, Rashod Taylor. 

Call to Order: 5:03 p.m. by Jim Freeman 

Secretary’s Report: Amended minutes from last meeting November 16, 2016 approved (amended showing corrected next meeting). 

President’s Report: I am planning to meet with Doug to go over his evaluation, please send responses for the evaluation of you have not. This year we need to keep our focus on generating revenue due to our deficit. Partnerships will be key this year as we try to close the gap. Let's continue to think outside the box and hit the ground running this year. Thanks for all that you do! 

Committee Reports 

Building Committee: Information in Director’s Report regarding additional lighting added around building. 

Education Committee: Linda Willis Fisher, Chair 

The Education committee met December 7, 2016 and will meet again February 7, 2017. We welcome new committee member Jennifer Kelly, Normal Community High School Art Teacher, to the committee. 

Spring 2017 Programming: 

  • The schedule is posted online and postcards have been distributed. There are 51 enrolled in adult classes. Since youth numbers are low, we are offering four one-time classes. However, the first session has been cancelled due to lack of enrollment.

Classroom Upkeep and Safety: 

  • In an attempt to clean up the classrooms and kiln area, broken kilns and a clay mixer have been sold. Because the only remaining kiln is very unreliable, a new kiln has been ordered and will be delivered in February.
  • Education committee members Sarah Sciba, Yvonne Hoop, Michael McNeil, and Linda Willis Fisher met Tuesday afternoon, January 11 to thoroughly clean the classroom area and kiln room. Dale Evans, one of the instructors, helped scrape paint off the tables and returned later to apply adhesive to tabletops that were coming loose.
  • Floor cleaning and waxing have been scheduled for January 26th. Help in the moving of furniture and equipment prior to the cleaning is requested.

Off-Site Programming: 

  • The workshops at Normal Public Library, which are supported by a Harmon Arts Grant, are scheduled. In addition to being advertised online and at the Normal Library, the sessions are also listed on the Spring Exhibition and Class postcard.
  • Dia de Los Libros at Bloomington Public Library will be held Saturday, April 29th. Kayla Huenenberg, an ISU graduate in art education, will lead the activity. Sarah will meet with the library staff to determine the supply budget.
  • Spring Bloom Festival will be held March 18th at the Bone Student Center. Volunteers or paid instructors are needed to lead activities at the MCAC Education Booth.

***Additional Discussion: Jim asked about relationships between Committee and local teachers. Linda discussed new kiln and explained that the clay mixer and older kiln were both sold by MCAC. Linda stated that a sign up would be sent out to volunteer for Spring Bloom and Jim mentioned that it would be great to include non-board members in volunteering for the event to hopefully get more people involved with MCAC. 

Events Committee: 

Spring Bloom: Date/Time: Sat., March 18th from 10a to 5p 

Place: ISU Brown Ballroom, free parking 

Cost: $5, (16 and under free). In the past, some discounts have been offered late in the day. 

Marketing: postcard, posters, Vets Parkway ad, Go Section Pantagraph and Board assistance in getting the word out. (Doug Explained that there would be about 50 large posters for Board to assist with posting) 

Costs: printed materials, mailing, 1 judge ($100), refreshments & lunch for artists, art supplies for children's activity table 

Income: artist registration fees, ticket sales, booth fees of $160.00. (70 artists, about 1000 attendees) 

Board participation will be handled using Sign-up Genius. Help is needed for set-up Friday 3/17 5-9p, artist check-in (time TBA), a welcome booth, a ticket booth, delivery of lunches to artists, and staffing the childrens' activity table. 

***Additional Discussion – Doug discussed process in getting artists to get signed up; Doug explained video process and archiving the information. Doug said most attendees show between 10-1 p.m.; after 4:00 no charge; Pizza and pop available for artists during set-up on Friday before; continental breakfast provided morning of and boxed lunches for artists are provided. 

2017 Fall Fundraising Luncheon 

Date/Time: Thursday, September 7, 2017 from 11a to 1p. Please mark your calendars. 

A subcommittee comprised of Doug, Alexis and Gay visited the Marriott, Doubletree and Holiday Inn and Suites in November and early December to assess their conference areas as possible venues for a second annual luncheon. A contract has been signed with Holiday Inn. Baxter's will cater the luncheon. The Events Committee will be meeting soon to discuss program ideas, timelines and improvements based on last year's experience. 

***Additional Discussion – starting earlier so more time for sign up, mingle and find out more about MCAC. Committee looked at 3 hotels and the costs of the other 2 placed were significantly more due to add-on costs for necessary items. 

Exhibition Committee: Deb Risberg gave report. Currently seeking sponsorships for the amateur arts show, lowest ask of $100.00; need is more than usual because jurors are required for the show. Committee needs to determine the need amount at its meeting in February. Event will be starting on 3/5/17. 

***Additional Discussion – Jim inquired as to why the amateur show was not a ticketed and revenue producing events since there was such a high interest. Deb explained the importance and history of the show and the furtherance of the mission and goals of MCAC. Doug also discussed McLean County Arts Center is on You Tube and promotes events. Deb said the Stephanie Robinson exhibit needs $750.00 and the one following also needs $750.00. Kodaroamers is a popular show. The committee will start reviewing shows for the next season in February. Gay talked about ISU and that they keep track of how many people come to exhibitions and wondered if there was a better way for us to keep count. 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: 

Kevin has worked on the budget, and a draft was distributed. It still needs to be refined and finalized prior to presentation for approval. Finance Committee will work with him. 

***Additional discussion – discussed opportunities to work with donors who may be required to take the IRA minimum distribution and that the rules have not been solid so difficulty in planning and relying on those rules; Kevin discussed. Doug discussed Foundation’s role. Doug stated Endowment started at $800,000.00 and now is at $1.8 mil. Doug discussed asks for sponsorships/partnerships for the 2 festivals and what it means to everyone and it would help us to get out of deficit. Sugar Creek has great public regard and sponsorship opportunities; hneed $500-$1,000.00 sponsorships. Needs board members to get out and ask for sponsors and to feel free to ask him any questions if you need assistance. 

Human Resources Committee: 

Responses to the Executive Director evaluation have been summarized and forwarded to the Board President for review with Doug. Alexis described Ian’s going away gift – snacks, travel needs, restaurant gift certificates, and VISA cards. Jim said Ian really appreciated the gifts, as he had several extra travel days due to weather. Ian is now settled in his new home and job. Alexis will contact Board members about an appreciation gift for Claire. ***Additional discussion – Alexis is waiting on Doug’s evaluation from 4 board members. 

Membership Committee: 

We are focusing on reviewing the current membership structure, the benefits of membership and a potential membership drive. Thanks to the committee for their efforts so far. 

The MCAC continues to see a gradual decline in membership and the revenue derived from membership is critical to our operations. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix and we are analyzing the current situation thoroughly to come up with viable long term answers. Our committee would be very open to any board thoughts as to the reasons you, and your friends, are members or are not members and more importantly maybe, why people have dropped their membership. In addition we’d like to gather your thoughts on the ‘value’ of your membership, what do you get for your membership? 

Please send all thoughts to Kevin at for sharing with the committee. 

Partnership Committee: 

We took a break over the holiday season, but we have a meeting scheduled for this Friday, January 20th to kick it into high gear for 2017. We plan on coming up with goals and deadlines for each event/exhibit for 2017 to ensure that not only each event is sponsored to the full, but to also approach our potential sponsors and donors with options. We want to prevent the approach of scrambling last minute for donors as well as reaching out to the same people event after event, ask after ask. We will discuss ideas for the website to track donations/sponsorships.We will come up with an action plan for the Spring Bloom and the Sugar Creek Arts Festival while we are working on our overall 2017 plan. Those two large events are our immediate need for sponsors. That's all I have at this time. I expect the Partnership Committee will have more to report on for next month's Board Meeting. ***Additional Discussion - Doug commented that we need to look for $500 - $1000 partnerships for Sugar Creek. 

Director’s Report: 

Our end of the year contributions totals $17,565.42 

Holiday Treasures is wrapped up! We happily paid to participating artists more than $11,000, and we netted more than $7,800. 

We currently have $45,000 in the bank, although we are expecting a 40k shortfall based on the budget numbers. (see attached Budget Draft) We must make a significant effort to increase giving, develop sponsorships, and partnerships. 

Staffing: Justin Hay has begun working 25 hours/week as our Project Coordinator. His responsibilities include the Festivals and data entry projects. Justin continues his role as ceramics assistant. Doug is looking at Jessica Benjamin and Alfonso Gonzales Berenguer to tag team on the Curator role. 

Doug may be out this week. His grandfather (age 96 and in Nebraska) is in hospice and declining rapidly. 

Spring Bloom artists have all submitted we are at 80, same as last year. Erin Furimsky will jury on Thursday. Post cards are ordered. Looking at poster order $200 for 50 12x18. Updating website data model. 

Calls for Sugar Creek Sponsorships will go out this week and next. 

Interns have started Megan Cherry works 14 hours a week on grants and mailings for sponsorships. Carol Liu is working 5 hours a week on grants. Both are from IWU and are doing a terrific job. 

Video for Rankin Exhibition has 4,484 views, as of today. 

Double opening on Friday, please bring a friend. 

The lights in the art supply storage room and in Claire’s office have been replaced with energy efficient LED fixtures. 

Attachments: Strategy Map, Budget Draft & November Minutes 

Adjournment: 6:31 p.m. 


Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, October 19, 2016 

Meeting was called to Order at 5:08 p.m. 

Present at Meeting: Doug Johnson, Executive Director and Board Members as follows: Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, At-Large; Sue Alexander, Yvonne Hoop, Rochelle Gridley, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Joy Winnel. Excused Absences: Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Linda Willis Fisher (Treasurer), Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Kara Kirchner, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards. 

Secretary’s Report: Minutes, as written and distributed, approved. 

Building Committee: Craig Lee, Chair. Written report below and Doug expanded on report. I was provided a tour of the Arts Center in order to determine what buildings concerns exist and to help determine a sense of direction and vision as chairman of the committee. Some concerns include: • Repairs are needed in the permanent collection room, including installation of drop ceilings, humidity control, construction shelves and walls. • Some windows need to be repaired or replaced • Outside landscaping in front would be beneficial in Spring • Floors need to be stripped, sealed and polished. With regards to the later, a bid was received for the floor for $844.35 and would like to move forward with those repairs. ***Additional Discussion. The permanent collection window needing to be replaced is a security issue as the window does not close all the way. Carmel and her children worked on some of the fall landscaping outside. The bid for the $844.35 includes kitchen, hall and class rooms. Motion was made to approve the higher bid for more expansive floor work. Motion approved by Board. President’s Report. Submitted by Rasod Taylor. I am looking to attend committee meetings so please include me in your next meeting. I am looking to help where I can and share ideas. I am thankful for the board and Staff's commitment to the Art center and all of the work that was put into the successful fall fundraiser. I will discuss Strategy Map with Doug and how to implement. It will serve as a refresher for many, but also will assist in our evaluation of current goals. 

Education Committee: Linda Willis Fisher, Chair. Doug expanded on report. 

The Education Committee met Wednesday, October 12, 2016 On-Site Programming Adult Programming: Sarah reported that the Fall 2016 adult programming is the most successful and profitable on record! Eight of the nine classes are completely full. Youth Programming: Only 1 of 4 youth classes filled. We will continue to dialogue how to move forward with youth classes. Instead of offering a series of youth classes in the spring, exhibit related activity workshops will be scheduled. Classrooms: Upkeep and Safety: Overhead lights have been repaired. A bid for cleaning the classrooms, hallway, and kitchen has been submitted. At the September Board meeting, up to $500 to clean the classroom floors was approved. The committee determined that the previously discussed “rummage” sale of unnecessary art supplies would not be practical. Places to donate supplies not appropriate our programming will be explored. Volunteers will be asked to help sort existing supplies. The materials needed to repair the kiln have arrived. Grace Sheese, ceramics instructor will complete the repairs. Off-Site Programming  Harmon Arts Workshops at the Normal Library: There will be nine workshops: three each in February, March and April 2017. The committee approved the proposed $2000 budget, which will be used for instructor and assistant pay, art supplies, and printing of postcard advertising. Two of the sessions will be in a lecture format, which was a request from several people in the community. Dia de Los Libros at Bloomington Public Library: Bloomington Public Library has invited MCAC to participate in Dia de Los Libros Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 11:00 – 1:00. We have been asked to provide and conduct a make & take craft project for children. BPL can potentially partially fund supplies. The committee approved the participation. Sarah and Linda will determine an appropriate activity for the event. Illinois Art Education Association Conference The Illinois Art Education Conference will be held at the Marriott, the Center for Visual Arts, and the University Galleries November 3 – 5. MCAC will have a publicity display in the vendor area and provide items for name badge decoration. ***Additional Discussion. Doug stated that the education programming is the most successful it has ever been. Ventilation is needed in the Ceramics Room. 

Events Committee: Gay Dolan, Chair. Alexis expanded on written report. 

Follow-up to Fall Luncheon The committee met on September 23rd to discuss having a "second annual" fall luncheon fundraiser. With previous commitment from the Board, a date was set for the second week of September 2017. The following priorities were established: Select and reserve a venue. Investigate alternative venues that will comfortably hold 200 guests. Set a specific date with chosen venue Set goals for # of guests and $$ amount to be achieved Determine a budget. Determine strategies for raising money Determine sources of income other than "ticket" sales Determine procedure for sale of ads to be included in program, including who has primary responsibility for organizing sales Evaluate sponsorship levels (partnership committee). Compile list of potential viable sponsorships (Board input) Review membership list and mass mailing list for corrections & additions (membership committee with assistance of all board members) 

Consider incorporating 2017-18 exhibit preview and awards into luncheon program Improve process for online registration for luncheon. (Note: this year it was especially confusing for parties of 2) Dispense with printed tickets Publish "save the date" on websites by end of June Design, proof, print and mail invitations 6 weeks prior to event Design, proof, print and assemble programs 1 week prior to event An additional evaluative comment was made by a guest that if another fine arts raffle is included in a subsequent luncheon, more time should be allowed for purchase of raffle tickets on-site. Holiday Treasures 2016 

The Events Committee also met on October 11th to make final plans for Holiday Treasures. Postcard Invitations and VIP Preview invitations are scheduled to be mailed on October 15th. Budgetary Considerations were discussed. Since this is a free event, primary sources of income are limited to sales and donations. Also, it was felt that in addition to the fishbowl donation at the bar, that the big box for donations should be in a prominent place other than at the entry stairs. Known costs are the printing and mailing of postcards and VIP Preview invitations. Much of the food for the hors d'oeuvres table is being provided by Board members. Veggie, fruit and cheese trays can be purchased at Sam's Club. Jim Freeman has also mentioned Hy-Vee as a source for some provisions. If Board members have some contacts for in-kind donations and are willing to do the leg work for attaining them that would also be welcomed. Flowers or poinsettia plants will be purchased economically as needed. As a cost saving measure piped in music will replace live music. 

The concept of a membership drive was discussed as a means of boosting potential revenue. A special table near the cash register was envisioned for this purpose. Manning of this table could be handled by Board members who volunteer via Sign-up Genius. Renewing and/or new members would get their name put in a fishbowl for a gift certificate drawing and/or a reduced rate for their first year of membership. The approval and details of the idea for a membership drive are referred to the membership committee. The time frame from 4p to 5p will be used for a VIP Preview and Champagne Reception. VIPs are defined as those who have donated $125 or more over the past year. These people will receive a special invitation in the mail. Besides early entrance to the exhibit, VIPs will receive an extra 5% discount on purchases. Since Board members already receive a 20% discount, they will be exempt from the additional 5%. A list of VIPs will need to be provided to the cashier. Donations of Champagne by Board members can be handled by Sign-up Genius. 

Reminder to Board: Our decorating "party" is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25th from 3p to 7p. Please sign-up to help via Sign-up Genius. 

***Additional Discussion. Fall luncheon – they are looking at alternative venues such as Mariott and Doubletree for next year. Mass mailing list should be reviewed frequently by all members to see if anyone is “missing” and to update addresses of those we know. The mass mailing list can be viewed by board members through the mcac website. Claire will be sending out another sign up genius for Holiday Treasures. Need people to attend and make purchases. Need board member participation in attending and providing food and drink. Doug said Kevin will have more information on the membership drive at the next meeting. Discussion regarding additional discount during the VIP time at Holiday Treasures of 5% during the evening of Holiday Treasures.. 

Exhibition Committee: Deb Risberg, Committee Chair. 

Doug gave oral report. People in the community have made proposals for exhibitions that are being considered and Doug explained that they wanted board to be aware. Scenario 1 – artist exhibition that the sponsor wants wherein the artists had been at school together at the same time. Discussed logistics as the art will need to be shipped from out of area and Center typically does not pay for such costs. Scenario 2 – local person who would like to do an ecological exhibition, has been a sponsor in the past – internal dialogue regarding possible other artists fitting into the exhibit. ***Additional discussion. The exhibit under scenario 2 may bring in a new audience to the Arts Center. Exhibition committee will be looking into the proposals. Exhibitions historically have come out of 3 sources, curator (goes out and gets), Full exhibits that we invite to the center, and a community/merger (per Doug). 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: Linda Willis Fisher, Chair. No report at this time (working on budget for approval). 

Human Resources Committee: Alexis, Chair. No report at this point. 

Membership Committee: Kevin Kuebler, Chair. No written report. *

**Discussion. Alexis stated there are 2 spots available for board members if anyone has any recommendations. Joy asked if there had been any multicultural leadership members yet who had approached Doug about viewing board meetings and Doug said that he had not been contacted. 

Partnership Committee: Joy Winnell, Chair. 

Met to discuss the Holiday Treasures: Needed funding = $1,500 for Brandt Gallery and a total of $1,500 for the Armstrong Gallery. Totaling $3,000. oWe had already $750 in sponsorships! :) And they keep coming in! (As of Sept. 30th)  Thank you Julia Davis for securing sponsorship for the Flora exhibition!Flora is generously sponsored by JULIA DAVIS LAW FIRM, LLC and Robert McDonald & Company, P.C. oSponsor acknowledgement : on wall in Brandt Gallery and outside Armstrong Gallery. Also VIP preview. The VIP preview will be the hour before the opening and champagne will be served. 

There is no sponsorship grid. All sponsorships are pretty straight forward. They're $250. oTactics for obtaining sponsors.  Claire has been taking care of the letters. 

-Responsibility of committee, like all, is to come up with a list of names and businesses for Claire to contact. All are welcome to contact the list as well. 

-If you would like to compose a letter yourself, you're welcome to pick up MCAC letterhead paper from the Center.

-Once the letter has been sent out to the sponsor, wait 3 to 4 days and then give them a call. FOLLOW UP is extremely important. 

-If you're sending an email, it'll be good to: email , follow up with a call, and ask for a meeting/coffee to further discuss. oI discussed the event at work at our weekly team meeting (roughly 30 people) and I put fliers out at the welcome desk and coffee area for clients. 

Thank yous - A Thank you letter will be sent out from the MCAC after the event. 

• Recruitment oEvaluate if we'd like to recruit more members.

-We need to consider recruiting for the committee. The more, the merrier. :) 

-Doug will be sending out an email to all MCAC members. The email will ask if they're interested in joining a committee and provide a list of available committees.

-We are welcome to explore our own Networks. If you know of someone who would be a good fit for our committee, please present it to the team.

-It's important to recruit outside of the Board. What's nice about bringing outsiders into a committee, is that it's a test run. To eventually determine if they'd be a good fit for the Board. 

• Chairs Meeting 

• The sale of advertisement space is a great opportunity for funding, so we should utilize opportunities for ads more. oA good opportunity for ads in a program/catalog is the Sugar Creek Arts Festival :) 

• Keep in mind State Farm bonus week in April. Many SF employees are willing to give once they receive their bonuses. • People running for office would be good for Sponsorships. 

• People starting a new business would be a good Sponsor, so they can get the word out about their business. Good PR on their end. • Need to reach out the State Farm (corporate). 

• Need to reach out the Country Financial (corporate). They like to focus their funding on education. 

• Advocate Bromenn • Art Therapy oWorkshop/Fundraiser oDeb knows people who can teach a class. As well as people who would want to attend. oProfessional groups could obtain credits for attending this (maybe). 

• There's a need to work on the Sugar Creek Arts Festival ASKS NOW!!!! Businesses are working on their 2017 budgets as we speak. ***Additional Discussion. Doug said that he will send out personalized letters to members to join committees when asked to do so. Doug discussed that the Peoria Arts Festival has a good booklet for us to look at for possible use at Sugar Creek and Spring Bloom. Sheila said that a southern illinois festival gave sponsors “art” to keep in a unique way. 

Director’s Report: Doug will be out of town at conferences on November: 

 11/6-8 Anti-Racism workshop, in Chicago, presented by Enrich Chicago at the Steppenwolf Theatre. Workshop fees, hotel and travel are underwritten by Arts Alliance Illinois as part of Doug’s role at Local Arts Network senior co-chair. 11/10-14 National Arts Marketing Conference, presented by Americans for the Arts, Austin, TX. Conference attendance supported by a $1,2000 scholarship from Arts Alliance Illinois. 

Doug has had several unofficial conversations with city of Bloomington staff. The city is looking at purchasing land adjacent to Lincoln Park and expanding parking. Doug and board member Debra Risberg (perhaps others) are attending the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation Philanthropy Luncheon and workshop. Doug is co-presenting at the workshop. 

Electrical work was completed outside, with a new stronger LED light on the town and the old light moved. A classroom light downstairs was repaired and a couple other small items will be undertaken with exterior lighting this fall. Doug is producing short videos for the town of Normal’s Uptown Station art collection. He had served as chairperson for the artwork selection committee. The Town of Normal will be contracting the MCAC to produce this series. 

Our Donor Board will be updated in time for the Holiday Treasures opening. 

***Additional Discussion. City is looking to expand Lincoln Park area for parking for BCPA and wants the MCAC lot. Doug said the Town of Normal is paying Arts Center for videos Doug is creating for the artists shown at Uptown Station. Normal will pay Arts Center $300.00 per video. Doug said Liz (intern) mentioned possible “take away” items at Sugar Creek and Spring Bloom with sponsorship information such as canvas shopping bags. 

ADJOURN: 6:07 p.m.


Meeting – September 21, 2016 

Excused Absences for 9/21/2016: Sheila Lamberson, 

MINUTES FROM Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, August 17, 2016 These minutes are respectfully submitted for approval by the board on this 21 st day of September, 2016. 

PRESENT AT MEETING: Jim Freeman, Vice President; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, Member at Large; Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Rochelle Gridley, Yvonne Hoop, Kara Kirchner, Sheila Lamberson, Linda Willis Fisher. Excused Absences: Rashod Taylor, Kevin Kuebler, Craig Lee, Darrell Richards, Deb Risberg. 

Call to Order: 5:07 p.m. Members went around room and introduced themselves to one another. 

Secretary’s Report: Sent via email, Minutes from the Last Meeting Amended and Approved. 

President’s Report: President unavailable and Vice President, Jim Freeman stepped in to lead meeting. No report given. 

Committee Reports 

Building Committee (written report): Carlson Exteriors has not begun building repairs, and he will need to make an assessment of the The HVAC repair has been completed. The broken pipes in the Brandt Gallery’s large AC unit were replaced. The cost for that is $3,063.00 Weather stripping was placed on the loading dock main door, it made a big difference, but the side door needs attention also. The gutter by the staff office north wall. was cleaned out It was blocked and full, thus leading to the run off issue. 2 – MCAC MEETING MINUTES 8/17/2016 No movement on the collection room renovation. 

Education Committee (written report): Linda Willis Fisher, Chair 

- On-Site Programming o Review Summer 2016 Session Summary & Fall Class Postcard Youth Programming

-Percentage of Youth Classes Cancelled, 2016:  50% due to no enrollment.

-25% due to low enrollment. 

Average Number of Participants per 4-Month Session: 

-13 students in after-school classes. 44 students for privately scheduled groups (scouts, tours, parties). 

-2017 Planning:  Shorter class sessions, 3 weeks rather than 6. 

-No more than 4 class offerings per session. 

-Less focus on topics offered elsewhere: drawing, painting, crafts. 

Greater focus our unique assets: ceramics, printmaking, galleries. Classrooms: Upkeep & Safety Instructor & student concerns with: ventilation, overhead lights, and floors. 

Increased traffic. In July 2016, more than 30 ceramics students.  Potentially raise money for repairs with a rummage sale?Off-Site Programming 

Sugar Creek Fine Arts Festival, Education Activities  2016 Recap: 4 craft activities. Enough for 100 kids each, all sold out.  400+ coloring sheets completed.  Significantly higher numbers than previous years! 

2017 Planning: Most participating children are ages 4-7. Continue with craft activities, rather than multi-step projects. ο‚· Consider hiring “teams” of two or three instructors for each activity. o Harmon Arts Workshops at Normal Public Library  9 Dates Selected: 3 each in February, March, April 2017. 

Sarah will prepare a budget and begin seeking instructors within the next month. 

**Additional Discussion. Linda stated that the ceramics class is very popular. Also in regards to the classroom maintenance, there is concern with the ventilation. Doug fixed the overhead lights in the classroom. Committee had discussed having a rummage sale with the excess materials in the classroom. Committee also discussed “Exploring Program” which is a more career oriented program and they spoke with a representative from the program. 

Events Committee (written report): Event committee members: sue alexander, anita carney, stephanie Duquenne, ruth ann Friedberg, alexis Kalish, kara kirchner, Darrell Richards and Gay Dolan (chair) Fall Fundraising Luncheon: Tuesday September 13th at Bloomington Country Club from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Events Committee is finalizing plans for “Creating the Future”, our fall fundraising luncheon. Exchange of information and ideas with the Partnership Committee has occurred via email and representation at meetings when possible. Doug has revamped the website to facilitate ease of access to critical information needed to reach our goals for sponsorships and revenue. MCAC members received email notification of the event on August 5th . Printed invitations have been mailed and the MCAC website which allows for purchase of raffle tickets, luncheon tickets and sponsorships is now operational. The deadline for a final headcount of the number of ticketed guests is Friday, September 9th . 

Holiday Treasures: Thursday, November 3rd from 5-8p.m. Plans for Holiday Treasures (HT) are also underway. MCAC members have already received notification for the event with the Fall 2016 Exhibitions card as wells as the events section of the MCAC homepage and facebook. In addition, save the date fliers will be available at the registration table at the Fall Luncheon. Invitation cards will be mailed 10/1/16. A plan for sponsor asks will be forthcoming from the Partnership Committee. This will be a non-ticketed, non-catered event handled in much the same way as an exhibit opening. Allowing early access to “patrons” and/or giving them a deeper discount is under discussion. Refreshments will include purchased vegetable and cheese trays as well as finger foods contributed by Board members. Board members will also be asked to participate in the decoration of the facility via sign-up genius on a date yet TBD. **Additional discussion was made at meeting regarding issue with the online sponsorship option for payment as there was a stop and perhaps persons may have gotten frustrated in the process. Gay is counting on some good sponsorships to reach the goal. Reminder that there is less than a month left and they are working hard not to duplicate. Time needed to put program together, current deadline is 8/23/2016 and not sure if all sponsorships are in. Holiday Treasures – Jim offered to contact Hyvee to try for a possible in-kind donation for the food. Expect to have 100-130 people. 

Exhibition Committee (written report): Claire writes that she will be back in the office on Tuesday, August 23 from her residency in Montana. We have a reception on Friday the 26th for Dawn Gettler's installation in the Brandt Gallery from 5-7 pm- I hope you can make it and bring a friend or two! **Additional discussion – note that there will be 2 shows during holiday treasures. Doug discussed process for sponsorship of exhibits and how it has changed from asking board members from sponsoring to reaching out for other sponsorships and how to better serve the community with these types of sponsorships and outreach. 

Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: NONE. 

Human Resources Committee: We have one board vacancy. **Additional Discussion – please give information to Alexis regarding any potential board members. Also, Alexis discussed Doug’s evaluation and the process. Membership Committee (written report): the postcard mailing for the Gettler exhibition included stickers to identify all non-members on the mailing list and encourage them to join. The staff will continue to identify non-members in future mailings for clarity. Additionally, the staff has been reviewing our mailing list procedures and will be changing our process to better serve our members. **Additional discussion by Doug regarding the Membership committee and any issues with mailings. Partnership Committee (written report): The Sponsorship grid as well as other items have been saved on our website for board and committee members to access. Items shared include: Steps of an Ask, MCAC Basic Fact Sheet, Instructions on how to look up donors, Sponsorship grid, Ask Letter template, and an Introductory Paragraph for an ask. Advertisements for the fundraiser's print program were discussed by the committee, and full-color ads were priced at Fourth Page $100, Half Page $150, and Full Page $200. A deadline was set to secure sponsorships, and said deadline is August 23rd. A goal was shared to all members to fill 1 table each. 

Sponsorship committee has also discussed other upcoming events, and has started to acknowledge the need to continue to move forward and focus on other sponsorship opportunities as well. **Additional discussion by Joy regarding the advertisements and ad requests requirements. Deadlines will be 9/10 if done in-house. Jim and Doug discussed sponsorship packets to show potential sponsors at asks. Joy discussed getting sponsorships. 

Director’s Report: The Illinois Arts Council Agency has awarded the MCAC $8,200 in operating support. This is in-line with previous grants, but was unexpected. Thanks to Alexis and Gay for their help in stuffing envelopes for the Fundraiser Luncheon. New Comcast Phone / Wi-Fi Service / Cable has been installed. Previous Wi-Fi was unacceptably slow and the new service is significantly more cost effective. However, we do not know the cost of the installation. Doug will be in Chicago on Thursday for a Local Arts Network Retreat. Doug will be off June 8 – 26, 2017. 

Festivals Update: The Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival will return to the ISU Brown Ballroom on Saturday, March 18 The Sugar Creek Arts Festival will be July 8 & 9, 2017 **Additional Discussion. Doug will be gone from MCAC for most of June because he is going to France! 




MINUTES FROM Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, July 20, 2016 

These minutes are respectfully submitted for approval by the board on this 17th day of August, 2016. 


Rashod Taylor, President; Jim Freeman, Vice President; Jennifer Swearingen, Treasurer ; Julia Davis, Secretary; Alexis Kalish, Member At-Large (excused absence); 

Anita Carney, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Yvonne Hoop, Alexis Kalish, Kara Kirchner, Kevin Kuebler, Sheila Lamberson, Craig Lee, Deb Risberg, Darrell Richards, Linda Willis Fisher (excused absence). 

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at approximately 5:07 p.m. 

Secretary’s Report: Minutes were sent out prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting. 

President’s Report: President gave an introduction and all board members went around the table and introduced themselves. 

President submitted the following written report: 

We all should have the Fall Luncheon on our calendars, which is September 14th from 11:30-1pm at the Bloomington Country Club. The partnership and events committee are looking into what should be the expectation for board members in terms of participation. They are open to suggestions. Thanks to all who volunteered at this year’s Sugar Creek Arts Festival. It was a great event and the Arts Center does an amazing job for our community. We have one vacancy on the MCAC board. I welcome your recommendations. Committee assignments have been made. See the attachment for your roles. 

Committee Reports 

Building Committee: A brief overview of the current building issues were discussed, including the immediate needs which were approved for repair by the executive board by a special meeting. 

It has been approved for Carlson Exteriors to repair two sections of the building at a cost of $2,500. Additionally, they are being asked to look at wall damage on the staff office north exterior (leaking at floor and wall). Committee Member Bob Adam did an extensive building walk through and developed a list of points of concern see below. 

Building Committee – Report by Bob Adam on walk-thru 

On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 I took a quick walk through and around the MCAC facility as a member of the building committee and at Doug’s request. Following is a list of what I have 2 – MCAC MEETING MINUTES 7/20/2016 

found. Some include speculation as to cause, some require attention, some are “nice to do” such as cosmetic items. Rough cost estimates are offered. These are in no particular order and are not meant to be all-inclusive.




Weather strip on the double loading dock doors is missing, causing water to enter and stand on the loading dock area interior floor. 

Low cost, quick fix 

Easily done by staff/volunteer 

South basement bathroom ceiling has water damage, presumably from condensate water from the air handler above, floor in air handler room stained and moldy 

Medium cost 

Requires removal of part of the ceiling, locate the leak and repair both, requires professional attention 

Basement, old kitchen inside window is unsecured and slightly open. It is covered by a storm window on the outside which is easily removed. This is an ideal window for intrusion as it is not readily seen and is easily entered. 

Low cost, quick fix 

No security sensor on this window. May want to replace interior window 

Staff Room main floor, north wall is leaking, carpeting is wet. It is unclear whether the water comes up from below or from above. 

Could be high cost 

This will get worse with time and should be attended to. 

There is a column at the northeast corner outside the staff room. It is rotting and moves easily at the base. Unknown whether it is a roof support or decorative. 


Gutters and window sill in the store are leaking and damaged. 

Medium cost 

In process of being contracted for 

Outside, west side on the ground. There is a spotlight broken. 

Safety concern 

Weeds growing in the landscaping and lawn 

Low cost, cosmetic 

Downspout extension at northeast staff door has been crushed 

Low cost 


Plants and trash have built up adjacent to the air conditioning units at the NE staff door 

Low cost 

May affect the operation and life of the AC units 


Generally, trash, leaves and sticks are on the ground around the building 

Low cost, quick fix, cosmetic 


Southeast door and stair may need attention 


Might need a closer look 


Tree on the southeast corner of the building is rubbing on the building and the roof 

Low cost 

Several trees may need trimming 


Leaves, trash around AC units on the east side of the building 

Low cost 

May affect the long term operation of the units 


2nd AC unit from south of the loading dock, fan motor is shaking 

Fix low to med. cost 

May damage the unit if it continues 



Board of Directors Meeting

May 18, 2016

Barbara Taft               Pres

Sue Alexander                *  

Stephanie Duquenne     **

Doug Johnson

Rashod Taylor            VP      *

Megan Kathol Bersett

Dennis French

Claire Hedden

Jennifer Swearingen Tr     **

Anita Carney                   *

Sue Lakin                          **             

Carmel Rhoda

Alexis Kalish               Sec

Julia Davis 

Aaron Henkelman           **

Ian Carey

Linda Willis Fisher     At-Lg  *

Gay Dolan

Uma Kallakuri                  ** 

Sarah Sciba

Deb Wozniak

Ruth Ann Friedberg       *

* Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to Order:  by Doug Johnson, Executive Director, at 5:12 p.m.

Secretary’s Report
:  Deb Wozniak moved that the minutes of the March meeting be approved. Julia Davis seconded and the motion was approved.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  

Β·       The next step for the Permanent Collection storage room is to epoxy the floor. Then the gas line needs to be removed, electrical work done, and an acoustical tile ceiling be installed.

Β·       Repairs are needed to the eve soffit in the sales gallery and the area under the tall windows in the lobby. One bid for $2,450 has been received, and a second bid is being pursued.


Education Committee:  

  • Fifty five adults and twelve youth attended classes in spring 2016.

  • The ceramics studio assistant is working out well.

  • Hope Church is renting the Arts Center for Sunday services through August. Sarah is working Sundays now so there is staff present during services.

  • New pricing has been established for private groups to assure expense is covered. Our class rates compare favorably with other local offerings.

  • Cedar Ridge Art Club has contracted for a second round of classes.

  • There will be six adult classes, two adult workshops, and two youth classes this summer. Youth instructors are needed for summer and fall.

  • The ROVER program scheduling is complete. This program is being reviewed.

  • Sugar Creek Arts Festival drop-in activities will include pencil cases, masks, sketch books and clay sculpture.

  • The Committee is seeking a community member to replace Mary Moore.


  • Gay asked that food for our Annual Meeting Saturday arrive by 1:00 p.m. We anticipate 35-40 attendees. Honorees are:

    • Chris Koos/Vitesse Cycling – Business Partner of the Year

    • Anne and Steve Matter – Individual Partners of the Year

    • Jocelyn Winnell – Volunteer of the Year

  • We are planning a Fall Fundraiser in September to be held at Bloomington Country Club. Table sponsors are needed. We may also have a raffle or auction, sell centerpiece art, and distribute donation envelopes. Doug and others will present the program. The goal is to have 200 attendees and raise $10,000. Promotional materials should be out late July or early August.

Director’s Report:  

  • Sugar Creek Arts Festival

    • The artist party will be held at the Hyatt at a cost of $1600.

    • The sponsorship page is active. Letters have been sent to members of the Chamber of Commerce.

  • Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival will be held in the Brown Ballroom March 18, 2017.

  • We have a large number of interns this summer, and they are doing well.

  • We have applied for the Illinois Arts Alliance Grant. It is unknown if the state will release funds.

  • Doug is on the Executive Board for Arts Alliance. They are holding their annual fund raising luncheon June 10th.

  • Claire will be serving an artist residency in Montana for three weeks this summer.

Exhibition Report:  Claire reviewed last year’s exhibits and proposed exhibits for 2016-17. Deb moved the exhibition schedule be approved. Alexis seconded, and the motion was approved.

Festivals Report:  Ian reported that the new venue for Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival worked well. The number of applications received was down over the last couple of years, but attendance and profit were up over 2015. Sugar Creek Arts Festival has reached artist capacity. Booth Fees were increased slightly this year.

Education Report:  Sarah reported that education profit in 2014 was $5,784; in 2015 it was $9,764. The adult classes are popular, and we haven’t had to cancel any of our recent youth classes. We have applied for the Harmon Grant for workshops at the Normal Public Library. Children’s activities at the festivals have been well-attended.

New Business:  

Nominations:  Alexis presented nominees for Director positions and the slate of officers.

  • For Director:

    • Judith Briggs

    • Jim Freeman

    • Yvonne Hoop

    • Kara Kirchner

    • Kevin Kuebler

    • Sheila Lamberson

    • Craig Lee

    • Darrell Richards

    • Deb Risberg

    • Jocelyn Winnell

  • Slate of Officers

    • President Rashod Taylor

    • Vice President Jim Freeman

    • Secretary       Julia Davis

    • Treasurer Jennifer Swearingen

    • Director at-Large Alexis Kalish

Since a quorum was not present, the approval vote will be conducted by email. (Subsequent to the meeting, the proposed directors and slate of officers were unanimously approved.)

Adjournment: 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Board of Directors Meeting – March 16, 2016

Barbara Taft                 Pres

Sue Alexander

Stephanie Duquenne *

Sue Lakin  **

Rashod Taylor              VP

Megan Kathol Bersett **

Dennis French

Deb Wozniak 

Jennifer Swearingen   Tr **

Anita Carney *

Ruth Ann Friedberg **

Alexis Kalish                 Sec

Julia Davis

Aaron Henkelman  **

Vanita Giripraskash. MCLP

Linda Willis Fisher       At-Lrg *

Gay Dolan *

Uma Kallakuri *

Richard Lozada, MCLP

Doug Johnson, Exec Dir.

* Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to order 5:10 p.m. by President Barbara Taft.

Secretary’s Report Distributed by email. No corrections.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  The walls of the Permanent Collection Storage Room have been painted. Next steps: 

  • Β·       Remove debris.
  • Β·       Plumber removes gas pipe and caps off plumbing.
  • Β·       Take down grid work for acoustical tile ceiling.   
  • Β·       Epoxy floor.
  • Β·       Electrician does wiring.
  • Β·       Install ceiling with LED panels.

We plan to have a campaign to raise $10,000 for completion of this project. Paul Harmon is willing to help. Dan Craft is interesting in publicizing.

Education Committee

  • Β·       There are 38 adult students registered for six classes. Two youth classes were cancelled. Vanita suggested 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. may be a more convenient start time for youth classes.
  • Β·       New pricing has been established for private groups to assure costs are covered.
  • Β·       Tuition rates and instructor pay compare favorably with local art class offerings.
  • Β·       Justin Hay has been hired as Ceramics Studio Assistant.
  • Β·       Cedar Ridge Art Club will host sessions on Tuesdays in April.
  • Β·       Scheduling for the ROVER program is complete.

Events Committee:  February 29, 2016 Meeting

  • Β·       Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival:  This is a make-or-break” year for this festival.
  • Β·       Sugar Creek Arts Festival:  We need to develop $30,000 in sponsorships. Doug is submitting an NEA grant to expand Sugar Creek in the future, to include such activities as a film festival, performances at the Connie Link Theater, a wine/beer garden.
  • Β·       Holiday Treasures:  We plan to move this event to Thursday to avoid conflict with the WGLT fund raiser. A planning timeline has been suggested.
  • Β·       A number of brainstorming ideas were discussed.

Director’s Report: 

  • Β·       Doug participated in National Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. He was able to meet with ten congressional staff members, plus make valuable connections across the state.
  • Β·       Exhibition videos are posted for the Amateur and Esterbrook shows. They are on view in the Boyden Tower Room.
  • Β·       Sarah has concerns about the ROVER program. Many of the participants are not age appropriate (too young).
  • Β·       Annual Meeting:  a new approach will be used, holding the β€œbusiness” part of our Annual Meeting at the regular Board meeting. A separate meeting can be held to show future exhibits, give awards – a more festive event. It was decided to hold and Annual Meeting May 21st at 2:00 p.m. and invite membership to attend.
  • Β·       The Endowment Managers are requesting our budget. Carmel has provided numbers to the Finance Committee. Jen is reviewing them.
  • Β·       Spring Bloom Fine Arts Festival’s new location was well-received. Bone Student Center will be renovated next year, and at this point it is unknown whether the ballroom will be available. Attendance and profit were up somewhat over 2015.
  • Β·       Hope Church is interested in renting the Arts Center to hold Sunday services. Deb moved we allow the rental, Alexis seconded, and the motion was approved. Doug will prepare a contract and obtain proof of insurance from the church. Sarah will change her hours from Saturday to Sunday to cover the time the church members are in the building.
  • Β·       Claire has put together an exhibition schedule for 2016-17. She would like to start promoting the exhibits for sponsorships as soon as possible.
  • Β·       Emerging Illinois Artists:  Submissions have been juried and 19 artists and 34 pieces have been accepted.

Adjournment: 6:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary 


Board of Directors Meeting – November 18, 2015

Barbara Taft                 Pres Ph

Sue Alexander

Stephanie Duquenne **

Sue Lakin  **

Rashod Taylor              VP

Megan Kathol Bersett

Dennis French

Rachelle Stivers Ph

Jennifer Swearingen   Tr

Anita Carney **

Ruth Ann Friedberg

Deb Wozniak  **

Alexis Kalish                 Sec

Julia Davis

Aaron Henkelman  **

Linda Willis Fisher       At-Lrg

Gay Dolan

Uma Kallakuri

Richard Lozada, MCLP

Doug Johnson, Exec Dir.

* Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to order5:04 p.m. by Vice President Rashod Taylor.

Endowment Fund Management: Doug introduced one of the Endowment Managers, Tracy Shepard, and Melissa Russo and Kevan Melchiorre, representatives of Busey Bank. Melissa and Kevan presented information about managing the endowment. Our current holdings are mainly in stocks, some of which are risky today, and should be better diversified. Investment Plans of 90/10 and 80/20 with and without stepped up distribution, and their respective impact on the total endowment were discussed. A suggested investment plan was provided.

President’s ReportBarbara attended the Education and Community Partnership Committees. Education is providing programming that well aligns with MCAC’s strategic direction.

Community Partnership Committee has met on several occasions to discuss developing fundraising initiatives through re-engaging members, donors and community supporters.

Kudos to the Events Committee on planning the Holiday Treasures opening night gala. And thank you to those who helped with decorating and who worked the evening of the gala.

Secretary’s ReportMinutes of the September meeting were approved with a correction to the Membership Committee report to say “A substitute motion was approved to temporarily extend the trial $15 membership level until the November board meeting, and return the original proposal to the membership Committee for additional work.”

Treasurer’s ReportThe report will be sent out.

Director’s Report: 

  • Β·         Jan Brandt and Carol Hahn have resigned from the Board due to health issues.
  • Β·         The January Exhibit will be selections from the Permanent Collection.
  • Β·         Sarah and Doug will work a booth at the Thanksgiving Farmer’s Market at the Coliseum.
  • Β·         Staff made suggestions about timeline and format of the next Holiday Treasures event.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  Dennis reported the committee will meet with Claire, Ian and Doug to determine how best to use the storage space available. He will draw a scale floor plan to work from. He has also scheduled a visit to the Mclean Museum of History on December 8th to view their storage space. Volunteers will be needed from time to time to help complete some of the work.

Education Committee:  Linda reported:

  • Β·         Eighteen 4th and 5th graders participated in the Cedar Ridge Art Club Pilot program in October.
  • Β·         Normal Public Library workshops are ongoing. Doug and Sarah were invited to attend a luncheon for supporters of NPL.
  • Β·         Fall classes served 36 adults and 13 youth with one class remaining.
  • Β·         Sarah and Linda attended the Illinois Art Education Association Conference.
  • Β·         Sarah has been appointed Illinois Youth Art Month co-chair.
  • Β·         Sarah is working on the Rover schedule.
  • Β·         Linda attended the One State conference, which Doug co-chaired.

Events Committee:  The Holiday Treasurers adjusted net income is $4,837 at this point.

Exhibition Committee:  The January exhibition schedule is being finalized to include work from the Permanent Collection. In the future we would like to have an exhibit of work from Staff, Board and Membership.

Finance Committee:  The Resolution Granting Signing and Authority to Conduct Business was presented. Alexis moved it be adopted. Dennis seconded, and the motion was approved.

Human Resources Committee:  The Executive Director’s annual performance review was held last month. We are currently at our minimum number of Board members.

Membership Committee:  The $15 membership fee remains a trial. The survey conducted showed people want a lower fee, which may help build a more diverse membership.

Partnership Committee:  The Committee has been working on identifying people, businesses and groups that have either lapsed or never given before. The next step is to put those identified into the correct “giving circle” to make an appropriate ask. Board members will be asked to help connect with these people. In January the Committee will provide training on “making the ask.”

New Business:

In follow-up of the endowment presentation, Julia Davis moved that management of the endowment funds be moved to Busey Bank with an 80/20 investment ratio and a distribution of 4.5% for the first three years.  Jennifer Swearingen seconded and the motion was approved.

Adjournment: 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary 


Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Barbara Taft, President; Rashod Taylor, Vice President; Jennifer Swearingen, Treasurer; Alexis Kalish, Secretary

Linda Willis Fisher, At-Large; Megan Kathol Bersett; Jan Brandt, Anita Carney, Julia Davis, Gay Dolan, Stephanie DuQuenne, Dennis French, Ruth Ann Friedberg, Carol Hahn, Aaron Henkelman, Uma Kallakuri, Sue Lakin, Rachelle Stivers, Deb Wozniak 

Call to Order

President's Report: 

Secretary’s Report:  July Minutes Attached 

Committee Reports

Building Committee:  The Permanent Storage project is at a stand still. It is hoped that this fall a day may be set to paint all the walls with a dry-lock paint to serve a a moisture barrier and that the floor seems can be filled with concrete.  It is possible a team of five people could achieve these two goals in a single day.   Maybe Sunday, October 25?

 Education CommitteeNext committee meeting September 25 at 3:00 (MCAC)


Events Committee:   Report forthcoming


Exhibition Committee Next committee meeting September 23 at 5:30 (MCAC)


Finance Committee:  Next Meeting this Friday at noon


Human Resources Committee:  


Membership Committee: Met on July 1, 2015 4:30 p.m. We met to discuss developing a trial "special" on basic membership during the week of the Sugar Creek Arts Festival. Memberships would be available for $10 during that week. Following Sugar Creek, MCAC will evaluate the success of the experiment and recommend whether a new basic membership level should be permanently implemented.  Based on the generation of 39 new memberships, staff recommended that a new "entry" level of membership should be created and set at $15, which would cover our costs of mailing and database management.

The Membership Committee recommends the establishment of a renewable "entry" level of membership at  $15.  Benefits of the entry level membership may include mailings about exhibits and events, invitations to member-only events, member discounts and other benefits as determined by staff.

Partnership CommitteePartnership committee met on Friday, September 11th. The committee reviewed partnership opportunities including exhibit sponsorship needs, Sugar Creek opportunities and bequest brochure. The committee is in the process of building a list of business that have the potential to sponsor MCAC in some form. This list will be shared with the board as a whole in the near future.

A future Gala was also discussed. The Partnership Committee will meet on 9/25 to continue these conversations. Next committee meeting September 25 at 7:00am at Times Past Inn.


Bylaws Committee:   


Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer's Report Attached 


Director’s Report


 The One State Conference will be in Evanston on September 28 and 29.  The Local Arts Network (the leaders of arts agencies statewide) will hold a preconference on the Sunday prior to the big event. Doug is the chair of the Local Arts Network. He is the co-chair of the One State Conference. As an Executive Board member of Arts Alliance Illinois he is the statewide engagement coordinator (these are overlapping roles). (2015 Conference Co-Chairs are Esther Grimm, Executive Director, 3Arts; Doug Johnson, Executive Director, McLean County Arts Center; and Joyce Owens, Artist and Educator.


Thanks to Linda Willis Fisher for registering for this event.

Two of the Downtown Murals have been installed.  Jeff Little's large mural on the Center for Human Services received a lot of media coverage.  Ashley Freeland's mural is much smaller and in the alley on the north side of the Illinois House.

Interns- Kyla Thomas, an IWU senior, is interning with us in this Fall. Will Davidson is working in the ceramics area, and we may have a third intern starting next week.

The Area Arts Round Table will be hosting a member Halloween party, with performances at the MCAC on Friday, October 23.  All MCAC staff and board are invited. 

The Partnership Committee will be contacting board members soon in support of exhibition sponsorship and Sugar Creek sponsorships.

Next week Doug will be leading a the program at the Arts Alliance Illinois board meeting in Chicago on the Local Arts Network and the roles of Local Arts Agencies. Panelists will include Camille Wilson White (Director of the Oak Park Area Arts Council), Anne O’Keefe (Rockford Area Arts Council), and Nancy Stemper (Director emeritus of Carbondale Community Arts).

The governor is very likely to defund the Illinois Arts Council, as he did the state museums, in the coming year.  No grants would be issued and the already reduced Arts Council staff would be dismissed. Currently we receive around $9,000 in operating funds through our Program Grant.  We receive an additional $6,000 as part of our Re-Granting program.  We match this second grant with a minimum of $1,500.  This means our actual cash benefit from the state works out to be around $7,500.

What does this mean for us? The answer is not that we could rally support to change Gov. Rauner’s mind, but instead that we exploit the crisis and turn it into an opportunity.  Since circa 1979 the MCAC has served as the Arts Agency for the county.  “We encourage and promote the appreciation, study, cultivation, development, and practice of the Arts in McLean County” reads our mission statement.”

The best answer is to meet this challenge headlong. As we look at our Arts Agency role it makes sense to develop a fund raising effort, complete with gala to raise significant funds on behalf of McLean County Based non-profits arts presenters and ourselves. Working in conjunction with the Area Arts Round Table (Doug founded this group and serves as its president) and the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation (it would serve as the repository of donations). Planning should begin in earnest.


Frink Exhibition:

- The Brian Frink exhibition was unsponsored, the first to be in my 13+ years.  This being in spite of the email campaign for sponsorships that proved so successful last year.

-We had a needless delay with the postcards for Brian Frink's exhibition.  With a strong recommendation from a local theatre group, we tried a new service for our mailing.  That service was going to save us money and handle labeling. Those cards and the mailing list were delivered to that service a week ago Thursday. Normally, we have card to the post office and they hit the mailboxes in two days.  This service, we learned, waited until Wednesday to mail the cards.  We are committed to one more effort with the company. 

-With that being said the Frink opening was well-attended, due in part to the support of ISU faculty and the email campaign sent out on Friday as a reminder.

-The Frink exhibition video will be live by noon on Wednesday.

-Brian Frink will give an Artist Talk this Saturday at 2pm.


Recent expenses included the repair of the Brandt Gallery HVAC around $1,500 for two issues.


The NEA grant in support of Rover was submitted last month.  The NEA grant for Sugar Creek, which would not take effect until 2017 is due next week. There are challenges to completing this effort.


The Finance Committee and Endowment Managers will be meeting on Friday with representatives of four local investment firms.


Noon Shelleigh Birlingmair of Commerce Bank

1pm Hines Miller Group of Merrill Lynch

2pm Kevan Melchiorre of Busey Bank

3pm Mary Billo of COUNTRY Financial


New Business:




Board of Directors Meeting – July 15, 2015

Barbara Taft                 Pres

Megan Kathol Bersett

Ruth Ann Friedberg *

Rachelle Stivers *

Rashod Taylor *           VP

Jan Brandt  *

Dennis French **

Deb Wozniak *

Jennifer Swearingen* Tr

Anita Carney

Carol Hahn

Alexis Kalish                  Sec

Julia Davis 

Aaron Henkelman **

Doug Johnson, Exec Direct

Linda Willis Fisher       At-Lg

Gay Dolan

Uma Kallakuri *

Stephanie Duquenne  *

Sue Lakin

* Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to order5:09 p.m. by President Barbara Taft.

President’s ReportBarbara asked that we focus on Strategic Planning at our Committee meetings. Also, at some point we will have an observer from the Multi-cultural Leadership Program attend our Board meeting. We plan to submit a proposal for an Arts Center project to MCLP.

Secretary’s ReportMinutes of the May meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  There is an electrical issue in the ceramics classroom. An outside fixture needs to be replaced. A small area in the eaves needs to be replaced with plywood.

Education Committee:  Linda reported the Adult Drawing class will move to the Eaton Gallery. Summer classes were profitable; the BYOB classes are more popular in January and February than in the summer. Fall/Winter programming will be published on a large postcard that can be distributed at Sugar Creek Arts Festival. Sarah is working on instructors for Sugar Creek. The Rover exhibit will be held August 14 – September 5. Sarah is lining up an instructor to lead an activity at the Lincoln Festival July 18th. We are exploring a partnership with Cedar Ridge Elementary School to start an “art club.”

Events Committee:  Gay reported Salsa Night was a fun event. Attendance was about 60% of the first event. People were allowed to bring their own alcohol. A few did, with no problem. There is potential to have another Salsa Night this fall.

Exhibition Committee:  Claire is working on filling some openings in the Exhibition Schedule with appropriate exhibits.

Human Resources Committee:  Alexis reported the committee will be conducting an evaluation of the Executive Director, with results going to the Board President. Several Board and Staff members will be asked to participate in addition to the Executive Committee.

Membership Committee:  The Committee is discussing what membership structure is appropriate.

Treasurer’s Report:  No report.

Director’s Report: 

Sugar Creek Arts Festival:  Estimated profit is $17,900, which is similar to last year and considerably higher than the previous two years. Doug thanked the staff and volunteers for their terrific work. The festival was shut down early on Saturday due to a storm. Linda Willis Fisher staffed the artist party. The Bria Kelley concert was moved indoors.

Four hundred photos were taken at the Picasso Photo Booth. The Picasso head returned, and will be joined next year by Van Gogh.

Twenty new memberships were generated at the Sugar Creek (non-renewable) promotional rate of $10. Next year we want to seek sponsorships and grants to expand the scope of the festival. We will work with the Town of Normal to pursue a $25,000 NEA grant.

BudgetWe will close the year at an estimated $15,000 loss. This is due to the expense of an external audit, some reduced giving in major gifts, and loss of some NEA grant money.

Board Member OrientationWednesdays, July 22 and August 12 at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome.


  • Β·       Community Arts Access Grant application has been submitted.
  • Β·       COMMARTS local applicants have received funds.
  • Β·       We have regained eligibility for new NEA grants.
  • Β·       Victoria, one of our interns, is working on a $10,000 ARTWORKS grant.

Staff:  Ian will reduce hours in August as he becomes Gallery Director at IWU. Education is profitable. Claire is working on the exhibition calendar.


  • Β·       We prepaid two years of Wild Apricot to save around $500.
  • Β·       Doug will co-chair the statewide Arts Conference in Evanston the end of September.
  • Β·       The Jeff Little mural installation on Center Street has been delayed by rain.
  • Β·       The Finance Committee needs to meet for review of endowment proposals.
  • Β·       The Annual Report is to be published on-line.
  • Β·       MCAC promo video for Sugar Creek is on the website.
  • Β·       Brochures for Estate Giving, etc. need to be revised.
  • Β·       Americans for the Arts National Conference was held last month in Chicago.
  • Β·       Richard Finch will join the Exhibitions Committee. Mary Moore will join the Education Committee. Laura Bailey has expressed interest in serving on a committee. Gay will follow up with her for Events.
  • Β·       Kyla Thomas, a senior at IWU, will be interning with us this fall.
  • Β·       We are increasing our internet contract from 3 MB to 20 MB for $25/month.
  • Β·       Tuesday is a “Save the Museum” rally.
  • Β·       Doug is meeting with the Community Cancer Center on an art rental proposal.

Adjournment:  6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Executive Committee Meeting April 15, 2015

Attendees:  Barb Taft, Paul Harmon, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson (Absent:  Sue Wang)

Meeting called to order: 4:30 p.m.  

Director’s Report:

Staff:  Sarah is working out well as Education Coordinator. She became aware of a few lingering issues, that have since been resolved. From this we have learned that evaluations should come from Arts Center Staff rather than just from the Education Coordinator.

Grants: We are actively pursuing new grants. A subscription service alerts us to potential leads. The Illinois Humanities Grant has been submitted, and we’re looking at a Hearst Grant.


Spring Bloom:  We are advertising heavily as we want to increase attendance. The volunteer schedule is mostly full. Music will be the same as last year.

Sugar Creek:  We will have twenty fewer artists than in 2014. Musicians are being organized, and the artist party is being arranged. Dennis French’s niece, Bria Kelly, will perform at the Connie Link Stage at 7:00 p.m. We are again partnering with the Ecology Action Group to provide water to the artists.

Permanent Storage:  Next steps needs to be scheduled. Doug met with Dennis French, who would like to donate his artwork from local artists to MCAC.

Partnerships:  We are working on a video and brochure to market partnerships. SIU is creating a video on the value of art, and interviewed Doug, Ken Holder, Rick Harney, and Jim Butler.

Finance Committee:  The committee needs to meet to evaluate the proposals of the Professional Managers for the Art Center’s Trust.

Memorial:  Jack and Linda Ritter have selected the Arts Center as a recipient for memorials for their daughter, Ashley.

Human Resources Committee:

Alexis presented the nominees for Board Director.

  • Β·       Jennifer Swearingen – ISU Finance Major, MBA U of I, Credit Loss Forecasting Manager for State Farm Bank, 2015 MCLP graduate
  • Β·       Ruth Ann Friedberg – Wheaton College Math Major, Masters from Northwestern, Masters in Accounting from ISU, PhD in Accounting from U of Missouri, retired Associate Professor IWU, owns accounting firm, currently serves as Community member on Finance Committee
  • Β·       Carol Hahn – BA in Architecture at Washington U, MFA at Rutgers, Instructional Chair of Humanities and Fine Arts at Heartland Community College
  • Β·       Potential – Uma Kallakuri – BA, MA, and PhD, Instructor in classical Indian Dance at IWU and ISU, owns a dance studio, current President of McLean County India Association

Adding four Directors, we still have openings for two Directors.

Slate of Officers:

  • Β·       President             Barbara Taft
  • Β·       Vice President    Rashod Taylor
  • Β·       Treasurer             Jennifer Swearingen
  • Β·       Secretary             Alexis Kalish
  • Β·       At-large                TBD

Adjournment:  5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Board of Directors Meeting – January 21, 2015

Barbara Taft *

Jan Brandt  **

Dennis French

Deb Wozniak

Paul Harmon

Anita Carney *

Gary Hoover **

Sue Wang 

Julia Davis  *

Sue Lakin *

Alexis Kalish

Gay Dolan

Rachelle Stivers *

Doug Johnson

Aaron Henkelman

Stephanie Duquenne 

Rashod Taylor

Megan Kathol Bersett

Charlette Elm

Linda Willis Fisher

*  Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to Order:  by Vice-President Paul Harmon at 5:02 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  Minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  Dennis and Doug have prepared the basement storage area for tuck pointing.  That work should begin soon.  Code requires that we drywall the ceiling.  The space will need stand-alone humidity control.  The next step will be to plan how the space will be used.

Community Partnership Committee:  Stephanie reported the committee is developing a calendar of how we will get partnerships and is identifying “low-hanging fruit.”

Education Committee:  Linda reported Doug’s Wine and Art class in February was popular.  The Clay and Pottery classes are full.  Joe is looking for teachers for youth classes.  Consideration is being given to shortening the number of class sessions.  Also, we are considering bringing back Saturday workshops at the Arts Center, a printmaking class, and tying workshops with current exhibits.  An instructors’ orientation is being held February 1st.   Rover is going well.  We received a $3000 grant for that project.  There will be 30 workshops starting in March, including a new Hudson location.

Events Committee:  Gay reported Salsa Night was held January 10th, with about 100 in attendance.  Entrance was $10 for non-members; $7 for members.  Light hors d’oeuvres were served.  After $438 in expenses, the profit was $718.  There is enthusiasm for doing this again; we could probably sponsor a Salsa Night 2-3 times a year.

Exhibition Committee:  Charlette reported that we are trying to add business sponsorships at $100 each for the Amateur Show.  The video for the Amateur Show is always very popular.

Finance Committee:  Requests for Proposals were sent to several potential professional managers for the Endowment Fund.  The deadline for response is March 1st.

Human Resources Committee: No report.

Membership Committee:  No report.                 


Bylaws Committee:  No report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Sue distributed and reviewed financial reports.

Director’s Report

Strategic Planning:  Barb and Doug plan to call a meeting of Committee Chairs to develop action plans based on findings from the Strategic Planning meeting.

Grants: The application for the National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant has been submitted.  The grant seeks $50,000  for a downtown mural project, with the City of Bloomington to match.  $3000 in support of the Rover program has been received from the Rural Foundation.  We are waiting for the Program Grant check for $9,350 from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

Twelve potential applicants attended an information session for the Community Arts Access Grants.  Typically only 1-3 people attend.


Our profit from Holiday Treasures was $11,134 (compared with $11,480 in 2013).  The highest selling artist was Dennis French.

We have received 80 applications for Spring Bloom.  We would like to grow this event for more applicants and attendance.  Much of this depends on advertising and partnerships.  Sugar Creek Arts Festival will be held July 11 and 12.


  • Β·       The basement storage room is ready for tuck pointing.  Thanks to all who helped with demolition and a special thank you to Dennis French for his extensive efforts.
  • Β·       We requested an extension for filing our FY2014 990 tax form.  
  • Β·       A 24” gas snow blower has been purchased and used several times.
  • Β·       Three Plasticade sandwich boards have been purchased to promote events outside.  These were requested by the Education Committee.
  • Β·       New building signage has been installed.
  • Β·       Nest “smart” thermostats have been installed in the office and basement areas.  They detect when the building is not occupied, and should afford cost savings.
  • Β·       Joe Hooten’s son Jude had appendicitis surgery Monday.

New Business:

Children activities are offered during exhibit openings.  Some attendees are not conducting themselves well.  Staff should not have to deal with this.  Linda suggested Education Committee and Board Members help as needed.  Megan suggested we create a gallery etiquette document.  Parents dropping off children should leave their phone/text number.

The Community Foundation has $80,000 available for arts grants, with a maximum of $5,000 available to each applicant.  The Town of Normal has $50,000, again with a $5,000 maximum per applicant.

Adjournment:  6:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Board of Directors Meeting – January 21, 2015

Barbara Taft *

Jan Brandt  **

Dennis French

Deb Wozniak

Paul Harmon

Anita Carney *

Gary Hoover **

Sue Wang 

Julia Davis  *

Sue Lakin *

Alexis Kalish

Gay Dolan

Rachelle Stivers *

Doug Johnson

Aaron Henkelman

Stephanie Duquenne 

Rashod Taylor

Megan Kathol Bersett

Charlette Elm

Linda Willis Fisher

*  Excused Absence     ** Absent

Call to Order:  by Vice-President Paul Harmon at 5:02 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  Minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  Dennis and Doug have prepared the basement storage area for tuck pointing.  That work should begin soon.  Code requires that we drywall the ceiling.  The space will need stand-alone humidity control.  The next step will be to plan how the space will be used.

Community Partnership Committee:  Stephanie reported the committee is developing a calendar of how we will get partnerships and is identifying “low-hanging fruit.”

Education Committee:  Linda reported Doug’s Wine and Art class in February was popular.  The Clay and Pottery classes are full.  Joe is looking for teachers for youth classes.  Consideration is being given to shortening the number of class sessions.  Also, we are considering bringing back Saturday workshops at the Arts Center, a printmaking class, and tying workshops with current exhibits.  An instructors’ orientation is being held February 1st.   Rover is going well.  We received a $3000 grant for that project.  There will be 30 workshops starting in March, including a new Hudson location.

Events Committee:  Gay reported Salsa Night was held January 10th, with about 100 in attendance.  Entrance was $10 for non-members; $7 for members.  Light hors d’oeuvres were served.  After $438 in expenses, the profit was $718.  There is enthusiasm for doing this again; we could probably sponsor a Salsa Night 2-3 times a year.

Exhibition Committee:  Charlette reported that we are trying to add business sponsorships at $100 each for the Amateur Show.  The video for the Amateur Show is always very popular.

Finance Committee:  Requests for Proposals were sent to several potential professional managers for the Endowment Fund.  The deadline for response is March 1st.

Human Resources Committee: No report.

Membership Committee:  No report.                 


Bylaws Committee:  No report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Sue distributed and reviewed financial reports.

Director’s Report

Strategic Planning:  Barb and Doug plan to call a meeting of Committee Chairs to develop action plans based on findings from the Strategic Planning meeting

Grants: The application for the National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant has been submitted.  The grant seeks $50,000  for a downtown mural project, with the City of Bloomington to match.  $3000 in support of the Rover program has been received from the Rural Foundation.  We are waiting for the Program Grant check for $9,350 from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

Twelve potential applicants attended an information session for the Community Arts Access Grants.  Typically only 1-3 people attend.


Our profit from Holiday Treasures was $11,134 (compared with $11,480 in 2013).  The highest selling artist was Dennis French.

We have received 80 applications for Spring Bloom.  We would like to grow this event for more applicants and attendance.  Much of this depends on advertising and partnerships.  Sugar Creek Arts Festival will be held July 11 and 12.


  • Β·       The basement storage room is ready for tuck pointing.  Thanks to all who helped with demolition and a special thank you to Dennis French for his extensive efforts.
  • Β·       We requested an extension for filing our FY2014 990 tax form.  
  • Β·       A 24” gas snow blower has been purchased and used several times.
  • Β·       Three Plasticade sandwich boards have been purchased to promote events outside.  These were requested by the Education Committee.
  • Β·       New building signage has been installed.
  • Β·       Nest “smart” thermostats have been installed in the office and basement areas.  They detect when the building is not occupied, and should afford cost savings.
  • Β·       Joe Hooten’s son Jude had appendicitis surgery Monday.

New Business:

Children activities are offered during exhibit openings.  Some attendees are not conducting themselves well.  Staff should not have to deal with this. 

 Linda suggested Education Committee and Board Members help as needed.  Megan suggested we create a gallery etiquette document.  Parents dropping off children should leave their phone/text number.

The Community Foundation has $80,000 available for arts grants, with a maximum of $5,000 available to each applicant.  The Town of Normal has $50,000, again with a $5,000 maximum per applicant.

Adjournment:  6:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary

McLean County Arts Center

Board Meeting November 2014  


Board Members:  Barbara Taft, President; Paul Harmon, Vice President; Susan Wang, Treasurer; Alexis Kalish, Secretary; Aaron Henkelman At-Large. Megan Kathol Bersett, Jan Brandt, Anita Carney, Julia Davis, Gaye Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Charlette Elm, Linda Fisher Willis, Dennis French, Gary Hoover. Sue Lakin, Rachelle Stivers, Rashod Taylor Deb Wozniak,






Call to order: 


2.   Secretary’s Report- 




Committee Reports:   

Β· Β·       Building Committee (

Β· Dennis French (Chair), Deb Wozniak, Aaron Henkelman

Β· Β·       Community Partnerships Committee (

Β· Stephanie Duquenne (chair), Sue Lakin, Barbara Taft, Rashod Taylor, Aaron Henkelman, Paul Harmon

Β· Β·       Education Committee ((

Linda Willis Fisher (chair), Megan Kathol Bersett, Mike McNeil (Community member)


Issues discussed:


Β·      New Wine and art classes: Started with ceramics, expanding to other media due to popularity (classes filled quickly). Running the last Friday of every month.

Β·      Considering shortening length of some in-house courses to 3-4 weeks rather than 6-8 weeks.

Β·      Joe is looking for teachers for youth classes at the MCAC. He is going to send an email to art ed professors at ISU. He is also composing a letter to area artists.


Β·      next class is November 7th with Sarah Sciba

Β·      We discussed logistics of photographing, material prep and drop off, etc. Joe is going to continue to drop off and pick up the trailer, or teachers can pick up the materials as part of their duties. Joe will cut his time spent at the workshops, and take photos and do interviews only one of the days of each workshop.

Library workshops:

Β·      These are new and paid for as part of the Harmon Arts Grant.

Β·      They run 2 Mondays per month through April 2015 at the Normal Public Library.

Β·      They are very popular and fill up quickly with 30 participants, or 15 for ceramics workshops. They are for families, teens or elementary school ages.

Β·      The library does the registration, which opens the morning of the previous class, and fills within a couple of hours.

Β·      We discussed the importance of publicity at our outreach programming. Joe is going to write a short introduction about MCAC for teachers to say at the beginning of each workshop. He is also going to check with Doug about having instructors wear some older t-shirts (for now) to the workshops. He is already passing out brochures to students and will continue to do this.

Β·      Joe will send the schedule out to the education committee.

Ideas and Strategic Planning:

Β·      Linda mentioned the possibility of holding a children’s art exhibition. We could give it a theme and put a call out.

Β·      We should be on the lookout for grants at for possible after-school programming, which we will discuss at the next meeting

Β·      Several grant applications are underway for Rover and the mural project.


Β·      Megan is going to type up a video timeline calendar asap and give to Joe to start planning shooting video, interviews, etc. The plan is to have all the files ready to go in a folder for video editing by 12/1/14.

Megan’s possible Storyboard for youth education video

(to be less than 3.5 minutes long):


1.     (Filed by 11/21) Open with MCAC logo, “Art classes and workshops” (or similar text) and music playing.

2.     (Done by 10/31) Cut to Joe with an upbeat and quick opening statement about the program in general.

3.     (video, interviews, images, and quote chosen and filed by 10/31) Cut to “Rover Program” (or similar text) and artwork image.

Β·      Then open with short video clip of classes, followed by interviews of students.

Β·      End this section with a few good text quotes from students and possible artwork images.

4.     (Take video, 1 quote, 2 imgs on 10/20 or 11/3) Cut to “Library Workshop” (or similar text) and artwork image.

Β·      Then open with short video clip of classes, followed by interviews of students.

Β·      End this section with a good text quote from student and/or artwork images.

5.     (Take video on 10/21 of 2D class and instructor interview) Cut to “MCAC art classes” (or similar text) and artwork images.

Β·      Then open with short video clip or slide show of classes, followed by possible interviews of students. Show classrooms in images or video if possible.

Β·      End this section with a good text quote from student and/or artwork images.

6.     (10/21: 2D class—Sarah Sciba?) Cut to a short clip of an instructor talking about the program.

7.     Cut to ROVER students yelling, “Come make art at McLean County Arts Center!”

8.     End with Logo and website


Entire file with all video, logos, music, images, interviews, and quotes to Doug (or other editor) by 12/1/14.



Β· Β·       Events Committee (

                Gay Dolan (chair), Stephanie Duquenne, Anita Carney, Rachelle Stivers, Angela Pelusi, Anne Boyden, Sue Lakin

Β· Β·       Executive Committee (

Β· Barbara Taft (chair), Paul Harmon, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman

Β· Β·       Exhibitions Committee (

Β· Charlette Elm (chair), Dennis French, Jan Brandt, Megan Kathol Bersett


Β· Β·       Finance Committee (

Β· Sue Wang (chair), Gary Hoover, Paul Harmon, Doug Johnson, Charlette Elm, Ruth Ann Friedberg (Community member)

Β· Β·       Human Resources (

Alexis Kalish (chair), John Groves, Gary Hoover, Rachelle Stivers

Β· Β·       Membership Committee (

Deb Wozniak (chair), Sue Wang, Jan Brandt, Rashod Taylor

Β· Β·       Bylaws Committee (

Alexis Kalish (chair), Barbara Taft, Julia Davis

Old Business

Β· Β·       Roger Cavitt was donating two Miro prints to the Arts Center, however they turned out to be only posters.




3.   President’s Report – Barbara Taft- 




4.  Treasurer’s Report- Susan Wang 

See attached documents 




5.   Director’s Report- Doug Johnson 

Thanks to everyone who supported the Holiday Treasures Gala!


Grant Updates

Illinois Arts Council Agency:  the checks in support of Program should be arrive in the coming days ($9k+) and Regrant has been deposited.


 National Endowment for the Arts: We are working on the NEA grant for the Downtown Murals , it is due in January. Iris Sowlat, grants intern, is researching. Additionally, working together with Doug, we are writing grants for Rover, and general support.

The Board Strategic Planning Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th, beginning at 8:30 at Country Companies.  We should be completed by 2pm.Pre Reading materials will be distributed soon.

Other Recent Activity:


 Doug has submitted a letter nominating Mayor Koos for the 2015 Public Leadership in the Arts Awards for local leadership.


Doug is presenting to the Local Arts Network in Urbana on Friday afternoon.


Basement work on the future Collections Room has been ongoing.  Two dumpsters will filled with debris, and the walls will be tuck-pointed, see attached bid came in at $2,800, far less than expected.  Significant issues with these load bearing walls will be addressed, although we will have additionally sweat equity in prep and finishing.


The AART Video is almost complete.  If there is interest, we can show the draft at the board meeting.


A Holiday Treasures Video will be posted after Thanksgiving.  Thanks to the Town of Normal for loaning us a Mrs. Claus outfit and to Ian Crawley for assuming the role.


Exhibitions:  Sponsorships are needed.  See the attached document.


Upcoming Events: 12/2 League of Women Voters event


Education:  The Winter brochures have been distributed. 



Spring Bloom: April 18, 2015

Sugar Creek: July 11 & 12, 2015



 Misc. Items-


 Old Business:  

New Business: 

Accept item to our Collection: 


Full NameGay Dolan
Attending:Barbara Taft
Doug Johnson
Gay Dolan
Anita Carney
Sue Lakin
Others present:Anne Boyden, Rachelle Stivers, Stephanie Duquenne.

P.S.  The board member list needs to be updated.
Date & time of meeting8/28, 9/17 and 10/8.  
TopicHoliday Treasures Opening
Issues discussedSolicitation of sponsors via special invitation.  $4,000 in donations have been received.  

Attention has been given to having a festive holiday party while keeping costs contained.

Time:  Donor preview 11/7 from 4:30- 5:30p.  Sparkling wine to be served.

Set-up:  Bistro tables with servers passing through the group with hor d'oeurves on trays.  Baxter's will provide 3 servers for a cost of $450 which includes gratuity.  Doug/Ian have contacted a cellist to play for the event at a cost of $150 for the evening.

Catering:  Baxter's Grille.  
Menu will include 9 pieces per guest  and include a variety of savory and sweet choices to meet the needs of vegetarians as well as more hearty eaters.

All board members are encouraged to   participate in ticket sales. Tickets may be purchased from a board member, on line at mcac.organd at the door. History tells us to expect approximately 100 guests.

Serving of alcoholic beverages:  Guests will receive 2 tickets which can be used for purchase of wine and beer.  After these are used, there will be a cash bar.  A licensing fee of $150 is required for the cash bar.  Unopened wine bottles can be returned for a credit.  MCAC will furnish soft drinks including sparkling water.  Weaver's Rent All is providing glassware at a discounted price.

Invitations and posters have a festive look with stylized deer created by Doug.
Posters have been distributed in DT Bloomington, UT Normal and selected eastside locations.  Doug plans to stencil deer on the entry wall.  Sue Lakin is working on an in-kind donation from Viva la Flora for fresh flowers/greens.
Resources neededPlease refer to email sent by Claire requesting help from the Board on Sign-up Genius

Assistance is needed for the following:     Set-up and decorations onSat. Nov. 1st.  
Assistance at door with tickets and coats
Help with gift sales
Manning jewelry counter.

Additional assistance my also be required for the preview event.
Board vote needed?Unsure


Name of Committee:     Human Resources

Present at meeting:        Alexis Kalish, Rachelle Stivers

Absent from meeting:    Gary Hoover

Non-board members:     None  

Meeting date and time:  Monday, September 29, 2014

Item topic name:             1.  Unexcused Absences at Board Meetings

                                        2.  Bylaws Review

                                        3.  Board Membership Needs

                                        4.  HR Committee Needs

Item issues:                      1.  Board members with excessive absences.

                                         2.  Bylaws do not reflect current structure of HR Committee

                                         3.  Need 1-2 Board Members currently; potentially 2-5 at end-              


                                         4.  Need one committee member from membership-at-large; 

                                              need one outside member.                

Resources required:         None.

Actionable item:              1.   A.  Alexis will contact Board member regarding absence. 

                                               B.  Rachelle will canvas one and two-year Board members

                                                     to determine what information members need to have

                                                     early on.  She will see what Board guidelines are

                                                     currently available and update or create a “handbook” or 

                                                     document including the absence policy. Board members

                                                     will be contacted after a first unexcused absence and be

                                                     reminded of the policy.  At a second unexcused absence,

                                                     the member will be contacted to advise that a third

                                                     unexcused absence will result in removal.                                    

                                               C.  Alexis will create a tracking chart.   

                                               D.  Request meeting reminders be sent a week in advance

                                                     with notice to advise (Doug?) when excused absence is


                                               E.  Hold orientation meeting for new Board members.

                                          2.  Alexis will rewrite HR Committee description to combine

                                               Nominating and Personnel Committees.

                                          3.  and 4.   Solicit recommendations from Board, review

                                               membership listing, solicit from membership-at-large,

                                               request  input from Education Coordinator.  Also, need to       

                                               clarify definition of “term” as used in Bylaws – especially in

                                               regard to the Treasurer.

The next HR Committee will be scheduled when Gary can attend.  The focus will be Evaluations.

Submitted by:  Alexis Kalish, HR Committee Chair

McLean County Arts Center

Board Meeting September 2014 Agenda 


Board Members

Present: Paul Harmon, Vice President; Susan Wang, Treasurer; Aaron Henkelman At-Large. Megan Kathol Bersett, Jan Brandt, Anita Carney, Julia Davis, Gay Dolan, Stephanie Duquenne, Linda Fisher Willis, Dennis French, Gary Hoover, Sue Lakin, Rachelle Stivers, Rashod Taylor

Excused: Barbara Taft, President; Alexis Kalish, Secretary; Deb Wozniak, Charlette Elm,


Angela Pelusi, 

Call to order: 5:04pm

2.   Secretary’s Report-  


Board Meeting July 14, 2014

Barbara Taft

Jan Brandt  *

Dennis French

Linda Willis Fisher

Paul Harmon

Anita Carney

Gary Hoover

Deb Wozniak

Sue Wang  *

Julie Davis  *

Sue Lakin

Alexis Kalish

Gay Dolan

Angela Pelusi  *

Doug Johnson

Aaron Henkelman

Stephanie Duquenne  *

Rahelle Stivers

Carmel Rhoda

Megan Kathol Bersett

Charlette Elm

Rashod Taylor

*  Absent


Call to Order:  5:00 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the May meeting are to be placed on the website.

President’s Report:  Barb acknowledged Aaron, Board members, Doug, and MCAC staff for the accomplishments of the previous year.  To maintain momentum, we would like to further strengthen sustainability of the organization and our connection to the community.  The Board will undertake strategic planning to review our mission statement and begin to focus on how we deliver value to our customers, what people and environment are needed to deliver our objectives, and what we need to ensure our financial sustainability.  We will also focus on building partnerships with local businesses, like-minded organizations, and the public at large.

Treasurer’s Report:  In Sue’s absence, Charlette presented the Treasurer’s Report.  She noted income and memberships are up over last year.  Year-to-date net income is $72,954.

Director’s Report

  • Β·       Grant Updates
  • o   The application for the Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) Community Arts Access Grant was submitted last week.
  • o   In August, we will be working on the National Endowment for the Arts grant for the Downtown Murals.
  • Β·       The Membership brochure has been completed.  Estate Giving and Sponsorship/Partnership brochures are being developed. 
  • Β·       We just received a $5000 check from the Harmon Arts Grant in support of the Rover program.
  • Β·       Festival applications will be available next week. 
  • o   Spring Bloom – April 18, 2015
  • o   Sugar Creek – July 11 & 12, 2015
  • Β·       Sugar Creek was very successful.  Significant changes this year:
  • o   A main stage was not utilized.  Performances were at street level at two locations.  This saved $2000.
  • o   In partnership with the Ecology Action Center, we delivered recyclable water bottles that were refilled from a water cart.  The Marriott Hotel and Firehouse provided water and ice.
  • o   The artist party was held at Firehouse Pizza.  Drink discounts were provided rather than an open bar.  We saved $500.
  • o   Education was located at North and Broadway, and we nearly doubled our numbers from last year.

                 Next year we need more staff for Education, water delivery, and the bicycle “Good to Go” deliveries.

Committeee Reports:  Doug and the Excecutive Board met June 4th to establish committees. 

  • Β·       Building Committee (
  • Dennis French (Chair), Deb Wozniak, Aaron Henkelman
  • Β·       Community Partnerships Committee (
  • Stephanie Duquenne (chair), Sue Lakin, Barbara Taft, Rashod Taylor, Aaron Henkelman, Paul Harmon
  • Β·       Education Committee ((

Linda Willis Fisher (chair), Megan Kathol Bersett, Mike McNeil (Community member)

                Gay Dolan (chair), Stephanie Duquenne, Anita Carney, Rachelle Stivers, Angela Pelusi, Anne Boyden, Sue Lakin

  • Β·       Executive Committee (
  • Barbara Taft (chair), Paul Harmon, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman
  • Β·       Exhibitions Committee (
  • Charlette Elm (chair), Dennis French, Jan Brandt, Megan Kathol Bersett
  • Β·       Finance Committee (
  • Sue Wang (chair), Gary Hoover, Paul Harmon, Doug Johnson, Charlette Elm, Ruth Ann Friedberg (Community member)
  • Β·       Human Resources (

Alexis Kalish (chair), John Groves, Gary Hoover, Rachelle Stivers

Deb Wozniak (chair), Sue Wang, Jan Brandt, Rashod Taylor

Alexis Kalish (chair), Barbara Taft, Julia Davis

Old Business

  • Β·       The basement cleanout will be held in early September.
  • Β·       The website will be upgraded soon.
  • Β·       The videos are well-received and have a good branding effect.
  • Β·       John Groves asked if there is any way to bring the permanent collection into a searchable format.  Dennis said he would be happy to photograph the pieces.

New Business:  Roger Cavitt is donating two Miro prints to the Arts Center.

Adjournment:  6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary

3.   President’s Report – Barbara Taft- 

President’s Report

I want to thank all of you for attending the exhibition openings, the artists receptions and the community events sponsored by the MCAC. Your presence speaks volumes, not only of your commitment to the Center as a Board member, but also of your enthusiasm for the good work done here and the great staff that makes it all happen. We have had record crowds at our exhibit openings and unexpected press due to the nature of the exhibitions and art work shown. So, thank you again for your dedication and support.

We want to capitalize on this momentum to connect the Center to the community through partnerships with local businesses, like-minded organizations and the public at large. We will continue to flesh out this initiative further, with an emphasis on marketing who we are and what we have to offer to these various audiences. More to come on this!

As I mentioned in my last report we will undertake strategic planning for the Center this year. Doug has been in discussions with Carol Beneze, who will facilitate the discussion. This is an important undertaking and your participation as Board members is essential to success of the strategic planning session. We will need to meet on a Saturday and the session will take several hours. We will have some pre-work to help jump start the process.  We may need to have a follow-up meeting. The goal is to have at the end of the process a well-defined strategic plan focused on:

  • Β·      Delivering  what our customers want form us;
  • Β·      What people and environment we must have to deliver our objectives; and
  • Β·      What we need to do to ensure our financial sustainability. 

As academic as is sounds, it actually is a very engaging and fulfilling exercise, which will result in a course we can chart over the next three to five years. Carol will be available October 11 or one of the first two Saturdays in November.

Finally, the strategic planning process will help identify action items for the committees, so the work we do and the work of our volunteers is all in support of moving these efforts forward.

What are your thoughts and availability?

Finally, the chairs of the committees met last month to discuss committee activities, regularly scheduled meetings and Board reporting. Thank you to those who could attend-it was a very productive meeting. One of the items we wanted to bring to the Board was the idea of returning to monthly Board meetings, as opposed to every two month. We feel as if we are losing some continuity and connectivity as a Board. If your are unable to attend a meeting now,  three months will pass before you can attend the next scheduled meeting.

I will ask Doug to provide his thoughts and we can open the topic up for discussion. 

4.  Treasurer’s Report- Susan Wang   

Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2014

McLean County Arts Center

In Attendance: Charlette Elm, Paul Harmon, Gary Hoover, Doug Johnson, Carmel Rhoda, Ruth Friedberg, Sue Wang

  • 1.     Discussed August Financial Report
  • Β·      Discussed cash basis vs. accrual basis. There is about $5000 in the bottom line that still needs to be re-granted. Also keep in mind $36,000 of Merwin donation is included in the bottom line. This will need to be invested in a money market account.
  • Β·      Credit card expenses haven’t been posted yet as we haven’t got the statement.
  • 2.     Discussed Form 990 preparation
  • Β·      Ruth offered to prepare 990 this year. It will be great to have fresh perspectives on monthly financials Vs. grant application Vs. monthly financials.
  • 3.     Budget
  • Β·      We are all in agreement that 2013-14 FY actuals can be used as basis for 2014-15 budget, but Doug will check with Barbara.
  • 4.     Discussed meeting with endowment committee
  • Β·      Doug will schedule a meeting with Endowment Committee in mid-October
  • Β·      It was agreed that professional management of the endowment is necessary. A ROP will be necessary, but the process will not begin until after meeting with the Endowment Committee.

5.   Director’s Report- Doug Johnson 


Grant Updates

Illinois Arts Council Agency:  Final Reports for Grant are due at the end of the month.

 National Endowment for the Arts: We are working on the NEA grant for the Downtown Murals , it is due in January. Iris Sowlat, grants intern, is researching. Additionally, working together with Doug, we are writing grants for Rover, and general support.


Other Recent Activity: Downtown Mural supplies are on hand, and we are expecting reimbursement from the DBA this week.

The Art on the Trail event was a great first year effort. We has press coverage (A3 in the Pantagraph, with photos)  Claire’s interview in WGLT is available on their website.

 Exhibitions: A terrific opening was held for the Ecovisions and Preserving Parklands exhibitions. We had great crowds and sales.  Thanks to the board members in attendance and those who worked the bar and the crowd. WGLT will feature interviews with Claire and Doug, as well as several artists. The video is due shortly.

Upcoming Events:


Education: Rover program has concluded, save for the delivery of artwork back to We just received the $5000 check in support of this program from the Harmon Arts Grant

Festivals: With our new application system, we have open the festival applications for both 2015 Sugar Creek and Spring Bloom this week.  Dates are set. 

Spring Bloom: April 18, 2015

Sugar Creek: July 11 & 12, 2015

Our 2014 Final Tally was $17,405, up from FY13 $11,666.  Note FY12 = $23,487 but this included a $10,000 support from BroMenn.

 Holiday Treasures Gala on November 7.  Logistics of catering, liquor, and sponsorship are being arranged.  Sponsorship ask cards were mailed yesterday.

Misc. Items-

John Groves has resigned the board due to relocating to Arizonia.

Education Enrollment is suffering, the staff and committee will be exploring options.

Permanent Storage Collection:  We will be scheduling a day shortly to deconstruct the former Photo room.

Committee Reports: On August  20, we hosted a Committee Chairperson meeting.

Here is the complete committee list with Chair roles identified


Building Committee

Working to assess and coordinate building projects.  

Dennis French (chair), Deb Wozniak, Aaron Henkelman


Education Committee

Responsible for working with the Education Coordinator to assess potential classes.

Linda Willis-Fisher (chair), Megan Kathol Bersett 


Events Committee

Working with the Director and staff for the planning and organizing of Holiday Treasures and other events and assist in the planning and organizing of the Sugar Creek and Spring Bloom Arts Festivals.

Gay Dolan (chair), Stephanie Duquenne, Anita Carney, Rachelle Stivers, Angela Pelusi, Anne Boyden, Sue Lakin


Executive Committee:

Barbara Taft (chair), Paul Harmon, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman 


Exhibitions Committee

Responsible for working with the Curator to assess potential exhibitions and develop sponsorships.

Charlette Elm (chair), Dennis French, Jan Brandt, Megan Kathol Bersett


Finance Committee

Working with Director, Bookkeeper and Endowment Mangers to assess fiscal matters.

Sue Wang (chair), Gary Hoover, Paul Harmon,  Doug Johnson, Charlette Elm, Ruth Ann Friedberg


Community Partnerships Committee

Responsible for leading board to establish and implement organizational partnerships. Responsible for leading board to establish and implement branding documents, outreach, and community development.

Stephanie Duquenne (Chair), Sue Lakin, Barbara Taft, Rashod Taylor, Aaron Henkelman, Paul Harmon


Human Resources

Working with the Director and Board President to address staffing issues.   Working with the Director and Board President to recruit and select New Board Members and assess board performance.

Alexis Kalish (chair), John Groves, Gary Hoover, Rachelle Stivers.


Membership Committee

Responsible for working with the Director and Administrative Assistant to assess and promote MCAC membership efforts recruit new members.

Deb Wozniak (chair), Sue Wang, Jan Brandt, Rashod Taylor


Bylaw Review Committee (Ad Hoc)

Evaluate and suggest revisions to the organizational operating guidelines.

Alexis Kalish, Barbara Taft, Julia Davis


Old Business:  

New Business: 

Accept item to our Collection: 


MCAC Education Meeting Minutes Submitted by Megan Kathol Bersett 8/8/14
Issues discussed:
ROVER program:
Exhibition opens on 8/15/14
Harmon Arts Grant:
• SCAF-great success with over 400 participants!
• 15 Normal Public Library workshops to begin Sept. 8th and meet twice a month throughout the 
school year.
Museum evaluation best practices workshop:
This will take place at MCAC on Monday, August 18, and is IAEA sponsored. Registration is taking place 
through the IAEA website.
Constitution Trail Celebration/ART ON THE TRAIL:
• Andy Goldsworthy inspired outdoor nature installation using only natural objects/will stay 
contructed for a while with a sign posted to draw attention to MCAC
• Summer classes: 13 successful classes out of 19 offered 
• 7 adult classes with 54 participants
• 4 youth classes/camps with 15 participants
• 2 family workshops with 13 participants
• 5 children’s classes cancelledundefinedUp against us are cost, competition and lack of awareness of 
programming. We need better advertising, and community partnerships is also a way to engage 
youth in art programs outside the center.
Strategic Planning:
• Advertising/marketing/awareness:
Β§ Youth education video (see ‘Advertising’ below)
Β§ Distribution of class brochures is happening regularly each season around town and at area 
Β§ Joe will check up on flier distribution possibilities of flier distribution in rural schools.
Β§ Joe will consider making half sheet fliers to send out to each student in schools with black 
ink on colored paper.
Β§ Unit 5 and District 87 have a link to our website. What about having an image and a “sign 
up now” ad on there around the start of school? Is this possible? Do districts have facebook 
Β§ Can we follow up on the guest sign-up book by collecting email addresses/home addresses 
and add to list for sending out education information?
Β§ Can we also get a sign up sheet and encourage people at the art booth at Spring Bloom to 
sign up for info? We also want a specific volunteer for this on the sign-up genius next year.
• Afterschool Programming (potential goal for 2015-16 school year):
Β§ Joe checked with Unit 5 schoolsundefinedThe Town of Normal runs their afterschool program, so 
we would have to go through them to organize art workshops. At the time they do not have 
art classes.CAC Education Meeting Minutes Submitted by Megan Kathol Bersett 8/8/14
Β§ We could do 2 different grade groups (1st-2nd and 3rd-5th grade classes). To save money and 
make the program more viable for teachers, we could do 2 different workshops that 2 
teachers teach at each different site. This might result in 1-2 classes per school, and 1-2 
classes per week, possibly on fridays. The committee agreed that this size of program was 
feasible for MCAC to do. 
Β§ The next order of business would be to decide how to pay for this, whether through 
parents, the Town of Normal, or grants, or a combination of these. We discussed that 
parents may be happy to pay a small fee of $10 or so for their child to receive 2 art classes, 
and that with 15 students in each class, this may pay for itself. We will discuss this more at 
the next meeting.
Β§ Registration would entail forms given out at the programs, and returned first come first 
serve. Would the students just bring the money at the first session?
• Is there any way to partner with ISU and the Boys and Girls club? How would we do this?
• What about partnering with Western Avenue and Unity Center?
Youth education video: 
• We are in the process of getting a short video together of youth education programming (5 
minutes or less). (We will work on an adult video once the youth one is finished.)
Β§ Joe is going to get a digital folder started to collect video clips and images for the youth 
education video. We will need:
Ø Rover material
Ø Library workshop material
Ø MCAC class material (including girl scout footage/images)
Ø A clip of ROVER attendees yelling something like: “Come visit the McLean County 
Arts Center!”
Ø A short clip of Joe promoting the programs
Ø A short clip of one of the instructors talking about the program.
Ø Clips of quotes from students from evaluation forms.
Β§ Megan is going to send Joe a storyboard list for the editors of the video.
Β§ We have come up with a few interview questions that Joe will ask students that attend the 
library workshops or in-house classes. I believe we already have clips interviewing ROVER 
students. Joe said he will do this at the Sept. 21st library workshop “Zentangled.”
Β§ Doug or an intern will hopefully be willing to edit the video once we put all the material 
Β§ We would like to make the video timeless, so as to be useable over a couple of years.


Executive Committee Meeting August 20, 2014

Attendees:  Barb Taft, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson  (Absent:  Paul Harmon, Sue Wang)

Meeting called to order: 5:02 p.m.  

Sponsorships:  We are still in need of Sponsorships for exhibits.  It was suggested we make a direct ask to Membership.  Perhaps put on Facebook as well.

Strategic Plan:  Doug met with Carol Beneze August 11th.  She believes three or more afternoon sessions, starting in late September, would be needed to develop a strategic plan.  Pre-reading would be required.

Committee Chair Meeting:  A meeting of Committee Chairs was held August 13th with good attendance.  The Chairs were appreciative of the opportunity to discuss their roles.  Hopefully committees will understand their roles and be active this year.

Interns:  Interns are being established for the fall.  Jade Hansen will continue.  Omar Khan, who worked on videos, may be moving to Chicago.  Iris Sowlat, an IWU theater major, will be working with Grants and with Wild Apricot.  She had experience with Wild Apricot this summer with Chicago Dramatists.  Cameron Johnson, a graphic designer, returns from last spring.  Interning at MCAC offers academic credit for some, and experience in Arts Administration for others.

BNACVB Advertising:  Doug is waiting to hear from the Community Partnership Committee regarding advertising with the BN Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.  The full rate is $750.  To be included in the Downtown Association costs $250.

Executive Director Activities:  The Area Arts Round Table Board met Tuesday.  Doug is Board President.  Friday he attended the Local Arts Network Workshop (with Illinois Arts Council and Illinois Arts Alliance) in Chicago.

Bruegala:  Bruegala starts at 2:00 p.m. Saturday.  The building will be closed.

Sugar Creek:  Profit was $17,430, an increase of $5,763 over last year.  We need to brand MCAC as who puts Sugar Creek on.  An “Ask” documents will be developed, and we will start soliciting sponsorship mid-September. Ideas for further increasing income include sponsorship for awards, T-shirts, printed material.


Farmer’s Market Artists’ Alley:  MCAC serves as jurist for participants.

Board MeetingsMonthly Board meetings, rather than bi-monthly, are recommended.

Holiday Treasures:  Holiday Treasures will be held November 7th.  The Board will be asked to contribute food.

Adjournment:  5:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Board Meeting July 14, 2014

Barbara Taft

Jan Brandt  *

Dennis French

Linda Willis Fisher

Paul Harmon

Anita Carney

Gary Hoover

Deb Wozniak

Sue Wang  *

Julie Davis  *

Sue Lakin

Alexis Kalish

Gay Dolan

Angela Pelusi  *

Doug Johnson

Aaron Henkelman

Stephanie Duquenne  *

Rachelle Stivers

Carmel Rhoda

Megan Kathol Bersett

Charlette Elm

Rashod Taylor

*  Absent

Call to Order:  5:00 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the May meeting are to be placed on the website.

President’s Report:  Barb acknowledged Aaron, Board members, Doug, and MCAC staff for the accomplishments of the previous year.  To maintain momentum, we would like to further strengthen sustainability of the organization and our connection to the community.  The Board will undertake strategic planning to review our mission statement and begin to focus on how we deliver value to our customers, what people and environment are needed to deliver our objectives, and what we need to ensure our financial sustainability.  We will also focus on building partnerships with local businesses, like-minded organizations, and the public at large.

Treasurer’s Report:  In Sue’s absence, Charlette presented the Treasurer’s Report.  She noted income and memberships are up over last year.  Year-to-date net income is $72,954.

Director’s Report

  • Β·       Grant Updates
  • o   The application for the Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) Community Arts Access Grant was submitted last week.
  • o   In August, we will be working on the National Endowment for the Arts grant for the Downtown Murals.
  • Β·       The Membership brochure has been completed.  Estate Giving and Sponsorship/Partnership brochures are being developed. 
  • Β·       We just received a $5000 check from the Harmon Arts Grant in support of the Rover program.
  • Β·       Festival applications will be available next week. 
  • o   Spring Bloom – April 18, 2015
  • o   Sugar Creek – July 11 & 12, 2015
  • Β·       Sugar Creek was very successful.  Significant changes this year:
  • o   A main stage was not utilized.  Performances were at street level at two locations.  This saved $2000.
  • o   In partnership with the Ecology Action Center, we delivered recyclable water bottles that were refilled from a water cart.  The Marriott Hotel and Firehouse provided water and ice.
  • o   The artist party was held at Firehouse Pizza.  Drink discounts were provided rather than an open bar.  We saved $500.
  • o   Education was located at North and Broadway, and we nearly doubled our numbers from last year.

                 Next year we need more staff for Education, water delivery, and the bicycle “Good to Go” deliveries.

Committeee Reports:  Doug and the Excecutive Board met June 4th to establish committees. 

  • Β·       Building Committee (
  • Dennis French (Chair), Deb Wozniak, Aaron Henkelman
  • Β·       Community Partnerships Committee (
  • Stephanie Duquenne (chair), Sue Lakin, Barbara Taft, Rashod Taylor, Aaron Henkelman, Paul Harmon
  • Β·       Education Committee ((

Linda Willis Fisher (chair), Megan Kathol Bersett, Mike McNeil (Community member)

                Gay Dolan (chair), Stephanie Duquenne, Anita Carney, Rachelle Stivers, Angela Pelusi, Anne Boyden, Sue Lakin

  • Β·       Executive Committee (
  • Barbara Taft (chair), Paul Harmon, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman
  • Β·       Exhibitions Committee (
  • Charlette Elm (chair), Dennis French, Jan Brandt, Megan Kathol Bersett
  • Β·       Finance Committee (
  • Sue Wang (chair), Gary Hoover, Paul Harmon, Doug Johnson, Charlette Elm, Ruth Ann Friedberg (Community member)
  • Β·       Human Resources (

Alexis Kalish (chair), John Groves, Gary Hoover, Rachelle Stivers

Deb Wozniak (chair), Sue Wang, Jan Brandt, Rashod Taylor

Alexis Kalish (chair), Barbara Taft, Julia Davis

Old Business

  • Β·       The basement cleanout will be held in early September.
  • Β·       The website will be upgraded soon.
  • Β·       The videos are well-received and have a good branding effect.
  • Β·       John Groves asked if there is any way to bring the permanent collection into a searchable format.  Dennis said he would be happy to photograph the pieces.

New Business:  Roger Cavitt is donating two Miro prints to the Arts Center.

Adjournment:  6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary


Executive Committee Meeting June 18, 2014

Attendees:  Barb Taft, Paul Harmon, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson

Meeting called to order: 5:05 p.m.  Executive Board meetings will be held at 5:00 p.m. the 3rd Wednesday of months we do not have a Board meeting. 

Sugar Creek Arts Festival

  • Β·       Booth assignments are set and will be published shortly.  There will be 129 artists.
  • Β·       Two policemen will patrol the area.
  • Β·       Ask documents for sponsorships have been distributed.  Paul suggested we start this process earlier.
  • Β·       Bands are being finalized.
  • Β·       At the last Board meeting, we discussed having a Margarita Night type event in the plaza.  The Event Committee likes the idea, but felt there wasn’t sufficient time to plan this year.

Grant Updates:

  • Β·       $4000 Harmon Arts Grant award letter was received today.
  • Β·       COMMARTS (Community Art Access) grant application for FY15 is due to the Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) on July 1st.  The application is 95% complete. 
  • Β·       Joe is serving on the IACA Arts in Education Grant Panel.
  • Β·       Doug is serving on the IACA Visual Arts Grant Panel and the Arts Services panel.

AART Area Arts Roundtable:  Doug was elected President of the Area Arts Round Table.  The group’s purpose is collaboration and promotion among the participating groups.  Omar Khan, intern, is working on a video of the arts in the community.

Illinois Arts Alliance:  Doug was re-elected to the Executive Board of the IIA as Statewide chair.

Strategic Planning:  An external facilitator, Carol Beneze, will be contacted to see if she can work with us this fall.


  • Β·       M&S was called to address alarm issues.  The sensors were set at “11,” and have now been adjusted to a lower level.
  • Β·       Exterior lights have been vandalized for the second time in 3 months.  Wilcox Electric will move the lights closer to the building.  Dennis will build a box to surround the lights.
  • Β·       Regarding the property next door, Doug has contacted the owner.  We would need an assessment prior to considering further.

Committee Chairs:  A meeting of Committee Chairs will be held prior to the August meeting.  We need to discuss questions, goals, and visioning.

Interns:  The Arts Center currently has several interns. 

  • Β·       Omar Khan – video
  • Β·       Molly Briggs – grants
  • Β·       Theresa _____ -working with Doug on Sugar Creek
  • Β·       Jamie Pitts – working with Claire on the quilt show
  • Β·       Son Dang – brochures
  • Β·       Jade Hancer – utility

Merwin Grant:  The donor plaque will be revised to recognize the gift from Davis Merwin.

Basement Clean-up:  A dumpster will be brought in for basement clean-up in August or September.  We have a number of Art books that we are willing to give away.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary

McLean County Arts Center Board Meeting Minutes for 5/21/14

Members in Attendance:   Rashod Taylor, Charlette Elm, Alexis Kalish, Gay Dolan, Paul Harmon, Dennis French, Gary Hoover , Barbara Taft, Sue Wang, Julia Davis, Sue Lakin, Anita Carney, Linda Willis Fisher, Deb Wozniak, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson, Joe Hooten, Claire Hedden and Carmel Rhoda.

Absent/Excused Members:  Angela Pelusi, Jan Brandt, and John Groves.

Call to order:  President Aaron Henkelman called the meeting to order.

President’s Report:  

Thank you for everyone’s help for Spring Bloom, we have a profit of $8,473.     Aaron Henkelman will be stepping down and Barbara Taft will be taking over as President,                   Paul Harmon – VP, Alexis Kalish – Secretary, Sue Wang – Treasurer.  New Board positions were voted   on and approved. 

New Board Members were introduced:  Rachelle Stivers and Stephanie DuQuenne and approved.

Director’s Report:

Doug is working on Sugar Creek sponsorships and music.  There will be two areas that music will be played at Sugar Creek.  Sponsorships will be needed within the next few weeks for advertising.  If you have any suggestions or names for Sponsorships, please email or phone Doug.  There was talk about the possibility of having a ticketed Saturday night event with a caterer and bar in conjunction with the artist party.  Some were concerned about the time to get ticket sales, the amount of the tickets and advertising for the event or the possibility of planning for next year.  We have filed paperwork to partner with Kohl’s for volunteers to help with the education booth and set up at Sugar Creek.  If we are approved we will receive 5 volunteers for 3 hours and a check for $500.00.   

Education – Joe gave a presentation for the annual meeting to talk about the increase in enrollment and the ongoing ROVER program.

Upcoming Exhibitions – Claire gave a presentation on the upcoming exhibitions for the next year.  They were approved.  We are in need of sponsorships for the following upcoming exhibit:

Please consider sponsoring or partnering with someone to sponsor an exhibit, any amount you are able to give will be helpful.

KodaRoamers Camera Club

August 1 - 30, 2014, Armstrong Gallery

$750 full sponsorship

Treasurer’s Report:  $71,000 (2/3) from Dave Merwin was added to our endowment account.  The other 1/3 will be put into a money market account.  Treasurer’s report was approved.

New Business:

Rashod Taylor gave information about a couple who gives salsa dancing lessons and the possibilities of them holding a “Salsa Social” event at the Art Center sometime this summer.  It would be a ticketed event with appetizers and bar.

Doug talked about the two story white house on the alleyway will be coming up for sale and the pros and cons of a possible purchase for classes or event rentals.  Julia Davis to have a friend drive by with an estimated appraised value.  The owner has stated that the appraised value would be $95,000.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 pm

  • Next Meeting will be July 16th  - 5:00pm
  • Discussion to be on strategic planning!

McLean County Arts Center Board Meeting Minutes for 3/19/14

Members in Attendance: Rashod Taylor, Charlette Elm, Alexis Kalish, Gay Dolan, Paul Harmon, Dennis French, Gary Hoover, Megan Kathol Bersett, Barbara Taft, Sue Wang, Julia Davis, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson, Carmel Rhoda.

Absent/Excused Members:  Linda Willis Fisher, Anne Boyden, Angela Pelusi, Jan Brandt, Anita Carney, John Groves, Sue Lakin, Deb Wozniak.

Call to order:  President Aaron Henkelman called the meeting to order.

Presidents Report:  Thank you for everyone’s help for the Amateur Show.  Donor Board at the entrance of the building is up.  We would like to continue to add names to the board!

Director’s Report:

The Illinois Arts Council Program grant was submitted early. We will be looking at the 990 for our next fiscal year to be done in house and not by Ray Berta’s office.   We will be making some changes on how some items are classified to make the grant application process a little easier. 

Spring Bloom – We have 80 artists that have been excepted.  Doug is working on finalizing a logo for the event as well as all advertising for the event.  We have Kelly’s Bakery and Nacho Mamas selling food.  Mike Rich from Country Companies and Wendell Niepagen have committed to a sponsorship of $500.

The Amateur show video is on the website, the videos have been a good way of promoting MCAC and have been used by the local schools for students to watch before coming here as part of class projects.

Doug is working on brochure designs.  We will have brochures for new memberships, sponsorship-partnerships, estate giving and endowment giving.

Upcoming Exhibitions – We are in need of sponsorships for the following up coming exhibits:

Please consider sponsoring, any amount you are able to give will be helpful.

Susan Emmerson, Grace Sheese, & Nick Stolle

April 25 - June 21, 2014, Brandt Gallery

$750 half sponsorship needed(other half sponsored by Jan & Pete Brandt)

Tim Kowalczyk & Desiree Swanson

June 6 - July 26, 2014, Armstrong Gallery

$750 full sponsorship

KodaRoamers Camera Club

August 1 - 30, 2014, Armstrong Gallery

$750 full sponsorship

Treasurer’s Report:  We have received the money from the Davis Merwin estate.  The total received was $107,003.32 and was deposited in our account on 2/11/14.  Two-thirds of this money will be added to our current endowment account and the other 1/3 will be put in a money market account.

We have also received $25,000 of which all but $2,000-$3,000 will be re-granted for administrative costs.

Building Committee:  The crack in the Armstrong Gallery corner is not caused by roof damage or any structural damage.  We will be using a piece of corner molding to cover up the crack.  It should not cause  any problems in the future.

Education Committee:  Looking at some new advertising possibilities.  Enrollment is down, Joe will compile more info on past enrollment. 

Doug is working on the summer brochures as well as adding some language for class participants for emergency situations. 

Events:  Sugar Creek – WGLT will no longer be a part of Sugar Creek, we are looking at smaller musicians or groups to play scattered throughout the venue.  Doug is talking to the Town of Normal to possibly turn Sugar Creek into a ticket event with later hours.

Old Business:  

Bringing in new people to help with committee work.  

Let the Doug know by email or phone if you have any names of prospective people.  The executive board will then discuss and make final decisions.   Doug can make up a form on the MCAC website for interested parties to complete.  This process was voted on by the board and approved.

New Business:

The Human Resources committee announced that Anne Boyden will be resigned from the board due to travel issues, effective immediately.  

We are planning on renting a dumpster and cleaning out the basement sometime this summer.

There was a short discussion on the new ISU gallery.  Doug is in favor of it and thinks it will be a way to give visitors more information on MCAC through handouts.

Attached is a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) hand out, Doug would like everyone to complete for the next meeting.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 pm
  • Next Meeting will be May 21st  - 5:00pm
  • Discussion to be on strategic planning


MCAC P_L 2013-14 (2).xlsx

Link to Terry Bush Interview Video, for a historical perspective

McLean County Arts Center Board Meeting Minutes for January 15, 2014

Call to order:  President Aaron Henkelman called the meeting to order.

Members in Attendance:  Julia Davis, Deb Wozniak, Sue Wang, Alexis Kalish, Charlette Elm, Gary Hoover, Paul Harmon, John Groves, Megan Kathol-Bersett, Jan Brandt, Rashod Taylor, Dennis French, Gay Dolan, Anita Carney, Aaron Henkelman, Doug Johnson, Claire Hedden & Carmel Rhoda.

Absent/Excused Members:  Linda Willis Fisher, Anne Boyden, Barbara Taft, Angela Pelusi, Sue Lakin


Call to order:  President Aaron Henkelman called the meeting to order.

Guest Speaker:

Introductions and discussions with Sonya Mau from the Multi Cultural Leadership Program began and was very informative to everyone on what a beneficial the program could be for the Art Center as well as personal growth. Learn more here:

Director’s Report:

Festival/Event committees should be meeting soon to discuss looking for sponsorship for Spring Bloom and Sugar Creek Arts Festival.  In order to make it a continued fundraiser for the Art Center we need to secure sponsorship for different areas of Sugar Creek, i.e. food sponsor, education booth sponsor, water sponsor etc.  If anyone has any suggestions on business to ask, please let him know.

The Donation from Davis Merwin estate will about $105,000.  The Finance committee will be talking to the agency of our endowment about adding 2/3 of the money to the current endowment and leaving the remaining 1/3  in a reserve account such as a short term CD to cover only any year end short fall.  The committee is hoping to meet with the endowment officers sometime in February.  Paul Harmon motioned for a vote which Gary seconded and all agreed.

Claire discussed the need still for upcoming exhibits.  Most importantly, we are in need of sponsorship for the following shows:

  • Amateur Show 3/2-4/19  $3,500
  • Jodi Birdwell 3/7-4/19  $750 (STILL NEED)

Treasurer’s Report:  Financial statements were distributed and Sue briefly reviewed.


New Business:

The Human Resources committee introduces our newest board members….Gay Dolan and Anita Carney.

Insurance – Doug and the HR committee are to look at our current contract for instructors to protect MCAC from any damages from instructors.  Julia Davis agreed to review as well.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 pm
  • Next Meeting will be March 19th - 5:00pm

McLean County Arts Center Board Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2013

Call to Order: President Aaron Henkelman called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm.

Members in Attendance: Anne Boyden, Julia Davis, Dennis French, John Groves, Paul Harmon, Aaron Henkelman, Gary Hoover, Alexis Kalish, Sue Lakin, Angela Pelusi, Rashod Taylor, Deb Wozniak and Doug Johnson

Absent/Excused Members: Megan Kathol Bersett, Jan Brandt, Charlette Elm, Linda Willis Fisher, Barb Taft and Sue Wang

The July minutes were approved.

President’s Report: Aaron thanked all staff and interns for their hard work on the terrific 125th Exhibit and reception. He strongly urged board members to continue to sell raffle and gala tickets.

Treasurer’s Report: Doug will send all board members the current financials.

Director’s Report:

  • 1.   Grant Update- Doug is finalizing the reports for the 2013 Community Arts Access Grant and the Program Grant which supports general operating expenses.
  • 2.   For FY 2014, the Program Grant is $9100 and the Community Arts Access Grant is $5500.
  • 3.   The National Endowment for the Arts has again offered $10,000 in funding to support our ROVER program which will offer programs to rural communities, the Boys and Girls Club, the Western Avenue Community Center and the Unity Community Center on Orlando Avenue. Doug will be applying for a $50K NEA “Our Town” grant. It appears that the Bloomington City Council will commit $50K in matching funds over a two year period to support this community arts project the details of which are yet to be determined. This grant application is due January 2014.
  • 4.   Work continues with regard to the housing of our Permanent Collection in a renovated basement classroom. Board members engaged in a lively discussion about our collection and its importance to the MCAC and the community. Details regarding the policies relating to the acquisition and de- acquisition of work will be discussed at a future meeting. Several board members mentioned the need to have staff and/or “professional” input into this process.
  • 5.   Doug reviewed recent and upcoming events/exhibitions.


There were no reports from the Festivals, Building, Exhibitions, Education, Events, Membership, Finance, Fundraising and Marketing Committees.

  • 1.   Human Resources: Gary Hoover reminded all that we still have 3 openings on our board. Doug noted that the Sisters and Friends group has disbanded and perhaps a new member could come from this group.
  • 2.   125th: All were again reminded to sell raffle and gala tickets.



  • 1.   Joe Hooten, MCAC Education Coordinator, submitted a proposal to hire a “capable educator” to assist with the 2013-2014 ROVER program- to be paid $10/hour plus mileage. Sue Lakin put forth a motion to allocate funds for this position; Gary Hoover seconded and the vote was unanimous.

  • 2.   Holiday Treasures: This event will be held on November 8th and it was decided that this year, it will not be a ticketed event but rather; donations will be suggested at the door. Perhaps it will be a dessert and beverage event…to be determined by the Events Committee.

  • 3. In light of the Thanksgiving holiday, our next meeting will be held on NOVEMBER 13th at 5:00.  

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.

July 2013 Board Minutes

Call To Order at 5:03

Birthday serenade to Paul!

Introduction of all members (new and old)

Need to approve May 

President’s Report  

Treasurer’s Report  

Director’s Report  

Thanks all for their help at Sugar Creek it was a great success!  Wonderful pictures/highlights presented in a slide show.  Saturday was the most crowded day ever! 152 youths made something during Sugar Creek. 

Regarding Bicyclistsundefinedhoping to plan a “delivery” system for purchases

Largest percentage of participating artists were “1st timers” due in large part to the use of Entry Thingy for the application process.

Word of mouth is still the best advertisement to the artists.

Application fees are our easiest money.

Corporate sponsors are needed to make Sugar Creek more successful.  We need to build these partnerships now.

The slide show and artists’ comments will be sent out to board members.

Memorial Service for former Board Member Darlene Geaczyk will be held here on August 3rd.

Sponsorships are needed ASAP for exhibitions.

Paul H. suggested the Board pool our resources to sponsor the 125th show--$120 each.  The majority of members present seemed in favor of Paul’s idea.  Aaron will send an email regarding such.  Donald Lake: split between Charlotte and Sue.

Deadline for sponsorships are needed six weeks ahead of show.

Barb Taft- full sponsor Matthew Holt

Jan Brandtundefined1/2 for Susan Emmerson

Gary Hoover wants clarification if our exhibition schedule is “too full”?  Doug explained that this is a “normal” schedule and explained how we arrive at our mix of shows.

Doug reminded members that he is happy to participate in any “ask”.

Jan Carey is our new Project Coordinator. He just completed his MFA at ISU.

Future board member sessions will be offered if needed. 


Committee Reports: None except 125th

Events: Barb Taft Holiday Treasure will be the focus of the next Events Committee meeting.

Paul Harmon Are we still seeking funding for the Permanent Collection? $250,000 goal?


            Jan’s Ideas:

            -Letter to perspective members?

            -Current membership list and identify prospective members and send them a letter.


Doug will set up a table on line document where board members can provide patron information to cross reference with our records and a letter can be generated.  Jan and Doug and Carmel will develop a template for email use and personal paper use.


-Regarding membership amounts- should we use a range like $50-99 between levels? Doug will explore the idea with Carmel?


Table Sponsors amounts?

New Business:

Rob Fazzini (Bloomington City Council) approached Doug about downtown mural project.  The goal is to get serveral murals done around town.  Paint sets expensive.

$20/ square foot= typical artists fee

“Our Town” Grant   minimum level of $25,000 to be matched by municipal monies. Application deadline January 2014.

Municipality agreement to the match is part of the process.

MCAC would lead this but it’s a community endeavor.

Aaron: Motion: To support pursuing project

Taft seconded   unanimous agreement

Tabled discussion of creative place making and ___ until next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next meeting: September 18th


MCAC Board Meeting May Minutes 2013

Board MembersAaron Henkelman, President; Anne Boyden, Vice President; Sue Wang, Treasurer; Ian Crawley, Secretary; Jan Brandt, Charlette Elm, Susan Emmerson, Linda Willis Fisher, Dennis French, John Groves, Paul Harmon, Gary Hoover, Cheryl D. Jackson, Mike Kerber, Anne Matter, Angela Pelusi, Barbara Taft.


Present: Henkleman, Boyden, Wang, Crawley, Elm, Emmerson, Fisher, French, Groves, Harmon, Kerber

Excused:  Jackson, Pelusi, Taft


Call to Order: 5:05p.m.


Request for vote of new board members and officers

Vote: Move for Megan Kathol Bersett, Alexis Kalish, Rashod Taylor and Deb Woznak to become an active members of the Board May 2013

Motion: Kerber

2nd: Henkeman

In Favor: 11

Against: 0

Motion carried

Directors Report

Training on the new Wild Apricot Software

Doug has applied the new software platform “Wild Apricot” to the MCAC website.

The website is now tiered for different users; the general public; members; Board members; Staff.

Β·      Applicants for Sugar Creek can now pay online and select booth number of their choice

Β·      All Education classes can be booked and paid for online

Β·      The Board can access the website via an email address and personal password. Committee reports and Minutes can be directly imputed via the  “Board Secretary “ section of the website. Constitution By-Laws, past Minutes, Employee information, mailing list of members also available.

Β·      Upcoming Events and classes are automatically entered to the homepage

Β·      Membership information and sign up is available on general public homepage

Β·      Membership renewal: An email campaign will notify you to renew membership when it expires. After two emails a hard copy will be sent to mailing address.

Β·      Donations page: Lists sponsorship opportunities for exhibitions. This information is also sent out to our membership. Anne noted the BCPA has emailed the whole season of events to entire membership for sponsorship and recommended that more than one person can sponsor a single event.

Β·      Video interviews for exhibits is to be added to the website homepage and posted on YouTube.

Β·      Only staff/administration has access to edit the web pages. All other access is read only. Doug can edit this information from work, home, and phone, etc,.

Β·      All financial transactions are available online except sales from the gift shop.

Β·      Excellent data tracking information available on this software for Doug.

Β·      Wild Apricot software service has proved to be an excellent value.

Saturday  workshops- Have been renamed “Family Workshops” A minimal fee $3-5 has increased pre-registration and attendance. (participants vested in the program). Joe noted some favorable comments from attendees. Susan thought it would be a good idea to post these comments to the website to recommened our classes.

MCAC Board Minutes March 2013


Board MembersAaron Henkelman, President; Anne Boyden, Vice President; Sue Wang, Treasurer; Ian Crawley, Secretary; Jan Brandt, Charlette Elm, Susan Emmerson, Dennis French, John Groves, Paul Harmon, Gary Hoover, Cheryl D. Jackson, Mike Kerber, Anne Matter, Angela Pelusi, Barbara Taft, Gladys Tietz-Mercier.


Present: Henkleman, Boyden, Crawley, Elm, Emmerson, French, Groves, Harmon, Jackson, Kerber, Taft

Excused: Brandt, Hoover, Pelusi, Mercier, Wang


Call to Order: 5:01p.m.


Old Business

125 Gala

The committee has confirmed ticket price for the Fundraiser will be $125.  All Board members are expected to take on the responsibility of selling as many tickets as possible.


New Business

Next Board meeting will be the Annual Meeting scheduled in May.


Vote: Move for Linda Willis Fisher to become an active member of the Board May 2013

Motion: Kerber

2nd: Henkeman

In Favor: 11

Against: 0

Motion carried

March Consent Agenda Discussion


Prior to our discussion Doug presented a PowerPoint on the History of Spring Bloom and Sugar Creek Art Festivals. It provided a valuable insight of both festivals evolution, management, economic factors and the relationships with artists and the local community. (See attached PowerPoint)

The board broke up into small groups and presented suggestions on the following Topics:

Discussion Topics

How can we involve membership in Festivals?

Uncertain as to the nature of the question. Is it relating to volunteer opportunities or members attending festivals?

To determine attendance at Spring Bloom we could tally the members as they enter and ID them by giving them a 125 sticker.

At Sugar Creek we could do a street survey of the attending public.

We could invite our membership to speak about what they want from the festivals by way of an electronic survey or at the actual event.

The entrance fee to Spring Bloom is reasonable and should not be discounted for membership.


What else can we do for our artists?

Recommend that staff and board volunteers wear a bright vest/apron/ t-shirt that easily identifies them to the participating artists. (Add 125 logo sticker to help id)

Each artist should have a map of the booth layouts upon arrival. Maybe isles can be temporarily marked with booth sections for set up.

All volunteers should be provided with a FAQ list to assist artists, such as lighting requirements, electrical outlets, restrooms, closing times, tax info, and anything else the staff may think helpful.

Offer healthier food options such as granola bars, fresh fruit (apples, bananas, cuties etc) and fruit juice.

Have volunteers go around and offer food and drink.



Recommend that we look at our member list to identify small business that are locally connected and would see the benefit of supporting our 2 festivals.

Approach Mortgage Companies, Banks, Investment companies and St. Joes.

Approach a local nursery to support Spring Bloom?

Introduce purchase awards. Doug noted we had a previous purchase award for Sugar Creek of $1000. The award only benefits one artist and the center ultimately took a loss since we fronted the money and had to wait months to get paid by the underwriter. 

Anne will do more research on the matter of purchase awards


Upcoming Festivals

We have a radio spot upcoming to promote Spring Bloom

There will be a ΒΌ page full color ad in the Pantagraph

We should utilize social media; Facebook, tweeting

We could have a face time on how the show is going from board members.

Tweeting during the show- offer a $25 gift certificate the person who tagged the event, award the gift and post it on facebook.


125 at Festivals

Have a vest/apron for staff and board volunteers and have it covered with 125 buttons. The volunteers can go around festival giving away buttons to attendees.

Have hats, buttons, stickers and brochures celebrating 125

Recommend Doug speak for 2 minutes about our 125 years before and after the music.

Put our 125 logo on all booth signs throughout the festival.

Have a looped PowerPoint about the history of the MCAC in the 125 booth

Adjourn: 6:58

Festival Presentation

3/13 Profit and Loss Report

MCAC Board Minutes January 2013


Board MembersAaron Henkelman, President; Anne Boyden, Vice President; Sue Wang, Treasurer; Ian Crawley, Secretary; Jan Brandt, Charlette Elm, Susan Emmerson, Dennis French, John Groves, Paul Harmon, Gary Hoover, Cheryl D. Jackson, Mike Kerber, Anne Matter, Angela Pelusi, Barbara Taft, Gladys Tietz-Mercier.


Present: Henkleman, Boyden, Wang, Crawley, Emmerson, Groves, Hoover, Jackson, Kerber, Mercier, Pelusi, Taft

Excused: Brandt, Elm, Harmon, Matter

Absent: French

Call to Order: 5:07p.m.


2.   Secretary’s Report-  Sent via email.

3.   President’s Report – Aaron Henkelman

I'm excited for the opportunity to use our Board Meetings for expanded discussions.  I think it will be beneficial to the Center to be able to spend more time together to discuss issues in a more in-depth manner.  I believe we have a talented and dedicated group of individuals working together to insure the success of the Center and our expanded discussions will surely allow us to come up with both great ideas and great solutions.  


The upcoming Gregor Show will surely be well-attended.  I hope that as many of us as possible will be present to greet our visitors and assist the staff.  It is a rare occurrence for 1 artists to occupy both galleries.  And as we all know Harold is a local institution.  We will have visitors attending this show that might not usually attend, so a strong board presence will be much-appreciated.


Plus, I'd like to add that I saw our electronic billboard ad 3 times on Christmas Eve.  Lori and I were driving around looking for Star Wars on DVD...which was surprisingly tricky...but it allowed us to get several great views of the ad.  Thank you again to everyone involved with that project.  It is exciting to know our brand is reaching scores of drivers on a daily basis.

4.  Treasurer’s Report- Susan Wang

5.   Director’s Report- Doug Johnson 


New membership brochures coming soon, we are awaiting a revised draft from designer Susan Teoro.  These will include a revamped Membership, a new Sponsorship, and a new Memorial Gift brochure.   Following up with Intern Jonathan on the website.

The MCAC will host a day of training on the Cultural Data Project, part of the new granting program, on 2/19/13 in the Brandt gallery.



Harold Gregor  exhibition install the week of 1/7.  Gregor opens to public this Friday morning, reception next Friday 1/18 5pm -7pm, Art Talk Friday 2/1 at 7pm.  Gregor will be signing 50 of the poster we are marketing as a valued-added sale item.  This opening, on 1/18is expected to be huge.  BOD support at the 1/18 event is very important.

Vase as Voice has closed and the work is being shipped back to those artists outside of the community.

Holiday Treasures has closed.  Our profit, as of 1/7/13 is 8,567.16.  This amount is up more than $2,000 from last year.  Less than 25% of Holiday Treasures artists have picked up work. 

Emerging Illinois Artists Exhibition (EIA) our juried show of current Master of Fine Arts Candidates in the state of Illinois EIA Sponsorship is in need $4100 to cover awards, juror fee, poster printing, and Brandt Gallery. 

Amateur Sponsorship so far- $975, need at least $1800 to cover.  Claire is working on the Amateur show prospectus, sponsorship, and jurors.


-Joe met with the art teacher in Heyworth on 1/8/13 in advance of our next Rover sessions.  Programs are currently active in Lexington.  -ROVER workshops end Lexington stay on 1/10/13, upload classes on website, upload images to ROVER file, copy ROVER images to CD for teachers and participants, Take/mail information packet to host sites, trailer logo

-Joe is working on the downstairs organizing in the photo area.  He expects it to be completed by 1/15.

-Girl Scout workshops continue.

-He is creating updates and advertisements for classes on Facebook

-Grant writing to begin again, exploring a Community Foundation grant for programming at Western Ave.


Rob has been working with state farm regarding a project to display artwork in the lobby.  While the project presented a number of issues, the staff feels they developed a sound business plan to support the effort.  QAs is often the case, those planning at the host institution had not fully assessed the operational needs to facilitation the selection and installation of works in a semi-public space.  It is doubtful that the program will launch.

Spring Bloom is March 30.  Rob is organizing files, make some calls, sending some e-mails

Sugar Creek – making “Entry thingy” application, postcards, etc…


Misc. Items-

Permanent Storage Collection: Both HVAC bids have come in at 18k, we await the storage unit bids from a firm in Peoria. 

Plumber in to replace Staging Area Toilet and repair Public toilet, both had need of repair.

Committee Reports:

Festivals:  Sugar Creek July 6 & 7, 2013; Spring Bloom March 30, 2013.  Artists for both events will be staying at The Chateau, our first time using this hotel.








125 Planning

1.    History of the MCAC Exhibition

To be scheduled for two weeks; August 30th – September 14th 2013. Research for the exhibition needs to be completed by April.

A)   Doug met with Georgia at Withers Library. They are happy to lend items from their collection relating to our 125 celebration. We need to research what items are related to the MCAC- they do not have records to indicate what works are connected the MCAC. There is a large collection of prints including a Degas and Whistler.  Perhaps some paintings and drawings.

B)    We could have an intern and/or a board member undertake the research.

C)   Aaron: Research on the internet about the centers “39 Exposition”; An important artist donated an artwork to the town of Bloomington. Also has an article on Almira Burnham founder of the center and two paintings that the History Museum may lend to us. Our permanent collection had a Rembrandt print but was sold 25 years ago.

D)   John Groves: Spoke to Bill Camp at the Pantagraph. He produced an article approximately 2 years ago about the center. He is not willing to do another. He recommends contacting Julie Gerke who is currently on the Pantagraph city editor and a past MCAC Sugar Creek Volunteer.

E)     John will follow up with Bill Camp about providing existing information on the center from the Pantagraph archives.

F)    Video interviews with past Board members. Jan and Susan are working on a list of possible interviews and need additions to the current list. The videos will be part of  the exhibition and be posted on our website and facebook page. Deadline for the videos needs to be Mid-June.


2.    Art Exhibition

To be scheduled for two weeks: August 30th-September 14th 2013.


A)   The exhibition committee need to work with Claire and Rob to determine the nature of the exhibition. Research needs to be done about past exhibitions from our archives and what artwork is available for inclusion. Need to include items from our permanent collection and highlight our desire to expand it.    


3.    Spring Bloom Exhibit

Aaron thought we could also have a small exhibition celebrating our 125 years at Spring Bloom. It could contain information on our history and examples of artwork from our permanent collection. We could use this opportunity to promote our upcoming exhibition in August etc and market other notable dates on our calendar.


4.   Fundraising Gala:  L.I.M.E Event

    As described in the Board Agenda:

Exploration of Fundraising Dinners, modeled after a program called  L.I.M.E. (Local. Impromptu. Moveable. Evening.)    The typical evening begins at 6pm with a cocktail hour and we will sit down to dinner at 7pm.  It will be held at a secret location.  The location will only be revealed to attendees 2 days before the event.  Dinner will be created by a Chef  along with Wine Connoisseur.   These work with local farms & artisans to create a delicious meal of several courses. There will also be a small and exciting silent auction benefiting MCAC.


The location of the event will be kept a secret until two days before the date. Suggested tickets price $125 per person. It will include a 5 course meal and accompanying wine. The event will also include a silent auction.

Suggestions for possible venue; Epiphany Farms, Station 220, Mackinaw Winery, a Fred Wolrab site, roof top location, Brown Building.

Noted that the symphony event at Station 220 had 5 course meal, 100 people, $125 ticket price. Very successful. Probably made $50 on ticket price. Organizer of the event is June Van deran?? (Check with Doug) Doug noted she is also a member of MCAC. We could approach her for possible planning advice, etc? Response to LIME idea very favorable.


Ideas from break off Groups on above topics

a)    History exhibition- why was it founded in 1888? Frame the exhibition with regard to what was happening at that time in Bloomington, the State and the Nation, etc,. What clothes were being worn etc. Should the exhibition be broken into decades?

Need volunteers to sort through Boxes in the basement. Anne and Barbara have volunteered to approach the local libraries. Gridley Antiques could be a good resource. Need to have Board commit to interests in fact finding. Suggested we should solicit help from our members etc,. Involve our community.


b)     125 Theme- Concern that a history and art exhibition on its own is a little dry. Need more whimsical ideas; 125 reasons why creativity is important. Make a play on 125 (5x5x5). During Sugar Creek we could have a scavenger hunt; place stickers around town; 5 paintings in 5 places etc. Include videos of members visiting Spring Bloom/Sugar creek and their opinions of MCAC.

Need a theme for 125 and tagline for publicity.

125 artworks in McLean County; $125 gift certificates as prizes; 125 poster signed by artist; punch card to 5 events; kid contest to decorate cakes; need

125 to appeal to a broader audience. Needs to be relationship building with the community. Make it inclusive. Bring in members and past board members. 

We should host several smaller events across the year rather than one large event.

Host an art movie event at the Normal Theatre. Look into rental costs for an evening. Normal Theatre also good publicity opportunity to promote MCAC 125 years- We could offer a door prize for their traditional raffle drawing before each movie.

The actual birth date of MCAC was March 12th 1888

Doug noted that the staff is looking to the Board for ideas and direction for celebrating “125”

Doug will be working with IWU Marketing class on MCAC 125 Anniversary

c)    Possible sponsors: Michaels, Jeffery Allans, Hobby Lobby, Don Smith, Town of Bloomington, Town of Normal


Adjourn: 6:35


Board of Directors Meeting - November 19, 2014

Barbara Taft

Jan Brandt  *

Dennis French

Deb Wozniak

Paul Harmon

Anita Carney *

Gary Hoover

Sue Wang 

Julia Davis 

Sue Lakin *

Alexis Kalish

Gay Dolan

Rachelle Stivers

Doug Johnson

Aaron Henkelman

Stephanie Duquenne 

Rashod Taylor

Megan Kathol Bersett *

Charlette Elm

Linda Willis Fisher

*  Excused Absence

Call to Order:  5:04 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  Minutes of the July meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:

Building Committee:  Dennis secured a bid of $2800 from Tony Grubb Masonry to restore the brick in the area designated for storage of the Permanent Collection.  The brick will be tuck pointed, and certain areas will be re-bricked.  To prepare for this work, we need to remove some boards and nails and power wash the brick.  Fill is needed around the perimeter of the floor.  Options for the ceiling include leaving natural or spraying with cellulose foam. 

Work has been done on the light sensor on the Mulberry Street sign, the Bell Tower light, and the light on our sign.

Community Partnership Committee:  Stephanie reported the committee is reviewing past partners and identifying potential for future partnerships.  The goal is to calendar our outreach for sponsors.

Education Committee:  Linda reviewed the committee report.  Highlights include the wine and arts classes and library workshops, both of which are going very well.  Efforts are being made to increase publicity of the Art Center’s role in the Rover program.  A children’s art exhibit and after-school programming are also under discussion.  Megan has written a storyboard for a video on youth education.

Events Committee:  Gay thanked the staff for their work on Holiday Treasures, and solicited feedback on the event.  The show, the food and decorations were great.  The “early offer” for sponsors was discussed.  We could delete the time between “early offer” and when the rest of the attendees arrive.  Plan to offer food during the early time.  Doug distributed a summary of revenue to date.

Salsa Night will be held January 10th.  Light hors d’oeuvres will be served.  Cost will be $10/$7 for members.

Exhibition Committee:  Charlette distributed a list of future exhibits and outlined the sponsorship needs.

Finance Committee:  Sue reported the committee has been looking into a professional manager for the Endowment Fund.  It was moved, seconded, and approved that we solicit proposals from potential managers.

Human Resources Committee: To enforce the bylaws statement on absences, advance notice of meetings will be sent.  Those needing an excused absence are asked to respond.  In the future, minutes of the last meeting will be sent with the reminder.  Angela Pelosi has been removed from the Board due to absences and lack of response.

Membership Committee:  No report.                 


Bylaws Committee:  No report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Sue distributed and reviewed financial reports.

Director’s ReportDoug reported the Illinois Arts Council Agency check in support of programming should arrive soon.  Intern Iris Sowlat is working on the National Endowment for the Arts grant for Downtown Murals.  Iris is also helping Doug write grants for Rover and for general support.

The Board Strategic Planning Meeting will be held December 6th

Miscellaneous:  Doug has nominated Chris Koos for the 2015 Public Leadership in the Arts Award.  Doug is presenting to the Local Arts Network in Urbana.  The AART video is nearly complete.  A Holiday Treasures video will be posted after Thanksgiving.  The League of Women Voters will hold an event at the Arts Center December 2nd.  Winter education brochures have been distributed.  Spring Bloom will be held April 18, 2015.  Sugar Creek festival is July 11 and 12, 2015.

Adjournment:  6:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Alexis Kalish, Secretary

Mission Statement: We encourage and promote the appreciation, study, cultivation, development, and practice of art for the benefit of all the people, cultures and communities of McLean County. 

        "This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts"

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